Learning lessons the hard way… or the easy way… Part 2

thought experimentThe brilliance in the movie, “It’s a wonderful life” is that the angel creates a thought experiment what the world would be like if our hero hadn’t been born. Thought experiments are uniquely human: animals don’t do thought experiments. The … Continue reading

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Learning lessons the hard way… or the easy way… Part 2

The fundamental error of human thinking: that things are fixable

skinnierIf you look, at least half of our time is spent fixing or being part of a “fix”. The problem with fixing is fundamental and it is against Life and it is against Nature. Nature, Life, never fixes anything, it … Continue reading

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The fundamental error of human thinking: that things are fixable

This World Is an Illusion – Create Your Reality by Reprogramming Your Subconscious Mind

Thanks for visiting our the subject website. You will find the latest information, discussions about the pros and cons of each aspect, and also, a large community of readers who regularly share their ideas and opinions on the latest developments. It is as important now as it ever was to examine the issue carefully. After all, without the facts, how can we know we are making the right choice?

We recently came across the article below and we have posted it on our site because it addresses some of the unanswered questions and raises some new ones at the same time. If you like what you see here, be sure to come back and, let your friends know.

Parasram Maharaj asked:

For centuries we believe and it was taught that this universe is a billiard ball universe. The implication for this is that the future is set and nothing is changeable. With Newton’s laws we can predict everything precisely in the past, present and future. Fortunately all this have changed with new physics laws from quantum physics. Now we know and can prove with equations of varying complexity that the future is malleable and is determined by who is looking at it. In a previous article I expounded that Newtonian physics are true for large objects. Einstein’s theories showed flaws in those laws when applied to subatomic particles and he changed the world with his theory of relativity. In addition to the encouraging news that the future is what we make of it, quantum physics answered the chicken or the egg which-comes-first-question: Consciousness creates matter and not the other way around. This is now a scientific fact. Wikipedia provide excellent articles on any laws of physics.

Today, physicists are no longer shying away from spirituality and slowly and definitely, physicists are now defending spirituality. One of the many new age thinking is that we are living in a hologram-like reality. The reality of the sun, moon, stars, sky, plants, animals. rivers, oceans, and all else that are sensed by our five senses are part of a complex hologram. We are living and interacting with everything else and everyone else to learn, to love, to respect, and to live with an active awareness and guidance by the Creator of All That Is.

How is it possible that we all have similar experiences in contrary to what one would expect if we are creating this reality? We experience the sun, moon, stars, weather, animal interaction, plant interaction, gravity and so on, in more or less the same manner. The answer: (1) 99% of our DNA are the same in all races, and (2) we have mass consciousness programs in the subconscious mind. Please refer to Wikipedia or contact me for a more detail explanation of the DNA. The subconscious mass programming came from an energetic connection to an internet-like energetic morphogenic energy field that envelopes all of us. To experience the sun, the subconscious first looks at its programming, if there is none then it is “downloaded” from the mass consciousness. If we have different subconscious programs, then we would experience this world differently.

It is now possible to reprogram our subconscious and create our reality. Everything starts with consciousness. More money, better relationships, improve health, cure from major illnesses, closer relationship to the Creator, and so on, can be achieved only with reprogramming the subconscious mind. I have not come across a more easy modality to do all of this than Theta Healing.

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Exploring Theta Waves – The Exciting Implications of Theta Brain Waves for Learning and Memory

Many people want to know more about the subject. Are you one of them? If so, you might find the following article helpful in your search for information. We hope you find some useful pointers.

Richard M. Frost asked:

Theta waves have been associated with access to the subconscious mind, emotional and physical healing, enhanced creativity, and intuition. The use of meditation techniques to entrain Theta brain waves has become a cottage industry in the form of the “Theta Healing” program. But in this article we shall focus on an aspect of Theta waves that is clearly supported by decades of scientific research – the connection between Theta brain waves, learning, and memory. We will end by recommending further resources for those who wish to apply the power of Theta waves to their own lives.

What Science Tells Us About Theta Waves

In the scientific literature, a distinction is made between the Theta waves recorded in the hippocampus of animal brains and those emanating from the cerebral cortex of human brains. For reasons of bioethics, studies of human brain waves are generally confined to the relatively superficial observations made possible by EEG electrodes attached to the scalp. But experimentation on animals – whether we like it or not – has penetrated much deeper within the brain, including such harsh measures as removing portions of the brain “just to see what happens.”

It is fairly clear that both regions of the brain demonstrate Theta activity in the region of 4 – 7 Hertz, but researchers have been a little reluctant to connect them and have hedged their bets by speculating that the two processes may be independent of one another. Though our knowledge remains incomplete, hippocampal Theta waves are associated with REM sleep and cortical Theta rhythms are similarly associated with the borderline between sleep and waking. (This is why this particular frequency is often targeted by those wishing to have lucid dreams.)

Theta Brain Waves, Learning, and Memory

Theta frequencies are displayed during the performance of short-term memory tasks and seem to be involved in the processing of sensory information and preparation for appropriate body movements in response to that information. Theta brain waves apparently help separate the creation of new memories on a cellular level (long-term potentiation) from the recollection of existing memories cued by sensory stimuli – a precondition for effective learning. This is most clearly demonstrated in spatial learning and navigation.

The Exciting Promise of Theta Waves

The biofeedback research of Thomas Budzynski led him to conclude that Theta waves allow us to absorb new information in an uncritical manner by disarming the ever-vigilant filter of the analytical left hemisphere. This greatly facilitates “re-programming” of belief systems such as concepts of self-worth, and “unlearning” of destructive mental habits. A tremendous amount of new information can be absorbed quickly in the Theta state – and also recalled with great clarity.

When the brain is in this uncritical twilight zone, we have an ideal opportunity to rid ourselves of the negative attitudes that have been holding us back in all phases of our lives. Positive affirmations and creative visualizations will be vastly more effective when our brain’s dominant frequency is the Theta wave.

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