How do you learn to tell low vibration from high vibration? Truth from falsehood?

beergoggles“It’s easier to evaluate your results through drunken delusion than to gaze soberly in the mirror and face the truth.” When something isn’t working in your life, your relationships, your health, your finances, there is something you don’t know. The most frequent … Continue reading

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How do you learn to tell low vibration from high vibration? Truth from falsehood?

People who say the whole truth was revealed to them are lying. Even if their name was Moses…

Natalie Ledwell and mInd movies pretending to have gratitudeThe nature of “revelation” is that you get a glimpse beyond the veil, then the veil closes. People who talk about “grand” revelations are filling in the gaps in sight and memory with their imagination, that is why most things … Continue reading

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People who say the whole truth was revealed to them are lying. Even if their name was Moses…

Sight DNA activated? Let’s look! is the cheerful battle cry that opens the door to seeing

why-do-some-people-just-seem-to-have-all-the-luck-1-728I am getting more and more insights about The Sight activator that activates the capacity to see the consequences of your actions. People, you, don’t trust themselves. They don’t believe, they don’t trust that an aspect of them, the Consciousness, … Continue reading

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Sight DNA activated? Let’s look! is the cheerful battle cry that opens the door to seeing

Your soul correction points to missing DNA capacities…

reclaim_your_life…or behaviors that ignore capacities, or both. My soul correction is Forget Thyself… arrogance, and already knowing it all… so the biggest missing capacities for this soul correction are the sight, seeing the consequences of your actions. The second capacity … Continue reading


Your soul correction points to missing DNA capacities…

Can your sight be helpful if you don’t look?

The willingness to look is a behavior, it’s an attitude, and therefore cannot be activated. If you act without looking, or if you act from what is stored in your mind, then the activator of the capacity to see the … Continue reading

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Can your sight be helpful if you don’t look?

What can be activated? Can intelligence be activated? Does your IQ change your results?

guaranteed-iq-success-guaranteed-bsWhat can be activated? Can intelligence be activated? Intelligence cannot be activated because it is NOT one gene… it is a lot of genes. A client of mine recently inherited a company where he had been working for some 20 … Continue reading


What can be activated? Can intelligence be activated? Does your IQ change your results?

What is a DNA capacity activator, what is a DNA activation? What else can be activated? What changes when it is activated?

your intrinsic value is permanentThis article expresses a turning point in my work… read it fully if you can. Some of you may wonder why I am not starting the new Second Phase Activators course… after all I have done it three years ago… … Continue reading


What is a DNA capacity activator, what is a DNA activation? What else can be activated? What changes when it is activated?

After the DNA capacity activated: what is it like?

7216581_f520Some unexpected fallouts and insights from activating the newly discovered DNA capacity to all those people… Suddenly this client thinks, for the first time, to ask how to speak to her mother in law who goes to her house, picks … Continue reading

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After the DNA capacity activated: what is it like?

Notes from my experience with activating the DNA capacity of seeing the consequences of your actions

notesThe new capacity, the capacity to see the consequences of your actions, clearly, like a diagram is an unconscious capacity. Unconscious meaning: you don’t necessarily notice any difference, especially if your ego keeps shouting: it’s hopeless… the subconscious will keep … Continue reading

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Notes from my experience with activating the DNA capacity of seeing the consequences of your actions

How to make your new DNA activated capacity actually work for you

consciousunconsciouscompetence2Unconscious Incompetence: the missing item Like knowledge, capacities are either conscious or not. When a knowledge, a skill, a capacity is conscious, you know to reach for it when it would be useful. It is like you know you have … Continue reading

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How to make your new DNA activated capacity actually work for you