10 Theta Brain Wave Benefits You Might Not Be Aware Of

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Loren Mann asked:

As more and more people learn about the benefits of meditation, awareness is also increasing of the benefits of theta brain waves in particular. Theta waves fall into the frequency range between 4 to 8 Hz, and are typically produced during dreaming sleep as well as in deep trance states.

The ability to enter the theta brainwave state (i.e. where theta wave production predominates) is a valuable one, because a number of benefits are associated with theta brain waves. These include the following:

1. Improved learning abilities

The theta state is associated with the ability to learn more easily and to retain information more effectively. For this reason, using a theta brainwave recording might be beneficial to students and anybody else who needs to process large amounts of information.

2. Increased creativity

Theta brain waves are also produced in large amounts during periods of intense creative thought. This is true of those carry out traditionally creative work, such as musicians and artists, as well as anybody who is engaging in creative thinking. So if you want to learn to think more creatively, theta meditation may help.

3. Stress release

Theta brain waves are also linked with a lowering of physical and mental stress. You’ll have experienced this for yourself already, in the form of the deep sense of relaxation that descends as you drift off to sleep (theta brainwave production increases during this time). Stress can lead to many diseases, so it’s obviously beneficial to be able to release it before it becomes a problem.

4. Subconscious communication

The theta state is also associated with increased access to the subconscious mind. This means that it makes it easier to reprogram the subconscious and release limiting beliefs that might be holding you back, as well as adopting more empowering new beliefs.

5. More energy

Many people who practice theta meditation regularly report an increased sense of energy afterwards. Going into the theta state for several minutes or more is kind of like having a nap in terms of the energising effect it has on your body and mind – but without that groggy feeling afterwards!

6. Better healing abilities

Using a theta meditation recording may also be able to help your body to stay healthy. We heal best when we’re free of stress and are deeply relaxed, and the theta states are strongly linked with stress release and extremely deep relaxation.

7. The ability to have lucid dreams

Imagine being able to control your dreams – not only could you stop a nightmare in its tracks, but you could experience any scenario you desire! Well, theta meditation may be able to help you do just that, as lucid dreaming is also linked with the production of theta brainwaves. Conversely, learning to enter the theta state consistently can make it easier to become lucid while dreaming.

8. The ability to have out of body experiences

Astral travel is another paranormal ability that’s linked with theta brain wave production. Learning to have out of body experiences at will is well worth the effort, as they give you the chance to explore beyond the mundane reality that most of us call ‘life’, and to experience a new sense of personal empowerment. Being able to enter the theta state easily is a key part of learning to leave your body on demand.

9. The development of psychic powers

Various psychic abilities are also linked with theta wave production, including telepathy, remote viewing, clairvoyance and others. So if you want to start to tap into the true potential of your mind, learning to enter the theta state is the best place to start.

10. Better memory

It seems that theta brainwaves are associated with the ability to retrieve memories as well. This is particularly true of long-term memory, as the theta state is linked with greater access to the subconscious mind, which plays a key role in memory storage.

So as you can see, there are many theta brain wave benefits – and this list is just the start. In the past, these benefits have been reserved for those who are experienced in meditation, or who were just lucky enough to possess a natural ability to enter a trance state easily.

Fortunately for everyone else however, brain wave entrainment technology now makes it relatively easy for anybody to tap into the theta state, even if they don’t have years of meditation practice behind them. By making use of theta recordings that use binaural beats, monaural beats or isochronic tones, you can learn to increase your production of theta brainwaves and experience their benefits for yourself.

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Digging the Garbage Out of Your Subconscious Mind

These are tough times. And many of us are feeling it in our wallets. But .. No matter how tough times are, we can’t forget the basics. And the subject definitely is one of the basics. And, without the basics taken care of, how can you get started?
Below is one of the best articles we have ever read on the subject. It lays everything out nicely, it’s easy to read, and, understand, it touches on all of the key issues, and, best of all, when you have finished reading it, you will definitely know which is a very good direction to take given your circumstances.

Victoria Verrall asked:

The subconscious mind has the power to keep us on automatic. The word subconscious means it is below our conscious awareness therefore we do not know or have control of what happens there, to us or around us. When I found out this truth, I was so angry; all the misery I was leaving had nothing to do with my doing, well at least at a conscious level. But I also discovered I can slowly dig up the garbage and finally get clear. So I made that my life’s goal to just dig until I am clear. And you can also dig the subconscious mind clear of the automatic garbage.

Ways I have been digging the garbage out of the subconscious mind

Meditation: The concept is that meditation allows you to reach parts of the brain we can not reach normally (consciously). I started with Holosync meditation by Centre Pointe and after three months of using it I noticed I was much calmer and less automatic. I continued using it but the results were not quick enough as I was still bothered by what people thought of me and I was internally very anxious. Because this is recorded sound tracks, you only use them in the evenings or early mornings. I needed something to keep me in a meditative state 24/7. The recordings work brilliantly and their power on the subconscious mind was further emphasised in an interview by Bruce Lipton recently.

Theta healing: This is a very exciting tool in the way it digs out the garbage in the subconscious mind. It works by testing what your beliefs are on certain subjects like money. They use body muscles to respond by going strong to the beliefs that are true to you. For example the practitioner will ask,” Do you have to be poor to be close to God”. If that belief is true to you, your hand will go strong, he/she will then ask for your permission to remove the belief. This is done brilliantly by a guy called Brent Phillips who has the most interesting story on how the universe works to get you on your path. If you want to try this method to dig up the subconscious mind, look for theta healing LA.

Reconnective Healing: This is a healing modality that does other things as well as dig up the subconscious mind. From what I understand, it aligns you to what your truth should be. It was started by a doctor Called Eric Pearl who has an interesting story of his own. He explains the concept of letting go completely of our beliefs in order to let God work within us. The best way for you to get an idea of this is by reading a book called The Reconnection written by him. Because this is a healing modality I have experienced only in two hours workshop where someone healed a deformed finger; its best to use it as a tool for digging up the subconscious mind when you have been to a live event.

The release technique: It works on the concept of letting go of what is in your subconscious mind. It is a meditative principle that allows you to be in constant release 24/7.They explain that the mind is creative and getting quiet gets you the fastest results to whatever you are trying to achieve. If you have attachments or aversions to anything you are constantly pushing away feelings or pulling them in. That way you are constantly bound to what the subconscious mind is throwing at you. In being in release you let go of these feelings immediately as you notice or feel them. This is done by a guy called Larry Crane who has lots of ways of tricking the subconscious mind.

Exercise and nutrition: There is a lot of noise made about how you can influence your subconscious mind by just looking after yourself nutritionally and physically. There are scientific facts to back this, for example, if you carry fat, it affects your brain function. Your brain works with your mind to run the show in your life. Exercise and nutrition are easy and available in our daily choices, by making simple choices like walking a mile and eating right; the balance works, do not go over board too much too fast you are back to your old ways. Just repeat a habit daily or weekly such as walking, swimming, football, yoga and more until you brain and body get it making it automatic. Using exercise and nutrition to dig the subconscious mind is exciting and easy if you let yourself go.

Digging the subconscious mind can be a challenging task, and with so many different ways to do it on the market you are spoilt for choice. I encourage you to find your own truth, deep down within us are answers we are looking for. The fact that we are all looking outside ourselves defeats the purpose, as I wrote previously, if you are not seeing results in your life, you are trying too hard. If just stopped and listened deeply, the answers are always right there. Because we are too busy trying we do not see them, if it is not easy, listen to your heart. We always know the answers. If you are going to use any of the methods above, listen to your heart because you can end up spending a lot of money. I do this because it is my passion to help you find easy fast ways to dig up the subconscious mind. I have used many more rubbish methods where people are just after your money. The ones I have written about seemed to work and come out on top; the people selling them seem to come from love and understanding not luck and haste. Visit for some free resources.

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Theta Healing Angela Rojas from Melbourne Infinite Theta Healing

We will take a look at the subject in the following article. It is a good place to start if you are new to the subject. There is a lot more information available for those that want to make a more detailed study.

NTPagesTV asked:

For more information about Angela Rojas and Infinite Theta Healing (Essendon) go to: www.naturaltherapypages.com.au Theta Healing is an instant method of healing on a physical, emotional and spiritual level using the state of Theta (brain wave) which is the frequency attained whilst dreaming or the frequency the subconscious mind works at, the part governed between the conscious and the unconscious mind. Angela is a Theta Healing TM Instructor and Theta Healer TM Practitioner. She is a practitioner of other healing modalities such as Reiki, NLP and EM. She is also a qualified Yoga & Meditation Teacher under the Satyananda Yoga TraditionR and is currently teaching. If you are interested in a consultation or an instruction, call 0418 569 439.

Did you find the article thought provoking? We certainly did, and so did hundreds of our regular readers. It seems the more answers we find, the more questions that are asked. By signing up for our newsletter you will be notified when we post our next article on the subject. Join thousands like you and stay on top of the latest news as it is released!

The Use of Meditation in Healing

Thanks for visiting our the subject website. You will find the latest information, discussions about the pros and cons of each aspect, and also, a large community of readers who regularly share their ideas and opinions on the latest developments. It is as important now as it ever was to examine the issue carefully. After all, without the facts, how can we know we are making the right choice?

We recently came across the article below and we have posted it on our site because it addresses some of the unanswered questions and raises some new ones at the same time. If you like what you see here, be sure to come back and, let your friends know.

Judy Brutz asked:

Creative meditation is helpful in healing. Healing takes many forms: healing of attitude, emotions, relationships, trauma, and outlook.

Preparation. Go to a quiet place where you won’t be interrupted. Settle yourself in a comfortable position of either lying down or sitting up. You might like to light a candle. You might like a sacred book with you and perhaps a religious image or object.

If you are comfortable, close your eyes and focus on your breathing. Where does the breath come from and where does it go? This air you breathe is a sacred breath of life. Feel your breath in your lungs. What does it feel like between breaths? Does it feel different when the lungs are filled and they are about to empty from the pause just before when the breath comes in?

Notice how your breathing deepens and slows. It is restful and refreshing to be with your breathing.

Healing Meditation. You are taking a stroll in a beautiful garden. The garden is private, far from sounds of machinery or even people. You have longed to find this place.

You are drawn to the flowers. You breathe in their fragrances, noting that some flowers have no aromas. Each flower has its place in the garden. Some are in full sunshine, others in complete shade. Each kind has its own need for soil, some dry, some moist, some sandy.

As you walk into the shade, your eyes are drawn up. The trees stand side-by-side. Some need large space, others like to be close together.

You see a bird fly into the upper leaves. You strain to see if there is a nest and what sounds this bird makes. Are You able to identify the bird? You listen carefully, and you hear many different bird sounds. Some are songs, others chirping, still others are squawking.

Everything in this garden has its place. The garden is well tended.

You find a place to sit and rest. You sense a Presence. You instinctively know it is the Holy One.

You don’t need to say a word, because the Holy One knows you completely.

Your mind is quiet. You rest. You fall asleep. When you awake, you notice that you are feeling peaceful and somehow things have changed.

You take a small tablet out of your pocket and pen. You begin to write. You are writing freely. You write about healing. What healing are you experiencing?

What happens next?

And then what happens?

When you are ready to return, you stretch. You might be interested in writing your meditation experience in your journal, if you have one. If not you have paper. You may be interested in sketching what the garden looked like. Would you like to return to the Garden?

Offer thanksgiving and blessings.

Read articles on how to use self-healing to get unstuck

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