Customer Favorite #1: Energized Water

I have been drinking energized water for 20 years. What hooked me was the person who recommended said that his pimples disappeared.

Now, when you look at my skin today, you would not think that I used to have pimples. But in 1995 my skin regularly broke out. I carried in my purse an ointment… so I am not left with no help.

The product I bought was very expensive. But my skin did clear up,

Now, it begs the question, why a cup of energized water or two a day would clear up my skin?

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Albert Einstein said: No problem can be solved from the same level of consciousness that created it. Could this be applied to consciousness training?

Are you looking for information about the subject? Here in this blog, we will tackle the different aspects, fundamentals and other points of interest about the subject. Many readers and enthusiasts find that this blog is a great place to start if you are new to the subject.

We provide detailed resources like photos, articles, videos and links that may be of good use for those who want to make a more detailed study about it.


Albert Einstein said: No problem can be solved from the same level of consciousness that created it. Could this be applied to consciousness training?

Huge Breakthrough in the Delivery of the Heaven On Earth Energy Bundle (HOE)

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The article below is the latest addition to our site and it is a real education to read. We hope to sparks some ideas for you.

Most energies infused into water proliferate (get passed on to something else) with entrainment. (This is a lot like getting pregnant by standing close to a pregnant person… lol) Anyway, the signature product of ours, the revolutionary blah blah blah, the Bach Energies turned into a Bach Energy Bundle didn’t and doesn’t behave like a regular energy. This week, a customer from the UK asked if I could infuse the HOE into the insert that goes into the Polar Pitcher

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Huge Breakthrough in the Delivery of the Heaven On Earth Energy Bundle (HOE)

The Unbreakable Energy: is it a remedy for insomnia?

Have you ever wondered how the subject works? Doesn’t it baffle your mind a bit? Doesn’t it spark your curious mind, and make you think incessantly about it? Are you interested in learning facts, trivia and other interesting information about it? You have come to the right place because every so often we update this site with various information about the subject. Click on the links and start reading!

Yesterday I was experimenting with this new energy that I call “Unbreakable” The intention with this energy was to replace the “Energizer” with something that does the same, change the spin of the water to left-spin, energize the water and make it smooth, very drinkable, and also “propagate” with entrainment, so I can continue using it in the Energizer Inserts. I don’t know what else it does

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The Unbreakable Energy: is it a remedy for insomnia?
Obviously, there is a lot more to know about the subject. This brief article is just a start, and the next step is to do some more research. In any case, the tips in the article set the stage for a more detailed treatment of the subject.

8 Key Benefits of Theta Brainwaves

Are you looking for information about the subject? Here in this blog, we will tackle the different aspects, fundamentals and other points of interest about the subject. Many readers and enthusiasts find that this blog is a great place to start if you are new to the subject.

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George R. Swisher asked:

Among all five brainwave frequencies, Theta is the second slowest, ranging in frequency from 4Hz to 7Hz. It is only faster than Delta, the slowest brainwave frequency. Theta Brainwaves have been associated with sleep and dreaming. Theta is usually the predominant brainwave in your brain when you experience intense relaxation, high levels of creativity, random thoughts and super learning. Also, when you are in a state of deep sleep, Theta is the prevalent pattern.

Before going any further, it is safe to say something about brainwaves which might as well apply to life in general. Everything is good in moderation. When you have too few or too much of anything, you might likely get into trouble. For example, if you don’t drink water, you risk dehydration, but if you drink too much of it, you risk getting hyponatremia. Same goes for brainwaves. Lack of Theta brainwaves can cause neurosis, while too many of them can cause ADHD.

These are a few of the benefits associated with moderate, healthy Theta Brain wave activity:

Intense Relaxation. When you are awake, there hardly is any Theta brainwave activity. However, Theta brainwaves are known for their intense relaxation benefits, which are mostly experienced by seasoned meditators and children.

Emotional Connection. Theta brainwaves are also associated with deep, intense emotions. When you learn how to consciously access your Theta state of mind, you are able to understand your emotions better.

High Intuition This is one benefit of Theta brain waves that comes as a result of its proximity to the Delta range. When Theta is your dominant brainwave pattern, your intuition heightens.

Language Learning. Ever wondered why children have such a gift when it comes to picking up new languages? Researchers believe children’s increased Theta brain wave activity has something to do with it.

Better Immune System. Theta brain waves are associated with zero stress and zest. When you are stressed and anxious, your body releases chemicals that weaken your immune system. When you are in Theta, quite the opposite happens, your brain releases neurotransmitters that help to strengthen your immune system.

Better Long-term Memory. The memory center in your brain is the hippocampus, which has a dominant Theta pattern. When it is normal, your ability to recall events, data and distant memories increases.

Subconscious Programming. When Theta is the dominant brainwave pattern, your brain is unusually open to new ideas and suggestions. In Theta is where you could modify your deepest unconscious beliefs and your emotional blockages, using affirmations and neuro linguistic programming.

Deep Healing. Theta brainwaves have long been considered the ideal brainwave rhythm to renew, restore and heal the body and the mind. This is so because it balances out the brain’s sodium-potassium ion ratio that Beta brainwaves throw out of sync.

If you think you could benefit from increasing your Theta brainwave activity, you should consider doing some meditation or trying hypnosis and self-hypnosis programs. There are also brainwave entrainment tools, such as BrainEv, which are more comprehensive and not only do they help you increase your Theta brainwave activity, but all types of brainwaves. With BrainEv, you can boost your memory, speed you learning and increase your energy.

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One thing is for sure, information on this subject is available all over the Internet and this article is one of many articles available on the subject. We love writing on this subject and have presented our point of view. Feel free to look around and explore our site for more the subject information.

Meditation Music – The Fast Free Fall Into Theta and Deep Meditation

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Dennis Andrew asked:

For the longest time I couldn’t meditate because I thought it meant emptying the mind of thoughts. But meditation is to shift brainwaves’ state. The emptying of thoughts just happens when meditation is done correctly. When we hear of all the benefits of meditation, like healing, eliminating pain, deep learning, accessing the field of consciousness and so on, it is actually effects of being in a different brainwave frequency or state. It’s just like expecting to get wet if you walk out in the rain, or expecting a sunburn if it’s sunny. Meditation is a means of shifting into different brain waves.

Brain waves are like gears of a car and meditation is like the transmission (the part that holds the gears). Not knowing about brain waves and trying to meditate is like trying to drive a manual car without understanding the gears. You may be able to get it to go by guessing along the way, but it’s definitely not going to be your idea of a comfortable ride. The experience is a night and day difference between someone who understands them and someone who doesn’t. The same goes for meditation.

There are several brain waves that we operate in but the four most commonly known are BETA, ALPHA, THETA, and DELTA in that particular order. To liken it to a car again, that is first, second, third, and fourth gear. Shifting from one to the next can happen within meditation. This “shifting” is known as BRAIN ENTRAINMENT. There are many techniques that can be used to manually shift through these state, but this particular article is about using meditation music with binaural beats. Meditation music with binaural beats is one of the most effective, one of the fastest ways that you can safely shift brain waves.

Binaural beats is a term that refers to two different beats, one for each ear. The brain makes up the difference. So if you have a frequency of 850hz playing in your left ear, and 870hz playing in your right ear, the brain will make up the 20hz difference. Slowly, the frequencies are brought closer together to achieve the desired brainwave state. All music with binaural beats MUST be listened to with stereo headphones. Speakers will not do the job because the frequencies will not be isolated to each ear. The frequencies are usually in the background of some soothing music. They do not have to be picked up by your conscious level of hearing – your brain will pick up on them.

Another tip is to keep your eyes closed throughout the entire meditation process. Lights and colors have different frequencies which typically make it much more difficult to slow down the brain.

Not all meditation music has binaural beats in it. These will work much more slowly, with the exception of isochronic tones, but if the music relaxes you, they can be used. The most effective way to change brainwave frequencies/states with music is to first match your present state, as much as is possible. This will be the BETA state in most cases. I have meditation music free to download on the page listed in my bio. The free meditation music track is designed to bring you from 20hz to 8hz in less than 6 minutes. This will prepare you for Theta. And Theta is the game changer.

Here is a brief overview of the brain wave states.

Beta (12hz-40hz) is our everyday waking state of mind. It is what we operate in most of the day and it is not conducive to deep learning or relaxation. Just imagine driving all day in first gear. Your engine would be screaming but you’d hardly be moving. That’s what we do with our bodies.

The next state is the Alpha (8hz-12hz) brainwave frequencies. This state is very good for focus and deep imprinting onto the mind. The alpha state is associated with deep relaxation and is the beginning of access to the subconscious mind. Information can be inserted 100 times faster and more effectively in the alpha state than in the beta state. It is the state you are in when you sit down to read a book, and all of your relaxed, undivided attention is on that book.

Theta (4hz-8hz) is an incredible state to be in and is ideal for meditation. This is the state where REM(rapid eye movement) or dreaming sleep happens. In the theta and delta states, your Reticular Activating System is inactive. In both Theta and Delta states, infomation can get inserted 1,000 times faster than in the beta state. Potential behavioral changes happen in theta. Influence on the subconscious mind is unrestricted. Changes in genetic patterns can be influenced in the theta state, as well as physical healing. High access to field of consciousness(quantum field) is able to be attained.

The Delta (0.1hz-4hz) is a very deep state, and is usually only reached when in a deep dreamless sleep. It embodies everything in the theta state and more. Extremely high access to the quantum field is in the delta brain waves. HGH(human growth hormone) is released at lower delta frequencies. Pain is eliminated. An extreme sense of oneness is reached.

* Dennis Andrew *


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Theta Meditation With Isochronic Tones – Brainwave Entrainment

Have you ever wondered how the subject works? Doesn’t it baffle your mind a bit? Doesn’t it spark your curious mind, and make you think incessantly about it? Are you interested in learning facts, trivia and other interesting information about it? You have come to the right place because every so often we update this site with various information about the subject. Click on the links and start reading!

Jeff Lavoie asked:

During an average day, most of us are in a Beta state of mind – meaning that our brain operates in the Beta range of frequencies (12-30 Hz). This is an active state geared toward production and problem-solving. It is great for an industrial civilization, but not so great for the individual longing to spend time in a harmonious and peaceful state of mind.

As any individual relaxes significantly, brainwaves slow down and go through the creative Alpha range of frequencies (8-12 Hz). However, few of us manage to consciously reach the deeper and meditative-like Theta frequencies (4-8 Hz) on a regular basis. These brainwave frequencies occur naturally while someone is in a deep meditative state or is dreaming – for example. Spending time in the Theta state is highly beneficial for the body and mind as it is conducive to healing, reducing stress, peak mental faculties, creative insights and augmented learning capabilities.

Besides meditation and hypnosis, the most effective way to induce a Theta state of mind consciously is by using a brainwave entrainment recording. Brainwave entrainment is the action of synchronizing brainwaves to the frequencies of a particular stimuli – such as sound. Sounds have frequencies of their own and when they are utilized in certain ways, they may harmonize other phenomena, such as brainwaves, to themselves. A Theta brainwave entrainment recording effectively alters the brainwaves of the listener in fifteen to thirty minutes. This brings about a state of consciousness where the aforementioned benefits can take place.

Two of the most interesting types of brainwave entrainment are binaural beats and isochronic tones. Binaural beats require headphones as two slightly different sound frequencies are sent to each ear to achieve the desired effect. Isochronic tones use a single sound frequency to produce a more pronounced effect. The technology used is different, but both binaural beats and isochronic tones consist of pulsating sound tones. They are often mixed with music and sounds of nature to make for a more pleasant listening experience. A vocal track with guided meditations and affirmations may also be added but is unnecessary.

Theta brainwave entrainment may be safely used everyday to relax after a day of work, enter meditative states, use self-hypnosis or affirmations to bring about behavioural changes, undertake a studying session, use creative visualization, etc. It is not necessary to do anything while listening to these recordings. Simply sitting or lying down and listening to the sounds is enough. Besides, the point is not always to be doing something but also to enjoy simply being.

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10 Theta Brain Wave Benefits You Might Not Be Aware Of

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Loren Mann asked:

As more and more people learn about the benefits of meditation, awareness is also increasing of the benefits of theta brain waves in particular. Theta waves fall into the frequency range between 4 to 8 Hz, and are typically produced during dreaming sleep as well as in deep trance states.

The ability to enter the theta brainwave state (i.e. where theta wave production predominates) is a valuable one, because a number of benefits are associated with theta brain waves. These include the following:

1. Improved learning abilities

The theta state is associated with the ability to learn more easily and to retain information more effectively. For this reason, using a theta brainwave recording might be beneficial to students and anybody else who needs to process large amounts of information.

2. Increased creativity

Theta brain waves are also produced in large amounts during periods of intense creative thought. This is true of those carry out traditionally creative work, such as musicians and artists, as well as anybody who is engaging in creative thinking. So if you want to learn to think more creatively, theta meditation may help.

3. Stress release

Theta brain waves are also linked with a lowering of physical and mental stress. You’ll have experienced this for yourself already, in the form of the deep sense of relaxation that descends as you drift off to sleep (theta brainwave production increases during this time). Stress can lead to many diseases, so it’s obviously beneficial to be able to release it before it becomes a problem.

4. Subconscious communication

The theta state is also associated with increased access to the subconscious mind. This means that it makes it easier to reprogram the subconscious and release limiting beliefs that might be holding you back, as well as adopting more empowering new beliefs.

5. More energy

Many people who practice theta meditation regularly report an increased sense of energy afterwards. Going into the theta state for several minutes or more is kind of like having a nap in terms of the energising effect it has on your body and mind – but without that groggy feeling afterwards!

6. Better healing abilities

Using a theta meditation recording may also be able to help your body to stay healthy. We heal best when we’re free of stress and are deeply relaxed, and the theta states are strongly linked with stress release and extremely deep relaxation.

7. The ability to have lucid dreams

Imagine being able to control your dreams – not only could you stop a nightmare in its tracks, but you could experience any scenario you desire! Well, theta meditation may be able to help you do just that, as lucid dreaming is also linked with the production of theta brainwaves. Conversely, learning to enter the theta state consistently can make it easier to become lucid while dreaming.

8. The ability to have out of body experiences

Astral travel is another paranormal ability that’s linked with theta brain wave production. Learning to have out of body experiences at will is well worth the effort, as they give you the chance to explore beyond the mundane reality that most of us call ‘life’, and to experience a new sense of personal empowerment. Being able to enter the theta state easily is a key part of learning to leave your body on demand.

9. The development of psychic powers

Various psychic abilities are also linked with theta wave production, including telepathy, remote viewing, clairvoyance and others. So if you want to start to tap into the true potential of your mind, learning to enter the theta state is the best place to start.

10. Better memory

It seems that theta brainwaves are associated with the ability to retrieve memories as well. This is particularly true of long-term memory, as the theta state is linked with greater access to the subconscious mind, which plays a key role in memory storage.

So as you can see, there are many theta brain wave benefits – and this list is just the start. In the past, these benefits have been reserved for those who are experienced in meditation, or who were just lucky enough to possess a natural ability to enter a trance state easily.

Fortunately for everyone else however, brain wave entrainment technology now makes it relatively easy for anybody to tap into the theta state, even if they don’t have years of meditation practice behind them. By making use of theta recordings that use binaural beats, monaural beats or isochronic tones, you can learn to increase your production of theta brainwaves and experience their benefits for yourself.

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