You bought a 3-day coaching from me… email coaching, to keep the newly activated spiritual capacity alive. And I can feel that you are waiting for…

spottingIf we were in sport, you behave as if the coach’s job is to come pick you up drive you to the field, and tell you what to do. What is coaching? Coaching is the coach making you do what … Continue reading

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You bought a 3-day coaching from me… email coaching, to keep the newly activated spiritual capacity alive. And I can feel that you are waiting for…

Activating self-trust, activating generosity… challenges for you

paros gyulai-500x500Some days my work is to work through issues that you, my dear reader, especially students and clients will need, so they can keep their capacities I activated active. One of these capacities is self-trust. Self trust is not like … Continue reading

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Activating self-trust, activating generosity… challenges for you

Is Sophie enlightened? Has Sophie attained to whatever people attain to?

St Sophie, lolOften (too often!) people write to me telling me that I am not supposed to get angry, not supposed to be stingy, not supposed to be on thing or another… Why? Because enlightened means, according to them, forever joyful, forever … Continue reading

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Is Sophie enlightened? Has Sophie attained to whatever people attain to?

Clueless… why clueless people don’t see themselves clueless?

I am fineClueless When we say we are clueless, it means that we don’t know. We feel like we are in a fog where every direction looks equally bleak… we don’t start, because we want to go in the right direction. Now, … Continue reading

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Clueless… why clueless people don’t see themselves clueless?

More on joy, and how I am learning to have joy in my life

play-with-foodMy first foray, my first venture into joy or joyous is trying to figure out what joy is. After all we don’t know necessarily what words mean when it comes to feelings… do we. We, children, watch and learn… but … Continue reading

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More on joy, and how I am learning to have joy in my life

Paint the Chicks Purple… a great story to illustrate capacity activation

purple chick strategy... beware of the dark sideDNA capacity activation is all about activating the resources of hidden and dormant in your DNA… capacities that mean the difference between a so-so life, and a good life, like resourcefulness and seeing the big picture. All of the capacities … Continue reading

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Paint the Chicks Purple… a great story to illustrate capacity activation

A new lease on life… Or how I got, unexpectedly, what joy is

joy of livingLast night I had a conversation with myself and Source. As I shared in my previous post, I have lived my whole life based on an untrue assumption that I was living on borrowed time, and at any time it … Continue reading


A new lease on life… Or how I got, unexpectedly, what joy is

The original wrong that can’t be fixed because it is a lie

I have started a series of webinar workshops today. I went into it unprepared… I simply forgot that I was supposed to get prepared. Result: I saw something about myself that is the biggest thing I have seen in the … Continue reading

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The original wrong that can’t be fixed because it is a lie

The lesson in Person of Interest for me and for the Light work we do here

There is a TV show I’ve watched on Netflix that depicts what we, humanity, and what we, me and my students, are up against. The show is called “Person of Interest” Of course, all the things I am talking about … Continue reading

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The lesson in Person of Interest for me and for the Light work we do here

Happy New Year! New webinar to help you grow one step at a time…

In January I will continue the weekend webinars. I am switching gears… and the next few webinars will be workshops. I will still work with each and every person, individually, but the structure will be different. In this free webinar … Continue reading

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Happy New Year! New webinar to help you grow one step at a time…