The most frequent energy leak that holds you back

I just realized that I left out one of the most frequent energy leaks, need leaks from the last article. And that is the minuscule pleasure you gain when you feel clever, when you feel you got one over someone, … Continue reading

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An example of how to access your power if your vibration is under 200

I have a favorite actor. Simon Baker, from The Guardian and from The Mentalist. Before I sat down to write this post, I looked what it is that I like about him. And I found two things about him that … Continue reading

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An easy way to get to the big picture that can make your life worth living, regardless of the circumstances

Gurus teach this… but obviously even they don’t quite get it… The order of things is this: Being creates the doing and the doing creates the having… If this didn’t make any sense, you are not alone… billions are in … Continue reading

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A harder look at Gary Douglas and Access Consciousness… Scam? cult?

There are things worse than being scammed. Being scammed leaves you with less money, with less time, but what is worse than that is if you participate with Access Consciousness… You’ll be left with an energetic attachment, like a spigot, … Continue reading →

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No energy? Likely you are Twitchy Little Bastard… A Marshmallow eater…

This morning I am running on fumes… (or how to increase your Twitchy Little Bastard score) Some activities fill you up, some activities drain your energy. One of the most important capacities one can develop is to tell the difference… … Continue reading →

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Heroism vs. incremental process: choosing will choose your life for you

I just read an article on our mindset, collective mindset, where you wait until something goes really wrong and then you seek out help. It’s here in pdf form… for your convenience. incremental-medicine This is the mindset in every area … Continue reading →

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The newest measure to predict your future success… this one is like a ladder

Every human is moved by their emotions and feelings plus thoughts: words, ideas, concepts. In this order. The motive power, the stimulus to act comes from the feelings. The words, ideas, concepts only modify them, or direct the actions. Without … Continue reading

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Acidity… what is it, the cause, the symptoms, what can you do about it?

I have been meaning to write about acidity, alkalinity, and this whole field of misunderstanding, misdirection, you should know about, because it is important. Acidity is a symptom. It is also a cause… cause of a lot of mischief in … Continue reading

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Context is decisive… or why your dreams only exist in words… not in reality


You have freedom to create any context you wish. There are only two kinds of contexts: 1. Empowering Context 2. Disempowering Context Empowering means, simply, that it gives you power to go in the direction you meant to go. It … Continue reading


Context is decisive… or why your dreams only exist in words… not in reality

What life did you choose in the first hour of your day? The Backdrop


Every day works best if and when you have a context set in the first hour of the day. For most of you this is the same old, same old, because you put your attention to everything the same old … Continue reading


What life did you choose in the first hour of your day? The Backdrop