Sometimes guidance comes from a student or client request. Today I heard from a long time client who never managed to go from a to be… despite of the many courses she came to. She had a difficult time accessing … Continue reading
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Sometimes guidance comes from a student or client request. Today I heard from a long time client who never managed to go from a to be… despite of the many courses she came to. She had a difficult time accessing … Continue reading
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You are making all the right moves, you feel on the top of the world, smart, dashing… and then reality comes crashing down… the game you were playing bottoms out: you lose the person you were charming says something like: … Continue reading
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I read today’s Monday Morning Memo, as usual, and it made me look. _1 Who are my favorite fictional characters? At first I looked at the ones that weren’t supposed to survive, weren’t supposed to succeed, because they paralleled my … Continue reading
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Your invisible heroes… a guidance from fiction: books, movies, plays
We need to have a conversation about intellect, iq, smarts, intelligence… and the ability to raise your vibration… There IS a connection. You have what you have… as much or as little as you do. Just like in everything, how … Continue reading
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Intellect, iq, smarts, intelligence… and the ability to raise your vibration…
We all bow to a “god”, the god of respectability. Looking good, being well thought of, getting respect. And while you give your life to respectability, your life sours, your dreams die, you stop knowing who you are, where you … Continue reading
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The path to beauty, goodness, and truth is through the ugly, the bad, and the lies, not around them
Authenticity examined through movies… When I watch TV series on Netflix or Amazon, I am working… wouldn’t you like to get a job like that? lol. When I was in high school, I joined every group, every course, went to … Continue reading
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Back in 1988 I declared that my life was going to be NOT about my life but about others… And that was the beginning of my REAL life… This article is bulls eye, both in what it says and when … Continue reading
A person can do well without doing good… but where is the spice of life?
Does one size fit all… What is good for one will be good for you too? Yesterday a reader asked what is the series I watched all day on my birthday. The question indicates and unmasks a cultural phenomenon: thinking … Continue reading
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Are you hoping for second chances? Life after death, heaven, reincarnation?
Why were you happy as a child and what you lost that you could regain? Children live for the now moment, until they get corrupted by their parents. They do what they do NOT in order to get something else, … Continue reading
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The in-order-to syndrome that wastes your life… Do you have it?
There is a fundamental built-in error in tests that involve answering questions about ourselves. I have found that personality tests that rely on your knowing yourself and to predict what you would do in certain situations, are profoundly flawed. _1 … Continue reading
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