No energy? Likely you are Twitchy Little Bastard… A Marshmallow eater…

This morning I am running on fumes… (or how to increase your Twitchy Little Bastard score) Some activities fill you up, some activities drain your energy. One of the most important capacities one can develop is to tell the difference… … Continue reading →

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Where did this humanity-wide phenomenon of being so weak… living like a putz come from?

mlk-3Putz: putz noun 1. a stupid or worthless person. 2. vulgar slang: a limp dick. verb: putz; engage in inconsequential or unproductive activity. origin: 1960s: Yiddish, literally ‘penis.’ I meant to share student essays on how self-created rules keep them … Continue reading

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Where did this humanity-wide phenomenon of being so weak… living like a putz come from?

Rewiring the brain: The chains of habit are too weak to be felt until they are too strong to be broken.

mortal-immortalMost of you live life as if you lived forever. You are patient when it comes to doing what you set out to do, have long term goals and aspirations for your life, that you do nothing about. You are … Continue reading

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Rewiring the brain: The chains of habit are too weak to be felt until they are too strong to be broken.

Why you should not trust your doctor, your nutritionist, your muscle testing…

vatapittakapha1Mental Representation… an incredibly useful distinction and an incredibly rare capacity I loved the book ‘Peak, the new science of expertise’, until almost the very end. Then I got angry. Somewhere around 90% of the book I noticed that he … Continue reading

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Why you should not trust your doctor, your nutritionist, your muscle testing…

Doing things, being busy, trying, vs. accomplishment and fulfillment

busy but not fulfilledRemember, when something isn’t working, there is something you don’t know. If your life feels empty in spite of all what’s in it, then you need to look at it and examine it. There is something, a piece of knowledge, … Continue reading


Doing things, being busy, trying, vs. accomplishment and fulfillment

How to beat the “I don’t know what to do…” and “I don’t know how…”

I have ten unfinished articles on my desktop. It doesn’t feel I have enough to say in any of them to make them a real article.

This one is starting out the same way, to become an unfinished article. I don’t know what to say. I don’t know how to make it a good article.

The base of this article an insight I had just now, five minutes ago.

The situation was: I have been screwing up everything I touched today. Watch my language, by the way.

So, I told myself: “Don’t be a jumping jack. Look before you leap.”

I closed my eyes, and I heard the little voice say: “I don’t know what to look at!” Whiny tone, imagine a 3 year old saying it.
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Commitment… the c-word

Hello! You are now in the blog where you will find various articles, videos, links and photos that will surely spark your interest. This is a one stop website for all the information that you will need. There is a whole array of resources that are waiting to be discovered. Feel free to carry on reading and browse more articles like the one below. We have exciting resources that were gathered by our experts in the subject.

crocodileWhen a crocodile slams its jaws shut, the energy it summons is powerful. But when the beast opens its jaws, the force it exerts is weak. That’s because the muscles used to close are much more robust than the muscles … Continue reading

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Commitment… the c-word
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Soul Correction: Finish What You Start

It’s not surprising many people are looking for information on the subject when it’s such a common issue for so many, yet, good information is hard to find. That’s why we have gathered everything you need to know, right here.

The article below goes directly to the heart of the matter and explains all sides of the issue. We hope it answers your particular questions.

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Soul Correction: Finish What You Start You find yourself with projects half started, never finished. You find yourself getting enough satisfaction out of buying a self-improvement program, but you don’t actually listen to it or use it. Your self-image is “insignificant.” Maybe even weak, inconsequential, not important. It’s all a game.

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Soul Correction: Finish What You Start
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Brain Entrainment in Alpha, Beta, Theta and Delta Mind Brain Wave Frequency Brainwaves

Have you just acquired the subject but are unsure how to get the best use out of it? Do you want one but don’t know if it would be the right thing for you?

Have a look at the article below. We are sure it will point you in the right direction. Based on our feedback so far, it has helped hundreds of our readers. While you are here, have a look at some of the other articles as they, too, are filled with advice and tips on how to avoid the common mistakes.

Leon Edward asked:

When the brain is working, electrical activity is happening and this electrical activity actually comes up with what is known as brain wave frequencies. Brain wave patterns are measured in cycles per second, or hertz. Brainwaves come in a variety of different categories. These categories of brainwaves range from least activity to the most activity and they include delta, theta, alpha, beta and now gamma waves are considered in meditation by some. Here is a closer look at these brain wave frequencies and how they affect the body.

Delta Brain Waves

The Delta brain wave frequencies are those that have the lowest amount of activity. Usually they show that you are >in a very deep sleep when exhibiting a high amplitude of only 1 – 4 hertz.. These waves are the slowest and have the highest amplitude. Usually these waves occur when you are deeply sleeping, although these are the dominant waves that infants experience in their first year of life. Within this range, some frequencies are being shown to actually help trigger growth and healing by the body. Although these brainwaves often indicate stage 3 or 4 of sleep, they can occur when you are hyper relaxed or meditating deeply.

Theta Brain Waves

Next you have the Theta brain wave frequencies generally at 6-10 cycles per second, which is not quite as slow as the Delta waves. Usually these brainwaves indicate that you are daydreaming, feeling sleepy, or that you are in the first stages of sleep. Unless adults are meditating, usually they are not in this realm while awake. However, children often show this state under the age of 13. When the body gets into this state, the heart rate and breathing are reduced.

Alpha Brain Waves

The Alpha brainwaves are those that are not quite as fast as the Beta waves, but they are still aster than the Theta and Delta waves. Alpha waves are in the frequency range of 8-12 Hz. Usually these brainwaves show that your mind is relaxed although still aware. When you relax and close your eyes these brainwaves are increased. These brainwaves work to move you towards imagination, thinking that is intuitive, and deep relaxation. They can help you to meditate, relax, and recovery from stress or emotional distress.

Beta Brain Waves

Beta brain wave frequencies occur when the mind is focused and alert. Beta wave oscillate at the frequency range of brain activity from twelve to thirty cycles per second. This is the fast activity of the brain that dominates the brain when you are awake. Usually the frontal lobes of the brain is where these brainwaves are detected and they are seen on both sides of the brain as well. These types of brainwaves are seen when you are teaching, solving problems, assessing situations, having conversations, or doing other processing activities.

Gamma Brain Waves

Brain wave research and many neuro-scientist thoughts do not agree as of yet or have a consensus opinion on gamma brainwaves and there exact measurement. A correlation between these gamma rays which can vary between 40 to 10 hertz and transcendental mental states is claimed by Tibetan Monks for example. Even though this meditative effect is not clear, its role of intense focus while being weak and transient in normal brain activity is agreed on. The details of the mechanisms are beyond the scope of this article.

Meditation Brain Waves

Deep Meditation will exhibit brainwaves through different states with the most common being alpha. However there is increased activity in Gamma with extreme benefits showing in the left prefrontal cortex of the brain. What some refer as a persons Third Eye is – awakened-through meditation in the Theta state. This deep state of relaxation can sometimes be experienced by people undergoing a repetitive yet simple activity as painting or even cutting the lawn. Deep sleep again will allow everyone to experience delta brainwave frequency but there are professionals in the neurosciences who can access your level of unconscious through this state if induced by a brain wave generator in therapy.

Now that you understand a bit more about the various types of brain waves frequency that occur within the brain, you also need to realize that your brain doesn’t just show only one range at once. You brain has all of these frequencies going at one time, but usually one is dominating at the time. Depending on the engagement of your mind, the brainwaves that dominate can vary. Delta brainwaves dominate during deep sleep, while it is the Beta brainwaves that are dominating when your brain is highly engaged.

Read articles on how to use self-healing to get unstuck

There are lots of issues to be considered about the subject, and those that are heavily into the subject are likely to want to know more. Even if this article serves as no more than an introduction, nothing stops you from putting the information to good use.