What does your laughter mean? What does your laughter do?

There are two kinds of laughter. Depending on what predominates, you are a happy person or an unhappy person. You have peace or you have turbulence. The two kinds of laughs are derisive laugh benevolent laugh: the laughter of recognition … Continue reading


What does your laughter mean? What does your laughter do?

Conditioned patterns can be stubborn

ncisI am re-learning to walk. It’s slow going, but muscle test said it would work, so I am practicing. This morning I got this encouraging email Hello, It’s Jonathan, just checking in to see how things are proceeding with your … Continue reading

Continued here: 

Conditioned patterns can be stubborn

What to do with what you don’t want, don’t like, don’t agree with?

Do you get hooked? People pushing your buttons? Ultimately, every time you encounter something you don’t want, don’t like, don’t agree with, your first reaction is resistance, i.e. not allowing what you don’t like to be. When you pretend to … Continue reading

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What to do with what you don’t want, don’t like, don’t agree with?

Are you a match to life? If not: Allowing is missing.

It’s even obvious to you that allowing is missing… But how do you activate the capacity of allowing, and then how do you make the capacity a working skill? Allowing is what’s between you and serenity. I don’t mean happiness, … Continue reading

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Are you a match to life? If not: Allowing is missing.

You don’t care… then why should I?

creditFinally, after seven months on the war path, two weeks ago I found the solution to get rid of all three near microscopic biting mites… (including what causes the mysterious Morgellons) and to my surprise, suddenly, at the same time, … Continue reading


You don’t care… then why should I?

What did Genghis Khan, the greatest conqueror in history do to raise his people’s IQ?

I have been reading about the Mongols, the nomadic people that occupied lands and people in the 13th century, from the Pacific Ocean to the Mediterranean Sea, in the 13th Century under Genghis Khan. 99% of those Mongols didn’t read, … Continue reading

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What did Genghis Khan, the greatest conqueror in history do to raise his people’s IQ?

Sonia Choquette vibrational review… get an attachment from Sonia Choquette, fake

Sonia Choquette Personal vibration: all mind, no Self, no connection. Personal vibration: 130. She is empathic. Not a psychic. Clairvoyance: accuracy: 20%. Reminds me of the gypsy fortune teller that robbed me in Budapest: lured me in, and robbed me. … Continue reading

See the article here: 

Sonia Choquette vibrational review… get an attachment from Sonia Choquette, fake

Addiction vs. connection

About this video: Published on Jul 9, 2015 What really causes addiction — to everything from cocaine to smart-phones? And how can we overcome it? Johann Hari has seen our current methods fail firsthand, as he has watched loved ones … Continue reading

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Addiction vs. connection

The “you can do anything” myth… or what is the source of your anxiety

The anxiety attacks you experience There are two types of anxiety attacks, as far as I can see: Dark Side attack. It is an energy that is broadcasted from up North. It is “in the air” and it only waits … Continue reading


The “you can do anything” myth… or what is the source of your anxiety

What is the meaning of “Every moment is new”

I discovered yesterday what was the cause of my not wanting to work, not feeling like working in the past few days. It had a chemical base: after a long time not eating bread, I started to eat bread again. … Continue reading

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What is the meaning of “Every moment is new”