My experiment with increasing my Life Force, Part One

teaching-children-to-garden-boy-holding-bug-1As you may have read, I discovered that my Life Force, the capacity to grow, has nearly diminished. In this article I will report to you my own experience of trying to increase a capacity through working on it. Essentially … Continue reading

Read this article – 

My experiment with increasing my Life Force, Part One

The law of cycles

The Law of Cycles… an excerpt from Dan Millman’s book: the life you were meant to live The world of nature exists within a larger pattern of cycles, such as day and night and the passing of the seasons. The … Continue reading

View the original here: 

The law of cycles

You can lie to yourself, but you can’t lie to me or The culture of “good enough” — time for rest or fun

d5b9d-roosterOne of my students wrote to me this morning. He said: Ok I finished my billing the other day but something I didn’t catch yesterday and this morning I got caught in my lie of not generating I relaxed. I … Continue reading


You can lie to yourself, but you can’t lie to me or The culture of “good enough” — time for rest or fun

Don’t Pee on my Leg and Tell Me It’s Raining or how to become someone responsible

I borrowed that expression from Judge Judy, because I like it. But it is also perfect, because Judge Judy calls for responsibility… to no avail… Why? Because responsibility is a capacity encoded and dormant in human DNA… only a few, … Continue reading

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Don’t Pee on my Leg and Tell Me It’s Raining or how to become someone responsible

The end of procrastination, the end of maybe even addiction?

The productivity myth, the end of procrastination, maybe even addiction? the effectiveness of productive effort, especially in industry, as measured in terms of the rate of output per unit of input. A few of you are dealing with the issue … Continue reading

Continue reading:

The end of procrastination, the end of maybe even addiction?

Only failures, only mistakes teach you anything useful… or how I learn from my mistakes

Its-a-Wonderful-LifeI have been leading a webinar for quite a while, and it has always been brilliant, both to participate in and to lead. It has always delivered on the promise: show you what’s missing in an area of life, something … Continue reading


Only failures, only mistakes teach you anything useful… or how I learn from my mistakes

Reinventing yourself, reinventing your business, your job, your life… can you do it? How to do it…

try-2Yesterday, on the What’s missing workshop, a participant introduced to me an expression that you’ll find very expressive: stuck in limbo. Limbo: a region of the afterlife on the border of hell, neglect, oblivion, on hold… The waiting state most … Continue reading


Reinventing yourself, reinventing your business, your job, your life… can you do it? How to do it…

What is the spiritual work I did to raise my vibration? You can do it too…

People ask: what is the spiritual practice, the spiritual work that allowed me to climb up to the skinny branches of the Tree of Life, and allowed so many spiritual capacities to turn on? To raise my vibration… All these … Continue reading

Originally posted here:

What is the spiritual work I did to raise my vibration? You can do it too…

Empathy… Life’s most important capacity to master

empathy-lifes-most-essential-skillIn my inquiries, I find that more and more capacities that I’ve assumed we all have, it turns out, we don’t. The question that has been puzzling me is why certain ethnic groups that were persecuted at any one time … Continue reading

Original article:  

Empathy… Life’s most important capacity to master

Hijacking the conversation… inside and outside

clueless but talksWhen I owned the magazine I published for 10 years, I was looking to hire an assistant. One of the test assignments I gave to the applicant is to sort the stuff in a junk drawer. I gave them no … Continue reading

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Hijacking the conversation… inside and outside