Report on the state of the planet: January 2012

If you would like to know more about the subject – then you will want to read this article. It includes plenty of information about this subject that is sure to help you better understand the ins and outs that seem to confuse most people. It really does not have to be difficult to understand.

The information that follows is one way to look at this information, and after reading the article you are free to form your own opinion. Whether or not you agree with the subject matter is up to you, and you are certainly free to make up your own mind about the material presented here.

Report on the state of the planet dark side: grew to 9% in the last month from 1%. Cause: fear, the result of fearmongering average vibration: 100 dominant emotions: a “holding your breath” type of anxiety that can kill your heart (Aspen), A grab your throat type of fear (Gorse), Fear and lack of confidence in self, if anything bad happens (Mimulus), Looking outside of self for answers and being gullible and swayable (Cerato and Centaury), a general deterioration of vibration and intelligence due to fear. (names in brackets are the Bach Flowers that express best the feeling.

Report on the state of the planet: January 2012
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Muscle Testing Your Own Vibration

Thanks for stopping by our website. Are you fed up of getting mediocre information, when you have put so much effort into getting the best? We are one of the leading sources of information on the subject so you are definitely at the right place.

Have a read of the article below… we are sure you will find it dots all the ‘i’s’, and crosses all the ‘t’s’. On our site we strive to provide the most up-to-date information. Remember that you read it here first, and please tell your friends.

Muscle Testing Your Own Vibration You want to know. Or if I want to be more precise, you EGO wants to know. It’s a curiosity thing. It doesn’t have anything to do with anything else

Muscle Testing Your Own Vibration

Are you empathic? Sensitive? Someone you know? I may want you for some experiments

The subject is quite a popular subject, and you will find some information in the article below. This should help you get started on your search for information. I hope you find the article relevant, and that you will share it with others. Do let us know what you think about the article.

I just had a remarkable revelation. As you may or may not know, I have been offering to prepare Bach Flower Remedies and ship them at cost to whoever asks for it. Obviously the people that already study with me are asking for it. There have been three women that, when I tested them (energetically and remotely) they tested positive to over 20 flowers, one to 23, another one to 28, and yet another one, today, to 33 or the 38 flowers

See original article:
Are you empathic? Sensitive? Someone you know? I may want you for some experiments
Do you feel that the information that you have just read satisfies your curiosity about the subject? If so, send us a message of affirmation. However, if you feel that there is a need for improvement, please also let us know where we can add more details. It is our goal to make this site the best resource for the subject. Your feedback will be highly appreciated!

Soul Correction: Trust But Don’t Be Stupid!

If you would like to know more about the subject – then you will want to read this article. It includes plenty of information about this subject that is sure to help you better understand the ins and outs that seem to confuse most people. It really does not have to be difficult to understand.

The information that follows is one way to look at this information, and after reading the article you are free to form your own opinion. Whether or not you agree with the subject matter is up to you, and you are certainly free to make up your own mind about the material presented here.

Soul Correction: Trust But Don’t Be Stupid! The person with this soul correction has had a lot of disappointments, betrayals, and let-downs. The behavior that has led to these experiences is an interesting one: the person with this issue pretends to only see what supports what they project. They pretend not to see the warning signs of setting themselves up to be betrayed. It’s a game

See more here:
Soul Correction: Trust But Don’t Be Stupid!
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Are you Part of the Two Billion People or The Five Billion People? Big Difference!

This the subject blog is a prime online resource for everything you need to know about it. There are tutorials that will guide you on the step by step process, and there are articles that provide enriched information for your use. It is amazing how many people have actually learned much from this site. Feel free to browse the site… there is a lot of information waiting!

Why is it important to recognize that you are not connected? A full 30%, or two billion people in the world think that they are connected to Source 24/7. How do I know? I have spoken with some of them. And the total number comes from muscle testing while being connected.

Read More:
Are you Part of the Two Billion People or The Five Billion People? Big Difference!
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Healing Codes Lt3. What Is It, How Much It Costs And Why You Should Do Or Shouldn’t Do It

Thanks for visiting our the subject website. You will find the latest information, discussions about the pros and cons of each aspect, and also, a large community of readers who regularly share their ideas and opinions on the latest developments. It is as important now as it ever was to examine the issue carefully. After all, without the facts, how can we know we are making the right choice?

We recently came across the article below and we have posted it on our site because it addresses some of the unanswered questions and raises some new ones at the same time. If you like what you see here, be sure to come back and, let your friends know.

Healing Codes LT3. What is it, how much it costs and why you should do or shouldn’t do it.

Finally I got up the courage and called for the price of the LT3. Which makes it obvious: I haven’t done this program, and chances are I won’t. I don’t have $2,500 and I don’t think I need it, given that I have my own “hotline” to the same source he uses. I also teach people to connect to the same source, effectively. But that is neither here or there… here is the info everyone wants to know. Of course, most of what I am writing about the content is my educated guess.

It is a 5-week program with two elements:

    Continue reading “Healing Codes Lt3. What Is It, How Much It Costs And Why You Should Do Or Shouldn’t Do It”

UniPhi Yoga – Solfeggio – Healing with your voice

This the subject blog is a prime online resource for everything you need to know about it. There are tutorials that will guide you on the step by step process, and there are articles that provide enriched information for your use. It is amazing how many people have actually learned much from this site. Feel free to browse the site… there is a lot of information waiting!

AsheraHart asked:

This video talks about the common challenges many of us face when wanting to heal ourselves with our own voice and how tuning in with the sacred sound of the solfeggio can help. To check out more about this amazingly helpful sound healing technology using the solfeggio (Zobet) frequencies which correspond to the maths of the body and help you awaken and unify on all levels, please go to my website:- or and you will find The Unity Codes available for sale as a solfeggio sound healing audio download in either .wav format (high quality file) or a high quality MP3 file (192 kbps) located in the Shop/Downloads section. Subscribe if you feel inspired and spread the Unity vibe! Thanks for watching!!! Ashera and Andrea UniPhi Yoga Tune into your peak potential with universal sound healing technology

Do you feel that the information that you have just read satisfies your curiosity about the subject? If so, send us a message of affirmation. However, if you feel that there is a need for improvement, please also let us know where we can add more details. It is our goal to make this site the best resource for the subject. Your feedback will be highly appreciated!

Kymatica Part 1

These are tough times. And many of us are feeling it in our wallets. But .. No matter how tough times are, we can’t forget the basics. And the subject definitely is one of the basics. And, without the basics taken care of, how can you get started?
Below is one of the best articles we have ever read on the subject. It lays everything out nicely, it’s easy to read, and, understand, it touches on all of the key issues, and, best of all, when you have finished reading it, you will definitely know which is a very good direction to take given your circumstances.

tritestatic asked:

REFERENCE PAGE CREATION Sex Time and Power by Leonard Shlain Secrets of the Great Pyramid by Peter Tompkins Anima Mundi: Awakening the Soul of the World by Llewellyn Vaughan-Lee, Published in Sufi Journal, Issue 67, Autumn 2005 MYTHOS Atlantis: Alien Visitation and Genetic Manipulation by Michael Tsarion Mythology by Edith Hamilton pg. 180-184 LOGOS Healing Codes for the Biological Apocalypse by Dr. Leonard Horowitz Cymatics: The Structure and Dynamics of Waves and Vibrations by Hans Jenny pp. 10 Cymatics: The Science of the Future by Peter Petterson The Healing Forces of Music: History, Theory and Practice by R. McClellan pp. 50 Is There a Connection Between Ancient Indian and Hebrew Language? by Gene D. Matlock “The Sound of Meaning” Series by Charles William Johnson The Science of Mantra by Swami Murugesu or LAW G. Gilmore & C. Black, The Law of Admiralty p:586-89 (2d ed. 1975) Editor, Fort Fairfield Journal By: David Deschesne Fort Fairfield Journal, May 11, 2005 Executive Orders 6073, 6102, 6111, and 6260 PSYCHE Art and the Creative Unconscious by Erich Neumann pg. 18 People in Trouble by Wilhelm Reich Brzezinski Backs Obama, Washington Post, Saturday, August 25, 2007

Do you feel that the information that you have just read satisfies your curiosity about the subject? If so, send us a message of affirmation. However, if you feel that there is a need for improvement, please also let us know where we can add more details. It is our goal to make this site the best resource for the subject. Your feedback will be highly appreciated!

The Healing Codes – How Healing Your Own Heart Brings Health to Others

It’s not surprising many people are looking for information on the subject when it’s such a common issue for so many, yet, good information is hard to find. That’s why we have gathered everything you need to know, right here.

The article below goes directly to the heart of the matter and explains all sides of the issue. We hope it answers your particular questions.

We strive to keep our information up-to-date so that you can find everything you need to know, right here, on our website. Our researchers probe all the key media wires and inside sources to bring you the news while it is happening. Find it here and be the first to know.

Jerry Graham asked:

Stress is Contagious

Imagine yourself in the presence of someone whose ugly, negative energy brings down your own mood quickly. Many of us have someone like that in our lives. In fact, some of us may even be filling that role for others. The sad fact is that we can, even without meaning to, invoke harmful mental states in those around us. Because that’s true, then conversely our own healing can bring about a positive change in the lives of many others.

To better understand this concept, consider the well-documented effect of secondhand smoke on people who live or work with smokers. Just as continued interaction with a smoker increases the harmful effect on the body, continued contact with a negative, angry person can have a devastating effect on your own mental state.

How Can Unexpressed Emotions be Passed Along

Secondhand smoke, a dangerous pollutant, can be used as a metaphor for the toxic energy that flows from someone wrestling with painful memories and destructive emotions. Let’s look a little deeper at the transfer of negative energy that occurs when this person interacts with others.Many of us can recount stories of friends or family members who suddenly had strong feelings that someone far away was in danger. It’s been called “ESP,” or “The Sixth Sense,” or by Einstein himself, “Spooky Action at a Distance.”

Knowing what we now know about the field of quantum physics, it’s reasonable to state that quantum energy produced by brain activity moves between individuals. This transfer was recorded in 1994 in what is known as the Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen study in which research subjects were briefly introduced then placed fifty feet apart so that they could not see each other.

Attached to equipment measuring respiration, heart rate, and other physiological indicators, the subjects were treated as follows: one had a penlight shone directly into his eyes as the other was observed for signs of stress. In a fascinating turn of events, both subjects experienced the same levels of anxiety.

The experiment has been replicated many times since, with the same result, no matter how far apart the subjects were placed. Although some scientists are still scratching their heads over how this could occur, those involved in quantum physics understand that energy transmitted between the two subjects caused anxiety at equal levels.

Ramifications of this New Understanding

How does this translate into how someone else’s negative emotions can cause harm? It means people can unconsciously influence those around them with the negative or positive energy flowing from them.

Carried further, it means that healing can also be facilitated in others by changing the level of anger, rage, sadness, or other negative emotions within our own hearts. This offers exciting possibilities, having the ability to have a positive ripple effect on those we encounter.

It means that a negative family history can be transformed by changing just one person’s inner heart. It allows us to offer love, forgiveness, and healing in the hope of positively impacting everyone we meet.

An Exciting Possibility

If each of us committed to healing our inner hearts and then purposely allowed that positive energy to flow to others, entire cultures could be changed. Guided by this concept, we can begin to find the help we need to correct the faulty images in our memories that bring us pain. Once we have made those corrections, we can extend that healing outward to bring relief to other people in our lives.

Click here to get a FREE report on energy healing

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The Healing Codes – Four Steps For Redefining Painful Memories

Have you ever wondered how the subject works? Doesn’t it baffle your mind a bit? Doesn’t it spark your curious mind, and make you think incessantly about it? Are you interested in learning facts, trivia and other interesting information about it? You have come to the right place because every so often we update this site with various information about the subject. Click on the links and start reading!

Jerry Graham asked:

Unexpected Memories

We know from decades of research that memories are stored in the mind as images. Those memory-based images are often recalled by unexpected triggers in our day-to-day activities. The secret to living a happy, balanced life sometimes lies in healing those traumatic memories by redefining the painful images those events produced.

A Simple Four-Step Process to Healing

To illustrate an effective healing process, Dr. Alex Loyd, founder of The Healing Codes, has developed four steps for redefining those painful memories.
First, consider the area in your life giving you the most difficulty. Typically, this might be finances, relationships, or career. Once you have that area in mind, define the emotions you’re feeling. Next, recall a memory from an earlier time in your life that evokes similar emotions. For example, if finances are your trouble spot in life and thinking about money causes you to feel angry and frustrated, think of another time in your life when you were feeling the same way. Your mental “image maker” that creates and stores memories as images is the platform for this process. The third step is to insert yourself mentally into that earlier memory, but as a third party observer rather than as a participant. One important note: Dr. Loyd always suggests you “take” a trusted person with you in your mind to the scene of the past trauma, if it feels at all unsafe to go there. Observe the physical reactions the scene causes in you, both as a third party and as a participant in the scene. You’ll probably find that the physical reactions you have when you take a step back from the scene are very different than the ones you felt as it was happening. The final step is to ask the earlier version of yourself caught up in the painful memory what is needed for them to be healed. During this stage, you will find that a false perception is at the root of your emotional pain. That might be the perception that you are evil or wrong for doing something normal, because an angry person told you so. This is the time to speak truth into that memory from your third party self so that the lie that’s trapped in that memory can be released. The guiding concept is “speak the truth in love.” This process may seem too simple to be effective in healing emotional pain, but it is in fact an incredibly powerful first step in being released from the faulty memories that cause you stress in ways that you may not even recognize now.

Key to Health & Happiness

Relieving that stress is the key to future health and happiness. This healing is available to anyone willing to work through the false perceptions stored within their mind’s mental images. Make the commitment to getting the help you need to begin this healing in yourself.

Click here to get a FREE report on energy healing

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