Adventures of an Empath: Bach Flower Remedies to Bach Energies: a 21st Century Miracle

We will take a look at the subject in the following article. It is a good place to start if you are new to the subject. There is a lot more information available for those that want to make a more detailed study.

Adventures of an Empath : Bach Flower Remedies Bach Flower Essences are specially made remedies, aqueous (water based) essences made with fresh water, the sun, and a specific and special flower (for the most part it’s a flower). Edward Bach, who was a medical doctor, was an empath himself, and a very sensitive man. He correctly intuited that emotional disturbances cause all physical illnesses, blockages, and therefore if the blockages are released, the person will be well. The blockages are caused by ego-based attitudes: we could call them character flaws. Bach found the 38 flowers in 10 years.

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Adventures of an Empath: Bach Flower Remedies to Bach Energies: a 21st Century Miracle
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Side Effects: Trivedi, Gopal, Source Energy by the Tangerine Method: if the energy is strong, there will be side effects

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The article below is the latest addition to our site and it is a real education to read. We hope to sparks some ideas for you.

Side Effects: Trivedi, Gopal, Source Energy by the Tangerine Method: if the energy is strong, there will be side effects I was on a call with Gopal and Gopal blasted me… I don’t know how other people got it, but it whacked me. Thank you Gopal. The areas it hit were ego and my stomach area… I have been behaving as if the fragments of the destroyed ego-blocks needed to express themselves, for a moment, and then puff…

Side Effects: Trivedi, Gopal, Source Energy by the Tangerine Method: if the energy is strong, there will be side effects
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You Are Already A Master Energy Healer

Sunny Yin Wang asked:

Did you know that you already have the ability to channel more than 80% of the healing energy that is available for humans to channel? Did you know that this amounts to more energy than Reiki, LaHoChi, Healing Touch, Quantum Touch, Theta Healing, and Reconnection combined?

Human beings have been given the ability of conscious creation, hence the biblical quote “created in God’s image”. Your mind is the most powerful tool that was ever created. Reality follows your mind and your intent. It is a God-given ability.

The Power of Intention

Many people believe that one needs to take energy healing classes to invoke the ability to conduct healing energy. The truth is that it is not the class you take that gives you the ability to move energy. It is the idea that “I can move energy” that you learn from the class that gets activated with your intention. It is simple — When you know and believe that you can move energy, then you can. It is not the instructor who assigns the angels and guides to help you in your process that makes this happen. The angels and masters have always been there for your asking. Your intent invites them.

Healing frequencies that can be channeled by the human mind are somewhat limited when compared to the entire spectrum of frequencies. Each acclaimed energy healing modality actually represents only a small portion of available healing energy. Your intent of channeling only one particular modality often becomes the limitation of your energy transmission.

Healing Energy Spectrum

The following is list of sample modalities and the approximate percentage each modality is capable of transmitting out of the entire healing spectrum. There are some frequency overlaps between each of the healing modalities. No one healing modality is necessarily exclusive of the others.

Reiki 14% LaHoChi 8%

Reconnection 4% Theta Healing 8%

Angel Light 10% Healing Touch 8%

Brennan Healing 50% Quantum Touch 10%

If you are already conducting healing energy, with this new understanding you will immediately be able to conduct 80% or more of the healing spectrum. So how can you access the area of the spectrum that you cannot yet transmit?

Reduce the Resistance

Every conductor has a certain level of resistance. It is no wonder that two healers that practice the same modality will give significantly different healing experiences. As a healing energy conductor, the more you release your old beliefs, judgments, and ego attachments, the less resistance your body will have. Emotional healing is definitely the first key to increasing the energy spectrum one can transmit. The channel’s personal energy clarity and personal belief system influences the energy output by the channel. I encourage you to open your mind to all possibilities. Understand that your beliefs are forms of intent, which summon energy and creatures of all frequencies. Your beliefs, as well as your visions, create your reality.

Surrender Your Control

In an energy conduction session the most powerful thing you can do is to let go of your personal agenda and the desire to control the outcome. You must become one with Source energy and allow the higher consciousness to take the driver seat. You then become the miracle itself.

Client’s Intention in Healing

The Source energy follows the client’s intent and belief. A conversation with the client sharing potential miraculous results will certainly boost the joint creation process between the healer, the recipient, and the Source energy. Help the client open up to the master healer within him/her.

Source Energy vs. Internal Chi

There are two ways of working with energy. One is to use the energy that you generate within you. This requires regular energy practices and cultivation. Using only energy from one’s inner source can be tiring and draining at times for some practitioners. The other way of working with energy is to allow energy to be conducted through you. This will allow universal energy, earth energy, multi-dimensional energy, and assistance from beings in other realms to transmit through you. Each has its benefits and power. A combination of both can result in a very powerful healing.

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I hope this article has given you new insight on the subject and given you some things to think about. Although there is nothing new under the sun, the information that you have just finished reading is presented in a fresh and interesting way.

One thing is for sure, information on this subject is available all over the Internet and this article is one of many articles available on the subject. We love writing on this subject and have presented our point of view. Feel free to look around and explore our site for more the subject information.

What is True Compassion?

Thanks for stopping by our website. Are you fed up of getting mediocre information, when you have put so much effort into getting the best? We are one of the leading sources of information on the subject so you are definitely at the right place.

Have a read of the article below… we are sure you will find it dots all the ‘i’s’, and crosses all the ‘t’s’. On our site we strive to provide the most up-to-date information. Remember that you read it here first, and please tell your friends.

Catherine Poole asked:

What defines true compassion? A Bible verse reads, “But a certain Samaritan, as he journeyed, came where he was; and when he saw him, he had compassion on him. And went to him, and bound up his wounds…and took care of him.” Luke 10:33-35.

A dictionary may define compassion as: “the deep awareness of the suffering of another coupled with the wish to relieve it.” While searching examples of true compassion from my life experiences, I suddenly realized it has nothing to do with the action. Instead it is about the person, the vessel; humans understanding the position and perspective of another. Through patience and withholding judgment, one should see beyond the present circumstances of another in order to offer hope.

I experienced a session last year with a dear friend, Jacqui Delario, who works with Theta Healing. For me, that session represents the best example of compassion used as a healing modality. There was a moment in the session where I felt compassion, a sense that someone knew and understood what I needed in order to receive healing and move forward. There was an immediate sense of calm, followed by weeks of unexpected personal results and opportunities as a result of my limiting beliefs being replaced with affirmations.

Compassion is the absence of judgment. Compassion is complete acceptance of another’s humanness. We believe being compassionate is to alleviate another’s suffering through sympathy, empathy, or helping them to understand their situation from a different perspective. But it is really about just being there for that person, without conditions.

Somewhere down the line compassion has gotten mixed up with being “wound-mates” (quip coined by Carolyn Myss). That is the reason people should always be careful when considering a support group. You want to make sure the group fits like a good bra: it lifts and separates, rather than creating a petri dish for wounds and past hurts. I don’t even like the word “support” because it sets the tone for not being able to stand on your own–ever. We always should be creating positive beliefs versus negative ones. We all have the capacity for compassion, and we need to extend our willingness to understand another without creating a need for dependency; it is kindness without conditions.
Compassion is not pity. Compassion is not assistance. Compassion is experienced. Compassion is experienced by someone through someone that is balanced and happy. Compassion means you have the ability to understand another’s pain, but not own that pain. Compassion is loving neutrality. You are with them, You are within. That moment is compassion. Compassion is without words–it is flow. When you are feeling compassionate, there is a moment where you are truly outside of yourself (or ego), and you make a sincere effort to understand the other person’s situation. Compassion is the flow of the Divine Source through you to another–again, without conditions.

Compassion is not the action or the reaction. Compassion is the moment you connect with your source in order to help another connect with his or her source.

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