Let There Be Light Therapy

The subject is quite a popular subject, and you will find some information in the article below. This should help you get started on your search for information. I hope you find the article relevant, and that you will share it with others. Do let us know what you think about the article.

Merida Raines asked:

Light Therapy is something I’ve been interested in for many years. Recently a friend of mine called and asked if I had heard of Far Infrared light therapy. I had and she continued. Appears she had run across an instrument that was balancing certain muscular aches and pains.

“The interesting thing is that it’s helping arthritic pain”. This piqued my interest and after inquiring into the cost of such a device decided to wait until they were more affordable.

That was a few years ago. There are now affordable devices that are addressing muscular aches and pains and spasm along with balancing arthritic problems and certain cancers as well as skin, cellulite and promoting weight loss, all at the same time.

I purchased one such device recently and told a friend about it over dinner. When we met it appeared she was not well. After inquiring about her health she told me she hadn’t felt well for a whole month and didn’t know what was wrong. She just didn’t feel well. I told her about the Far Infrared therapy that I had just purchased and she didn’t surprise me when she told me she had one of those in storage. However, I was shocked to learn she was not using it and said so, especially since she didn’t feel well. She thought about it and said that she would get it out of storage and begin to use it that same evening. Two days later I spoke to her and asked how she was. She said she was back 100%! Seems the Far Infrared light therapy worked quite well for whatever was ailing her.

During this time I received my unit and used it just as soon as I’d finished unpacking it. Since I have nothing in particular to work with I just felt the soothing warm heat on my body. In approximately 20 minutes I could feel my whole spine pulsating with energy and my whole body went into a wonderful relaxation. I knew this device and I were going to be best buds!

So, what are the benefits of Far Infrared therapy besides being able to keep your clothes on? Check this out.
Far Infrared Ray (FIR) creates increased blood flow by promoting expansion in the capillaries, the benefits which may be:
1) Decreased muscle spasms, pain and soreness.
2) Reduced swelling and inflammation, by improving lymphatic flow.
3) Removal of heavy toxins – metal poisoning and chemicals – due to activated metabolic activity.
4) Improved oxygenation exchange and accelerated metabolism.
5) Tissue regeneration.
6) Relief from breathing and lung challenges.
A functional blood circulation system is indispensable not only for a quality life, but also to maintain health. If blood circulates well, tissues will receive the energy in the form of nutrients and oxygen to help the metabolic activities they need, as well keeping the heart healthy. With good circulation, a balance within the body results and may be of benefit for:
1) chronic diseases, especially Cancer
2) rheumatism, arthritis, gout
3) clearing breathing problems
4) relieving paralysis, sciatica, insomnia, neuralgia, abnormal nerve functions, and chilblains.
5) Relaxes muscles and muscular ache – back, shoulder and neck pains.
6) swelling, inflammation and associated pain.
7) lymphatic cleansing – elimination of toxins, lactic acid and carcinogenic heavy metals. serious detoxification.
8) blood circulation – chronic nephritis patients, reducing blood pressure and improving urination.
Approved as a class 1 Medical Device by the FDA.

Read articles on how to use self-healing to get unstuck

The Healing Codes – Unconscious Intention Trumps Conscious Intentions

Jerry Graham asked:

If you’re like many of us, at some point you’ve visited a bookstore hoping to find the answer to a problem in your life. Self-help books and recordings abound and, predictably, they define the source of our problems several different ways.

Let’s narrow down our focus to the five main causes for our problems that most self-help writers cite. Those are: physiology, behaviors, thinking patterns, emotions, and conscious beliefs. What you’ll find offered by most writers as a root cause to life’s difficulties falls into those five categories.

A second opinion

Another school of thought says that while it’s true you may be able to change yourself to some extent by addressing deficiencies in those areas, those inadequacies are actually symptoms of a much deeper problem.

What that means is that lasting change cannot be accomplished in life until you recognize the true source of your problems, rather than simply identifying the symptoms. Unless we’re able to go directly to the root of problem areas in our lives, we continue to deal with symptoms which tend to return.

Think of it as a tree with a deep taproot. If the tree becomes diseased, you can choose to cut it off at the ground (get rid of the obvious symptom), but new shoots will probably appear from what’s unseen under the ground. You can, however, dig out the taproot as well as cutting down the tree and completely remove the disease.

Lasting change – the true goal

Here’s another way to think of it: we’ve heard a great deal recently about “conscious intention” and its power to bring about change. Unfortunately, conscious intention or “willpower” doesn’t always bring about lasting change. If it did, we’d all be skinny, happy, and rich!

The reason conscious intentions alone don’t bring permanent change is that they seek to overcome symptoms, not cure the root source. When that fails to make us happy, we usually move on to any number of negative behaviors that move us further away from peace and satisfaction.

When all else fails…blame!

One of the things we tend to do when our conscious intentions don’t overcome damaging behavior is to turn the spotlight on someone else’s behavior. Blaming someone else for our life’s failures is much easier than looking for the root causes of them. Becoming judgmental, however, actually just adds another layer of pain in our relationships instead of solving our problems. Whether we blame a politician, a spouse, or even God for our pain, it’s still a negative behavior that moves us farther away from solutions.

Intentions – Conscious or Unconscious?

Doesn’t it make sense to instead find and deal with the root causes? To begin to do that, we must first identify the things that are blocking us from life and health. Those stumbling blocks are our “unconscious intentions.” If those unconscious intentions don’t match the efforts of our willpower, we’re doomed to failure!

As Dr. Alex Loyd, founder of The Healing Codes reports, scientific research has already proven that basing your future happiness on conscious intention almost never brings the results you desire. The key to lasting happiness in life is in aligning what we really want (our unconscious intentions) with what we say we want (our conscious intentions). Only then can all our energy be focused on improving our lives.

Once we’re willing to stop blaming others and stop focusing on the symptoms, rather than the source, of our problems, we’ve taken the first step to finding health, peace, and happiness in our lives.What do you think of this website? Let us know your thoughts and comments by leaving a reply on our entries or by sending us an email. We would love to hear from you.

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What is True Compassion?

Thanks for stopping by our website. Are you fed up of getting mediocre information, when you have put so much effort into getting the best? We are one of the leading sources of information on the subject so you are definitely at the right place.

Have a read of the article below… we are sure you will find it dots all the ‘i’s’, and crosses all the ‘t’s’. On our site we strive to provide the most up-to-date information. Remember that you read it here first, and please tell your friends.

Catherine Poole asked:

What defines true compassion? A Bible verse reads, “But a certain Samaritan, as he journeyed, came where he was; and when he saw him, he had compassion on him. And went to him, and bound up his wounds…and took care of him.” Luke 10:33-35.

A dictionary may define compassion as: “the deep awareness of the suffering of another coupled with the wish to relieve it.” While searching examples of true compassion from my life experiences, I suddenly realized it has nothing to do with the action. Instead it is about the person, the vessel; humans understanding the position and perspective of another. Through patience and withholding judgment, one should see beyond the present circumstances of another in order to offer hope.

I experienced a session last year with a dear friend, Jacqui Delario, who works with Theta Healing. For me, that session represents the best example of compassion used as a healing modality. There was a moment in the session where I felt compassion, a sense that someone knew and understood what I needed in order to receive healing and move forward. There was an immediate sense of calm, followed by weeks of unexpected personal results and opportunities as a result of my limiting beliefs being replaced with affirmations.

Compassion is the absence of judgment. Compassion is complete acceptance of another’s humanness. We believe being compassionate is to alleviate another’s suffering through sympathy, empathy, or helping them to understand their situation from a different perspective. But it is really about just being there for that person, without conditions.

Somewhere down the line compassion has gotten mixed up with being “wound-mates” (quip coined by Carolyn Myss). That is the reason people should always be careful when considering a support group. You want to make sure the group fits like a good bra: it lifts and separates, rather than creating a petri dish for wounds and past hurts. I don’t even like the word “support” because it sets the tone for not being able to stand on your own–ever. We always should be creating positive beliefs versus negative ones. We all have the capacity for compassion, and we need to extend our willingness to understand another without creating a need for dependency; it is kindness without conditions.
Compassion is not pity. Compassion is not assistance. Compassion is experienced. Compassion is experienced by someone through someone that is balanced and happy. Compassion means you have the ability to understand another’s pain, but not own that pain. Compassion is loving neutrality. You are with them, You are within. That moment is compassion. Compassion is without words–it is flow. When you are feeling compassionate, there is a moment where you are truly outside of yourself (or ego), and you make a sincere effort to understand the other person’s situation. Compassion is the flow of the Divine Source through you to another–again, without conditions.

Compassion is not the action or the reaction. Compassion is the moment you connect with your source in order to help another connect with his or her source.

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Quality is our passion and the reason we developed our website. We want to spread the word about the subject so that nobody has to put up with mediocre and second best again.

The Healing Codes – How to Activate the Success Mechanism

Thanks for stopping by our website. Are you fed up of getting mediocre information, when you have put so much effort into getting the best? We are one of the leading sources of information on the subject so you are definitely at the right place.

Have a read of the article below… we are sure you will find it dots all the ‘i’s’, and crosses all the ‘t’s’. On our site we strive to provide the most up-to-date information. Remember that you read it here first, and please tell your friends.

Jerry Graham asked:

If it were suddenly announced a pill had been developed that would make us successful, the road to the nearest pharmacy would be clogged with traffic! Many of us struggle to find success in our lives, but haven’t found a way to make it ours. What if I told you that the key to lifelong success already exists, and it resides within our own bodies?

The Failure Response

To illustrate how that’s possible, we need to first look at what causes us to fail. Research has proven that the “failure mechanism” is kicked into gear when we face stress in our lives. The chain of events is like this–we face a perceived threat (someone else’s anger, a high pressure work situation, etc.), and our body responds to it in the same way our ancestor’s bodies responded to a physical threat. The hypothalamus in the brain tells our pituitary gland to rally the adrenal system to release cortisol and adrenaline throughout our bodies, making us ready to fight, or run from the fight.

The result of that constant stress reaction literally weakens our immune systems, dulls our intelligence, heightens our awareness of pain, drains our energy, raises our blood pressure, destroys our ability to relate to other people, brings about negative behaviors like deceit, fear and suspicion, and, if that’s not enough, closes off nutrition to our very cells and makes them the perfect environment for disease! Is it any wonder we struggle to be healthy, happy, and successful?

A Better Alternative

What if, instead of our bodies being in a constant state of anxious high alert from all that cortisol pumping through us, we could find a way to use the hypothalamus/pituitary/adrenal gland cycle to bring about success? That’s possible, because our bodies already contain the hormone oxytocin, which allows us to respond favorably to stressful situations. All we need is a way to release oxytocin, rather than cortisol, into our bodies in response to daily stress.

Before you learn to trigger the Success Response, start by answering a question. What do you truly want out of life? Dr. Alex Loyd, founder of The Healing Codes, learned in interviews with hundreds of people that what most people want is health, success, or relationships with other people.

Success Response Benefits

The fact is that our physiological response to stress has a major impact in each of those areas. If, as we learned, our body’s “Failure Response” negatively impacts those things, it stands to reason that a physical “Success Response” should have an immediate positive impact, as well. Here’s what Dr. Loyd reports people experience who learn to trigger oxytocin rather than adrenaline when stressed.

Enhanced relationships Feelings of love, joy and peace Increased immune function Reduced stress Lowered blood pressure Counteracts addiction/withdrawal cycle Stimulates human growth hormone to reverse aging Increases trust & wise judgment Modulates appetite and digestion Promotes healing Stimulates relaxation and non-stress energy to allow energy/sleep balance. Stimulates higher neurological activity such as problem solving Opens our cells to nutrition and health

If you knew how to bring about these benefits, instead of constantly experiencing failure, wouldn’t you choose to live in success? Dr. Loyd tells us that it’s possible for every one of us.

You Already Know How

Here’s how–you’re probably already activating the Success Response temporarily through pleasurable experiences such as sex and eating. That’s why we love to do those things! We get a momentary glimpse of what it is to feel great.

But there’s a healthy way to make that feeling a regular part of our lives. To turn on the Success Response, we must simply learn how to recall a pleasant relationship experience that is not overshadowed by negative relationship experiences. Activating that memory of a positive, loving relationship stimulates the release of oxytocin to our bodies.

If loving relationship memories are stifled by negative ones, those negative memories must first be healed. Dr. Loyd teaches Healing Code participants to heal the negative and infuse instead “true love memories” to bring about that positive, healthy Success Response. When our hearts are cleared of the negative garbage and we begin to activate happy, loving memories, we can live permanently in success and health.

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There are lots of issues to be considered about the subject, and those that are heavily into the subject are likely to want to know more. Even if this article serves as no more than an introduction, nothing stops you from putting the information to good use.

The Healing Codes… Do Custom Codes Work?

If you would like to know more about the subject – then you will want to read this article. It includes plenty of information about this subject that is sure to help you better understand the ins and outs that seem to confuse most people. It really does not have to be difficult to understand.

The information that follows is one way to look at this information, and after reading the article you are free to form your own opinion. Whether or not you agree with the subject matter is up to you, and you are certainly free to make up your own mind about the material presented here.I have been asked this question and asked it myself… how and why do custom codes work with the healing codes better than regular codes.

I was especially curious and also suspicious: there are about 30 HC coaches that this is their main training… they pay a pretty penny for their training. But does it work?

I got my first custom code about 2 years ago… and maybe because I didn’t believe it can work, I used it only a few times.

I got my second custom code a year ago… it was to deal with a muscle/joint pain. This time I was face to face with the HC coach, and received my code scribbled on a yellow pad…

That night I used it once and the pain simply disappeared. Amazing.

Two weeks ago I had an impossible task… and my “little voice” was screaming: “You can’t do it… you better just go and kill yourself!”

Now, it is not a common knowledge, but joint/muscle pain and this “I can’t do it” come from the same place. I did the custom code for 4 whole minutes. The little voice “shut up” and I aced the task… and my life will never be the same.

When you buy the healing codes home study course, it comes with 4~8 coaching sessions and that means 4~8 custome codes. They are each worth the price of the package. Go get it. And please don’t make the same mistakes I made… I have tested this for you, it works. Guaranteed.I hope this article has given you new insight on the subject and given you some things to think about. Although there is nothing new under the sun, the information that you have just finished reading is presented in a fresh and interesting way.

One thing is for sure, information on this subject is available all over the Internet and this article is one of many articles available on the subject. We love writing on this subject and have presented our point of view. Feel free to look around and explore our site for more the subject information.