The path to freedom and happiness in a world where neither freedom nor happiness are supported

I have gotten to a point in reading Freud’s book where I am now clear where what he says and what I know to be effective in facilitating happiness in humans. Here is what is going on… psychologically, socially, and … Continue reading

See the original post:

The path to freedom and happiness in a world where neither freedom nor happiness are supported

You are run by a machine. The machine is put together of genes, and each gene wants its own survival.

survival of the one that can changeThe title could be said differently as well: You are a survival machine. You are put together for the survival of your genes. (Richard Dawkins: the selfish gene theory). You have hundreds, maybe thousands of genes. Each gene is a … Continue reading


You are run by a machine. The machine is put together of genes, and each gene wants its own survival.

What is the connection between respect and appreciation?

jumping-into-pool-without-preparationWhat is the connection between respect and appreciation? Both respect and appreciation are spiritual capacities… states of being. I am having a lot of insights lately. Of course, it was predictable: I am running an experimental workshop: it is driving … Continue reading

See the original article here: 

What is the connection between respect and appreciation?

Knowledge, Strategy, Execution… which one is missing?

I spent most of the afternoon watching videos. Among others, I watched this guy, Tai Lopez. I ended up buying his entry level course. I already learned enough to start getting glimpses of what I haven’t seen before, that is … Continue reading

View original post here: 

Knowledge, Strategy, Execution… which one is missing?

Two tricks to fall asleep earlier so you can avoid not being able to fall asleep

maybe you could sleep if you had more comfortable pajamasLack of sleep is one of the biggest issues of our time. Not because you are doing anything useful, or because you don’t have time to sleep. This article is about taming your tiredness so you can sleep. This is … Continue reading

Read the article:

Two tricks to fall asleep earlier so you can avoid not being able to fall asleep

The risk of living a life without a purpose…

It’s not automatic Do you think that a person who is good at something gets the results automatically? I am finding, especially with the unaccomplished segment of my students, that they think that a capacity will do the work for … Continue reading


The risk of living a life without a purpose…

Vibrational frequency: what does it mean, how do you raise it, and why?

tesla-energy-frequency-vibrationVibrational frequency: is it really frequency? Is it really vibration? I don’t know who invented the idea that there is such a thing “vibrational frequency”, and it is a good idea if it is high. I know, I know, even … Continue reading

Link to original: 

Vibrational frequency: what does it mean, how do you raise it, and why?

The grounds of your being… The dance floor of your life

social-identityThe grounds of your being is the dominant way you be… to which you return, like returning home. Religion, spiritual teachers have been duping you. They say that the grounds of your being is “being a spiritual being, having a … Continue reading

See more here:

The grounds of your being… The dance floor of your life

Can you learn the skill of negotiation?

negotiation-skills-mapWhat is the relationship between skills, learning new skills, and capacities? All my life I have been puzzled why perfectly normal people fail at even understanding concepts from certain things, like distinctions, from communication, negotiation, empathy, caring, team work, leadership, … Continue reading

Jump to original: 

Can you learn the skill of negotiation?

Life skills, capacity, talent, desire, ambition, greed defined… can you manifest with what you have?

life-skillsOK… this is the continuation of the WWII article… In that I talk about Hitler and look at what was the issue that caused him losing the war in Russia… So I am repeating what I said there… Hitler: 10 … Continue reading

Excerpt from:  

Life skills, capacity, talent, desire, ambition, greed defined… can you manifest with what you have?