Think and grow rich, number one distributor of mind virus… Jesus Juice is just close second.

Truth repeated is a lie.

These is one of those sentences that don’t make sense when you read it from the mind.

Napoleon Hill interviewed lots of successful people. He repeated their words. The words became a lie.

Let’s see all the reasons why truth repeated is a lie, ok?

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Talk back to me: Are my audios subliminal? Do I have trade secrets? What’s in the audios?

Thank you for sending the audio.

The effect I’m experiencing – is that I feel more determined to accomplish my goals. I feel driven – as if nothing will stop me from seeing my goals completed.

I tried to explain your audios to someone, but she wanted more info. Without giving away trade secrets – you need to be clearer on what the audios are. Do you have subliminal messages beneath the nature sounds, is it just sounds, vibrations? People are unwilling to try something new unless you explain exactly what they are getting. Lots of people have tried everything under the sun without getting results, so now people are getting a little wary. Just my thoughts…

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Is there an alternate reality? A parallel universe? Are there really paradigms where a version of you has a different life?

Is there an alternate reality? Are there paradigms where a version of you has a different life?

These and such questions have been coming up in conversations, movies, and books lately.

My answer is: I don’t know. I only know what I experience, everything else is Tree of Knowledge stuff… and I don’t teach Tree of Knowledge stuff, hearsay at best.

The next question is: what happens when you practice paradigm-jumping in order to get guidance?

Paradigm jumping is not my invention, I bought a program and learned it there. I do one thing differently: I connect to Source and jump. Why is that different? Because when you are connected to Source you are out of your thinking mode. You can’t connect to Source from the mind… and you can’t get any useful information from jumping if you stay in the head.

Two days ago I attempted to use paradigm jumping as a transformational tool for others, for the first time.

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Our moral code was born out of “tradition”… Here is how it’s done…

Here is a very apt analogy how it works:

The monkeys and the banana
Start with a cage containing five monkeys.

Inside the cage, hang a banana on a string and place a set of stairs under it. Before long, a monkey will go to the stairs and start to climb towards the banana. As soon as he touches the stairs, spray all of the other monkeys with cold water.

After a while, another monkey makes an attempt with the same result – all the other monkeys are sprayed with cold water. Pretty soon, when another monkey tries to climb the stairs, the other monkeys will try to prevent it.

Now, put away the cold water. Remove one monkey from the cage and replace it with a new one. The new monkey sees the banana and wants to climb the stairs. To his surprise and horror, all of the other monkeys attack him.

After another attempt and attack, he knows that if he tries to climb the stairs, he will be assaulted.

Next, remove another of the original five monkeys and replace it with a new one. The newcomer goes to the stairs and is attacked. The previous newcomer takes part in the punishment with enthusiasm! Likewise, replace a third original monkey with a new one, then a fourth, then the fifth. Every time the newest monkey takes to the stairs, he is attacked.

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Tree of Knowledge path to life… Tree of Life path to Life. What’s the difference?

As people round the steps in the 67 step coaching program, as they begin the second cycle, they start to see new things, or they keep on seeing the same things… Some see the things from memory. Comparing. “Knowing”. And … Continue reading

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Tree of Knowledge path to life… Tree of Life path to Life. What’s the difference?

They tell you to read… so you go and read junk! What does it do to your life?


The Belly-Fat of Ignorance If you feed your body processed food… you get belly fat, sluggish, and your body won’t be a fine-tuned machine, serving you. If you feed your brain with processed information, your brain gets the same way: … Continue reading

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They tell you to read… so you go and read junk! What does it do to your life?

Chasing the blue bird of happiness

pursuit-of-happinessAnything that is obvious, anything that makes sense, anything that you know is from the Tree of Knowledge, or the desire for the self alone. The Tree of Knowledge is the part of the Cosmos that is visible with the … Continue reading

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Chasing the blue bird of happiness

Your worth a damn factors… Knowledge? Is yours worth a damn?

elephant showering joyfullyEverything you know is in the way of you being able to act powerfully That wasn’t the exact expression… I said: “Everything you know is in the way of being creative…” I said this to the first person I coached … Continue reading


Your worth a damn factors… Knowledge? Is yours worth a damn?

Information is like milk. It tends to go bad over time

information is like milkInformation, possibility, attitude, skill, capacity… they are all, in one way or another, are information, and they do behave like milk. They go sour… useless… bad. You may want to ask the question before you research, buy, ask questions: “am … Continue reading

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Information is like milk. It tends to go bad over time

Goal setting and other usual activities for January… should you set goals?

take consistent small steps towards the horizonYou want to teach what you need yourself. Why? Because that way you can teach from your own learning experience, instead of tree of knowledge. So far so good… but… Some things almost lie outside of your reach… you can … Continue reading

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Goal setting and other usual activities for January… should you set goals?