Who are you to think that you don’t need skills, don’t need knowledge in the world?


Your self-preserving, self-sparing nature is humanity-wide. Across races, across continents, occupations, education levels. Most people today try to eat soup while they can only contribute one or two ingredients to that meal. What do I mean? Speaking languages playing musical … Continue reading

Originally posted here:

Who are you to think that you don’t need skills, don’t need knowledge in the world?

One model for a satisfying life is the battery.

If you suck the last little bit of energy out of your battery and then charge it, next day it will give you a little more… PS: I wrote an article on the importance of the capacity to feel, experience … Continue reading

Original article:

One model for a satisfying life is the battery.

How to have the wind in your back? How to have a Silent Partner with immense power?


Yesterday’s article was the tree that fell in the forest that didn’t make a sound. No one was there to hear it. Many read it, no one heard it. No echo. Why? How come? Probably because you were reading it … Continue reading

Original article –

How to have the wind in your back? How to have a Silent Partner with immense power?

If I see you as beautiful… will you start to see yourself as beautiful?


If I see you as beautiful… will you see yourself as beautiful? If I see you as magnificent, great, awesome… will you see yourself like I do? Muscle test and my experience says: no. The most beautiful women spend hours … Continue reading

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If I see you as beautiful… will you start to see yourself as beautiful?

Unless you like yourself, you won’t like your life either…

love-yourself-like-your-life-depends-on-it-because-it-does-quote-1Unless you like yourself, unless you feel good about yourself, you won’t like your life either. Happiness is liking yourself and your life. Not the Smokescreen… What the smoke screen you set up hides about you… the nasty stuff… or … Continue reading


Unless you like yourself, you won’t like your life either…

How do you know if you are growing, or just imagining that you are?

change-is-the-process-of-growing-into-who-you-are-supposed-to-beMy homework for the course I am in is to read 200 testimonials to a book in my niche. My niche is self growth, becoming a human being, being all you can become… A little vague, I am afraid. But … Continue reading


How do you know if you are growing, or just imagining that you are?

What does a robin and you have in common?

6834515032_fed9fd296e_bI am watching a robin trying to pull a string loose on my third story deck. He is persistent. He was here yesterday, and he was here the day before. The thread is long. I used it to pull up … Continue reading


What does a robin and you have in common?

Making choices: are you a rank amateur?

Risk-Management-2This may be the most important article you read this year, this decade… because this article may inspire you to become a professional at living, instead of remaining a rank amateur… aka bumbling idiot. Risk Management You have two options. … Continue reading

See original: 

Making choices: are you a rank amateur?

What does your energy say about you?

your energy hangs around even after you dieIt would be my mom’s birthday today. She would be 96 years old if she lived. She died 21 years ago. So, today, I decided to honor her. Pay my respects. Connect to her. Allow the animosity between us to … Continue reading

This article:  

What does your energy say about you?

Feeling Left out… and you are scrambling or resign…

others bragging make you feel left out, less, inferiorWhen you become aware of your urges… a feeling that urges you to do something, mostly to relieve a tension, a pain, a fear, you’ll probably find this fear of being left out, being left behind. Urges make you do … Continue reading

Originally from:

Feeling Left out… and you are scrambling or resign…