An easy way to get to the big picture that can make your life worth living, regardless of the circumstances

Gurus teach this… but obviously even they don’t quite get it… The order of things is this: Being creates the doing and the doing creates the having… If this didn’t make any sense, you are not alone… billions are in … Continue reading

Source:: main blog

What is using your life? The process of “wondering about” and how to stop it.

This will talk to everyone… including you. Chances that you escaped this 0.3 percent. Slim. OK, this is how it works in the world of the mind: Something happens. Puzzling. Scary. Something that doesn’t make sense. In my case, many … Continue reading

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What is using your life? The process of “wondering about” and how to stop it.

Want to find your self? Express it? Be true to it? Be motivated by it?

brett-wilson-find-yourself-and-be-thatI started to read the book by Edward Deci, “Why we do what we do. Understanding self-motivation”. This is the first book, that I know, that defines self the way, or similarly the way I do… To become a person, … Continue reading

Originally posted here – 

Want to find your self? Express it? Be true to it? Be motivated by it?

Chasing the blue bird of happiness

pursuit-of-happinessAnything that is obvious, anything that makes sense, anything that you know is from the Tree of Knowledge, or the desire for the self alone. The Tree of Knowledge is the part of the Cosmos that is visible with the … Continue reading

Original link: 

Chasing the blue bird of happiness

Leaky gut… 90% chance you have it… Now, how you feel, will start making sense to you

LeakyGutSymptoms4 Steps to Heal Leaky Gut and Autoimmune Disease by Dr Axe Article truth value: 10%. Why so low: because the author doesn’t know about the fact that all food is toxic to some level to people whose ancestors did … Continue reading

Read this article – 

Leaky gut… 90% chance you have it… Now, how you feel, will start making sense to you

The feeling that you are insufficient for the task that is in front of you

3052758966_aff579c03d_zThis feeling can be colored by fear, dread, can feel like anxiety, but at the root of most fear is a sense that you are insufficient for the task that is in front of you. Not big enough, not smart … Continue reading

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The feeling that you are insufficient for the task that is in front of you

Is Muscle testing a good truth method for picking a diet?

I am starting to get hate mail. I am happy about it. They say the opposite of love is not hate, it is indifference. So when you teach something, no echo is the worst thing that can happen to you. … Continue reading

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Is Muscle testing a good truth method for picking a diet?

Giving and Receiving… the whole story

give-too-muchWhat happens to what you give to people, after you gave it to them? We are told that we are what we eat… and it makes no sense… Because really what we are is what we can absorb from what … Continue reading


Giving and Receiving… the whole story

The role of structures in happiness, in achievement, in a life worth living

Dynamic-Tension-8705I am about as religious as a teacup… and that is actually one of the freedoms that allow me to experiment, to allow myself to be guided through torturous paths, to use my life to discover law-like phenomena, to read … Continue reading

Link to original – 

The role of structures in happiness, in achievement, in a life worth living

You never know where any step takes you… The Sight does…

fork-in-the-roadWhen you have The Sight activated, like a lot of my students and clients, you can ask and you are, in the minimum, shown or given a signal for yes or no… proceed or not to proceed. You don’t know … Continue reading

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You never know where any step takes you… The Sight does…