The risk of living a life without a purpose…

It’s not automatic Do you think that a person who is good at something gets the results automatically? I am finding, especially with the unaccomplished segment of my students, that they think that a capacity will do the work for … Continue reading


The risk of living a life without a purpose…

Did you have a long holiday? Spent a lot of time with family?

returning-to-the-dark-sideSome capacities, especially the ones that are your main soul correction capacities, are hard to keep on. What does Source have to say about that? There are different reasons. Reason #1: You need more capacities turned on before you can … Continue reading

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Did you have a long holiday? Spent a lot of time with family?

Paint the Chicks Purple… a great story to illustrate capacity activation

purple chick strategy... beware of the dark sideDNA capacity activation is all about activating the resources of hidden and dormant in your DNA… capacities that mean the difference between a so-so life, and a good life, like resourcefulness and seeing the big picture. All of the capacities … Continue reading

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Paint the Chicks Purple… a great story to illustrate capacity activation

If you have a problem keeping your word… Consistently

Keeping your word, especially the word that you gave to yourself is a big issue… This article is digging deep for the causes and the solutions.

I am removing people from my Reclaim program, left and right, for inactivity. If you don’t have at least one written coaching conversation with me a week, you are put on the “to be removed” list. Why? Because if you are not doing the work you shouldn’t be in the program.

If you are not coming for the coaching… then I have a good idea how your life looks.

How you do anything is how you do everything.

This was probably one of the most shocking things I learned in self-development, right up there with “you think you see everything, but you only see what you have already seen”.

Both insights were upsetting, and started to break up the world-view, the mythical, magical world view, that “I can do anything I put my mind to.”
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Customer Favorite #1: Energized Water

I have been drinking energized water for 20 years. What hooked me was the person who recommended said that his pimples disappeared.

Now, when you look at my skin today, you would not think that I used to have pimples. But in 1995 my skin regularly broke out. I carried in my purse an ointment… so I am not left with no help.

The product I bought was very expensive. But my skin did clear up,

Now, it begs the question, why a cup of energized water or two a day would clear up my skin?

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How far from your island are you willing to swim?

I had a conversation about 30 years ago with a fellow Hungarian. We were both Landmark “graduates” and assisted our asses off.

“Assisting” is a cheap way to feel superior without having to earn your stripes.

He was an artist, a painter, who was in the US because his wife fell ill with cancer, and needed special treatment. In spite of all, she died, and he was stuck here. Didn’t want to return to Venezuela, didn’t want to go back to Hungary, but his existence in the US was touch and go.

He didn’t feel like producing the “art” that had been earning him a living: kitch sold in furniture stores, mass produced by an artist. Slave labor, mind numbing, and killing the artist within.

It was late in the evening, and we chatted, intimately, like friends that we weren’t.

The simile, or analogy, or metaphor, whatever you want to call it, came up:

If you were stranded on an island, how far would you swim to see if there are any ways to escape and return to civilization?
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When you suppress half of reality, you need to suppress all of it…

Have you ever wondered how the subject works? Doesn’t it baffle your mind a bit? Doesn’t it spark your curious mind, and make you think incessantly about it? Are you interested in learning facts, trivia and other interesting information about it? You have come to the right place because every so often we update this site with various information about the subject. Click on the links and start reading!

the richer your emotional world the richer your lifeI got lucky this morning. One of the participants in the Reclaim program shared that until I asked him to experience his distaste, he’d felt numb for two months. This is a great catch. Even though I am an empath, … Continue reading

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When you suppress half of reality, you need to suppress all of it…
The next time you know you are getting the short end of the stick, come back and pay us a visit. We would love to hear your comments about the article so please take a moment and drop us a line.

Quality is our passion and the reason we developed our website. We want to spread the word about the subject so that nobody has to put up with mediocre and second best again.

If you don’t have a project, you don’t have a life. How to pick a project that will take you where you want to go?

If you would like to know more about the subject – then you will want to read this article. It includes plenty of information about this subject that is sure to help you better understand the ins and outs that seem to confuse most people. It really does not have to be difficult to understand.

The information that follows is one way to look at this information, and after reading the article you are free to form your own opinion. Whether or not you agree with the subject matter is up to you, and you are certainly free to make up your own mind about the material presented here.

It is projects that give substance to life, give you a reason to get up in the morning, other than that you didn’t die the night before, or that you have to go to the bathroom. If you are bored, … Continue reading

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If you don’t have a project, you don’t have a life. How to pick a project that will take you where you want to go?
I hope this article has given you new insight on the subject and given you some things to think about. Although there is nothing new under the sun, the information that you have just finished reading is presented in a fresh and interesting way.

One thing is for sure, information on this subject is available all over the Internet and this article is one of many articles available on the subject. We love writing on this subject and have presented our point of view. Feel free to look around and explore our site for more the subject information.

The website crashed and 200 articles disappeared into the ether

Do you want to be updated with the latest news about the subject? Do you want to be the first in line about the developments on the subject? Are you itching to get up to the minute information?

This blog will have the information that you need that is fresh from the source! You can subscribe to our feeds or you can join the mailing list, so you can make sure that you are in with the times, and ahead of everyone!

I am going to attempt to restore what I can. 200 articles I wrote between February 23 and June 20, 2015. If you can help, please volunteer. Thank you.

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The website crashed and 200 articles disappeared into the ether
The next time you know you are getting the short end of the stick, come back and pay us a visit. We would love to hear your comments about the article so please take a moment and drop us a line.

Quality is our passion and the reason we developed our website. We want to spread the word about the subject so that nobody has to put up with mediocre and second best again.

The reason you are miserable… Getting off the leash

The subject is quite a popular subject, and you will find some information in the article below. This should help you get started on your search for information. I hope you find the article relevant, and that you will share it with others. Do let us know what you think about the article.

Have to, need to, want to, and should I woke up this morning and noticed that I haven’t been very busy. not much to do. I mean I am writing my articles, doing the services I promised, but not busy. … Continue reading


The reason you are miserable… Getting off the leash
This is by far one of the best articles we have seen recently. We hope you enjoyed reading it. Each year it seems that somebody comes out with a new take on an old problem, however, this is the most interesting way to look at it that we have found.

If you have some tips on the subject that you would like to share with our other readers, please leave your comments. We would welcome your input into the discussion.