Information is like milk. It tends to go bad over time

information is like milkInformation, possibility, attitude, skill, capacity… they are all, in one way or another, are information, and they do behave like milk. They go sour… useless… bad. You may want to ask the question before you research, buy, ask questions: “am … Continue reading

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Information is like milk. It tends to go bad over time

What Story Do You Tell Yourself? Where are you looking from to tell the story?

the-story-you-tellOne thing you already know about me: if I find something that says what I want to say better, I put it in my article. I have no ego about it. Actually, the story I tell myself about it is … Continue reading

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What Story Do You Tell Yourself? Where are you looking from to tell the story?

Children. All become stupid, ugly grown-ups

intelligence-jokes“Intelligence is the inborn capacity to see, to perceive. Every child is born intelligent, then made stupid by the society. We educate him in stupidity. Sooner or later he graduates in stupidity. Intelligence is a natural phenomenon – just as … Continue reading

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Children. All become stupid, ugly grown-ups

The grounds of your being… The dance floor of your life

social-identityThe grounds of your being is the dominant way you be… to which you return, like returning home. Religion, spiritual teachers have been duping you. They say that the grounds of your being is “being a spiritual being, having a … Continue reading

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The grounds of your being… The dance floor of your life

Do you need it just in case, or is it just in time? I mean spiritual capacities, of course…

just-in-case-just-in-timeI have been struggling to get through to this guy to be able to support him in using and keeping the activation of the capacity “causing.” I can see that most of the time he is on this computer, reading … Continue reading

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Do you need it just in case, or is it just in time? I mean spiritual capacities, of course…

Updated: Happyness vs happiness, being vs. doing

life is a journey 2Happyness and happiness I just looked at the cover of the book The Pursuit of Happyness and it hit me that the difference between those two words is: the first, happyness is the journey, your beingness and the second, happiness … Continue reading

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Updated: Happyness vs happiness, being vs. doing

The importance of being: who you are being, from where it all comes, your actions, your feelings, your results

attitude is a state of being. All actions come from it.It’s obvious to me: I am not succeeding in conveying the importance of being. And another thing is starting to get clear: everything we think about attitudes is off… sometimes a lot, other times a little. So I am going … Continue reading

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The importance of being: who you are being, from where it all comes, your actions, your feelings, your results

Do you feel that no one listens, and your contribution is not valued? This solves that…

p2xPzmtI found this article in my inbox. I think it is perfect for what I teach… So let’s see how it applies… The article is about hypnosis secrets: a way to manipulate others through hypnotic language… I don’t recommend it. … Continue reading

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Do you feel that no one listens, and your contribution is not valued? This solves that…

How do you get an attachment? Why some people get attachments while others don’t?

jumping attachmentI have been watching, patiently, for understanding the differences that put one at risk of attachments, while others escape an interaction with the same person, without getting an attachment. After seeing enough people, and repeatedly removing attachments from the same … Continue reading


How do you get an attachment? Why some people get attachments while others don’t?

Behavioral strategies vs. beingness strategies

dying to be lovedWe all want to be loved. It’s hardwired, because being loved is the surest way to be fed, as a child, get sex as an adult, be promoted or helped as an adult. Its purpose is survival. The organism wants … Continue reading

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Behavioral strategies vs. beingness strategies