Do you want to become smarter? Slow down!

Simple_solutionsCheap Closure Now As you know I am working, instead of the CDC that truthfully should do it, but doesn’t… I am working on effective methods of turning this epidemic of biting mites around. And while I am doing the … Continue reading

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Do you want to become smarter? Slow down!

What’s missing from Rapid Peace, the Power of Now, and other books…

7da39e8e795a8c167f5aba03e1767ffcEverybody and their sister is teaching you to be in the present moment, to surrender to the present moment. I have observed people who loved it in Eckhart Tolle’s book, and now I am observing a famous marketer marketing an … Continue reading

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What’s missing from Rapid Peace, the Power of Now, and other books…

What’s been happening here… at

osho is a rich man's guruI have been too busy with my “other” tasks, removing attachments, and testing methods to rid myself and the world of parasitic mite infestation. I am happy to report that the second type of mite, spider mite, has been turned … Continue reading

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What’s been happening here… at

It takes two to tango

tango-illustrationMy horoscope said this today: VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): Will you be the difficult wizard, Virgo? Please say yes. Use your magic to summon elemental forces that will shatter the popular obstacles. Offer the tart medicine that tempers and tests … Continue reading

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It takes two to tango

What is intelligence, really? And how does intelligence raise your vibration?

What is intelligence, really? In Landmark Education there is a saying that most people don’t get, but is profound: Your actions are in a perfect dance with how the world occurs to you. Now, it’s poetic and all that, because … Continue reading

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What is intelligence, really? And how does intelligence raise your vibration?

Modern gurus: The business of consolation, the business of confirmation

neelam-indiaI had a “guru” ask for his vibration today. Nice guy. Low vibration. Another guru, some 6 years ago told him that there was no need to seek, he could start his own guru business… Horrible disservice. Note: the illustrations … Continue reading


Modern gurus: The business of consolation, the business of confirmation

Tool for self-knowledge: Mapping

get-lost-to-find-yourselfNot until you are lost, that you can start finding yourself It’s a lot like “empty your cup” in the last article… as long as you know, you are stuck with it… I watched the movie “Something The Lord Made” … Continue reading

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Tool for self-knowledge: Mapping

Opportunities for growth, opportunity to make a difference

Today I woke up to trouble all around. My favorite niece died and my checking account is overdrawn. I know, I know, how can I put something so significant and something so mundane in the same sentence? I see your … Continue reading


Opportunities for growth, opportunity to make a difference

Have you ever noticed… what hope is doing to you?

dreams-with-deadlinesYou have your eyes on something. Something that is currently out of reach. It either take work, time, or money to get it. Time passes, you do the work, you get the money, you buy it… and then something totally … Continue reading

See the original article here: 

Have you ever noticed… what hope is doing to you?