There are millions of ways to be stuck: people who move are all alike

This is paraphrasing the famous Leo Tolstoy quote: “All happy families are alike; each unhappy family is unhappy in its own way.” This is the Anna Karenina principle… As all principles do, it applies to many, maybe even all areas … Continue reading

Originally from –

There are millions of ways to be stuck: people who move are all alike

Look for guidance in the true and tried: The Art of War can be said is the Art of Life

I watched this hour and a half long documentary on Sun Tzu’s lessons, and real historical wars America fought inside and outside of America. I wept throughout. I value, overall, human life. Even if it is the life of someone … Continue reading


Look for guidance in the true and tried: The Art of War can be said is the Art of Life

It is exactly 57 times more complicated than that…

i-wont-apologize-for-who-i-am-2The current state of science, knowledge is “one size fits all”. Just do this and this and this… and you’ll be happy, wealthy, healthy, and in love. Every profession has their “this is the way, this is the truth” postage … Continue reading


It is exactly 57 times more complicated than that…

The only spiritual practice that raises your vibration, and can take you all the way

UNFRAGMENTEDIf you live a fragmented life… your life is full of wanting to, having to, needing to and should. The common thread that can unify your life, the different areas, is who you are. But if you don’t know who … Continue reading

Read the article: 

The only spiritual practice that raises your vibration, and can take you all the way

One big thinking mistake you’ve kept from early childhood, that is holding you back in life

magic-trick-pulling-rabbit-out-of-top-hatWhen you were a little kid, the whole world looked quite magical. Food appeared out of nothing, people did big things, cakes, birthday gifts, all kinds of big things came out of nothing. The child thinks that this is the … Continue reading


One big thinking mistake you’ve kept from early childhood, that is holding you back in life