The story you so diligently protect… that you lie for, you die for…

sob-storyThe single reason most people don’t want to work with me is this: I will rob them (attempt to) of their sob story. What’s a sob story? Well, everybody has one… It was born after an incident in early childhood. … Continue reading

Originally posted here: 

The story you so diligently protect… that you lie for, you die for…

Found a good video… if you are in 67 steps, this will make you feel good

A few words about this video: the truth value is 7%, but if you are in the 67 steps coaching program, the truth value approaches 90%. the video is too long. I wish he had broken it up to 20-minute … Continue reading

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Found a good video… if you are in 67 steps, this will make you feel good

Make consciousness guide you and other important stuff

As you may know, I work with consciousness… Let me rephrase that: I send consciousness to do research for me before I choose a path. Of course, consciousness is not some entity independent of me, so it cannot go far… … Continue reading

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Make consciousness guide you and other important stuff

Narrow cone of vision and your health

Imagine having to find your way through a maze without seeing past the tiny circle a flashlight can illuminate? “Luckily” you only have to look at your life. Your health, your money, your love life. You ARE living your life, … Continue reading

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Narrow cone of vision and your health

Your life is a mess… can you clean it up with consciousness?

challengedI was talking about the wrong turns one makes in life; you make them several times a day… To the mind, choosing between two options, and getting yourself into a horrible dead end is no big deal. Easy as pie… … Continue reading

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Your life is a mess… can you clean it up with consciousness?

The path to the life you want to live is “riddled” with distinctions. A hero’s journey…

Heros-JourneyI know, I know, I am riding this distinction horse… and no one is getting on it with me. But, don’t you think that you resisting it, or your genes resisting it… it is kind of telling? Telling of what, … Continue reading

Originally posted here: 

The path to the life you want to live is “riddled” with distinctions. A hero’s journey…

Do you have an integrated life or a bunch of things you do?

integrated-lifeOne step in the 67 step program is to look what area of life isn’t integrated into your life… At first I could not think of anything, but then I had an insight: I started to look at what doesn’t … Continue reading

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Do you have an integrated life or a bunch of things you do?

You get back what you put in

sow-reapDid you notice that I said what, and not how much? Did you also notice, that you heard: how much? Do you notice that people seem to say the things you already know? But you never noticed that they say … Continue reading

See the article here: 

You get back what you put in

Do you have free will? Free choice? What is the ego’s role in that?

genetic-jail-sentenceGenetic determinism and the ego’s role in it. I could also have made the title: your horoscope and your ego’s role in it, or your soul correction and your ego’s role in it. There is a lot of different ways … Continue reading

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Do you have free will? Free choice? What is the ego’s role in that?

How do I do the 67 steps that my life is on an upswing?

decision_comic1I watch, or better said, listen to the next 67-step when I have time, maybe even hours, to ponder. Commuting time, making dinner, doing the laundry are perfect times for that. Instead of what other people do, listen to music … Continue reading

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How do I do the 67 steps that my life is on an upswing?