We all want to feel motivated. But we are all taught to go about it the wrong way

Inner motivation vs. Outer motivation… choose! Being motivated inwardly or outwardly. By returning to inner motivation you return to the childlike joy you remember so fondly…

Real motivation is like inspiration: being pulled into doing something, instead of being pushed into efforting and trying and all the horizontal plane feelings: having to, needing to, wanting to, and should. These are not present when you are motivated: you are just doing what you are doing because it’s fun, because it is interesting, because it is there to do… for its own sake.
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Jane Roberts, Seth, other channelers… Vibrational Review

All channelers are fakes, frauds, impostors. There are no entities that can be channeled. Reality is a lot simpler than that. You CAN tune into the Zero Point Field, I have been, but it is much less colorful, much less … Continue reading

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Jane Roberts, Seth, other channelers… Vibrational Review

What is wanting doing to you? To your spirit, your health, your wealth?

blocking-creative-flowGreed is an energy that is coming directly from the selfish gene Greed is wanting. But the wanting is a fixation. It blocks the flow. Life wants to give you what you need. Greed wants you what you want. And … Continue reading

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What is wanting doing to you? To your spirit, your health, your wealth?

No flying for you… Got it.

do-not-try-to-teach-a-pig-to-singDecember 10, 2015… the saddest day in my life. I see, finally, what is happening. I see that the time for my work hasn’t come. I see that what is important to you is to integrate into society, into your … Continue reading

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No flying for you… Got it.

The spirit wants only that there be flying

You can’t win the bets you don’t make. You can’t win the arguments you don’t engage in. You can’t win without taking risks. If you look at me, and can see, you’ll see a person with severe dyslexia, serious holes … Continue reading

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The spirit wants only that there be flying

If you have a problem keeping your word… Part 2

I am finding out that you’ve been thinking in terms of to-do lists to get things done. I find to-do lists daunting. The biggest problem with to-do lists is that it kills the spirit in things. The second biggest problem … Continue reading

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If you have a problem keeping your word… Part 2

What is the definition of enlightenment? What is an outlined path towards achieving it?

the spirit wants to flyGreat stuff I want you to read. I found this on Quora When you read all the comments (there are tons of them) you can see how much tree of knowledge there is out there, wishful thinking, hoping that there … Continue reading

Read More https://yourvibration.com/13944/definition-of-enlightenment/
Raise Your Vibration: Connect To Source teaches you how to connect to Source (God?) so you can live your life’s purpose, get answers, more

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What is the definition of enlightenment? What is an outlined path towards achieving it?

Mastery: how to go from unconscious incompetence to unconscious competence?

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You are joining thousands of other readers who visit our site on a regular basis. That is because we work hard to give you the information you need without all the fluff. This is the place to come for quality.

The article below is the latest addition to our site and it is a real education to read. We hope to sparks some ideas for you.

I fear not the man who has practiced 10,000 kicks once, but I fear the man who has practiced one kick 10,000 timesThe one rule of the Playground Program: All speaking needs to answer the questions: what happened, what is real? One of the first things people learn in the Landmark Forum is the idea that most of what you think happened … Continue reading

Read More https://yourvibration.com/9891/mastery-2/
Raise Your Vibration: Connect To Source teaches you how to connect to Source (God?) so you can live your life’s purpose, get answers, more

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Mastery: how to go from unconscious incompetence to unconscious competence?
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Soul Correction: Fertility. Fertility or Infertility as a Spiritual Phenomenon

We will take a look at the subject in the following article. It is a good place to start if you are new to the subject. There is a lot more information available for those that want to make a more detailed study.

Soul Correction/Soul Purpose: FERTILITY: how to get fertile , body mind and spirit. If we believe that WE are the ultimate source of our abundance, blessings, and miracles, then our lives inevitably become as barren as a desert. Souls become sterile due to inflated self-importance

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Soul Correction: Fertility. Fertility or Infertility as a Spiritual Phenomenon
You can never have too much information about such an important issue. Do you agree? Are you feeling better informed about the options you have? When all around you are scratching their heads, it’s a great feeling to have clear vision and know which direction you are heading.

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