The Healing Codes – Four Steps For Redefining Painful Memories

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Jerry Graham asked:

Unexpected Memories

We know from decades of research that memories are stored in the mind as images. Those memory-based images are often recalled by unexpected triggers in our day-to-day activities. The secret to living a happy, balanced life sometimes lies in healing those traumatic memories by redefining the painful images those events produced.

A Simple Four-Step Process to Healing

To illustrate an effective healing process, Dr. Alex Loyd, founder of The Healing Codes, has developed four steps for redefining those painful memories.
First, consider the area in your life giving you the most difficulty. Typically, this might be finances, relationships, or career. Once you have that area in mind, define the emotions you’re feeling. Next, recall a memory from an earlier time in your life that evokes similar emotions. For example, if finances are your trouble spot in life and thinking about money causes you to feel angry and frustrated, think of another time in your life when you were feeling the same way. Your mental “image maker” that creates and stores memories as images is the platform for this process. The third step is to insert yourself mentally into that earlier memory, but as a third party observer rather than as a participant. One important note: Dr. Loyd always suggests you “take” a trusted person with you in your mind to the scene of the past trauma, if it feels at all unsafe to go there. Observe the physical reactions the scene causes in you, both as a third party and as a participant in the scene. You’ll probably find that the physical reactions you have when you take a step back from the scene are very different than the ones you felt as it was happening. The final step is to ask the earlier version of yourself caught up in the painful memory what is needed for them to be healed. During this stage, you will find that a false perception is at the root of your emotional pain. That might be the perception that you are evil or wrong for doing something normal, because an angry person told you so. This is the time to speak truth into that memory from your third party self so that the lie that’s trapped in that memory can be released. The guiding concept is “speak the truth in love.” This process may seem too simple to be effective in healing emotional pain, but it is in fact an incredibly powerful first step in being released from the faulty memories that cause you stress in ways that you may not even recognize now.

Key to Health & Happiness

Relieving that stress is the key to future health and happiness. This healing is available to anyone willing to work through the false perceptions stored within their mind’s mental images. Make the commitment to getting the help you need to begin this healing in yourself.

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The Healing Codes – Learning to Live As a Spiritual Being

Welcome to our site. Here, you will find everything you need to know about the subject, without the hype.

You are joining thousands of other readers who visit our site on a regular basis. That is because we work hard to give you the information you need without all the fluff. This is the place to come for quality.

The article below is the latest addition to our site and it is a real education to read. We hope to sparks some ideas for you.The Healing Codes in no exception: It is a no-brainer to me: but if you ever want to teach anything, heal anyone, get answers to questions: you will always need to start with yourself, your feelings, your Your Own Body

The below article has seeds of truth in it, but all in all is very very very imprecise. It is

If you’re wondering whether or not you possess a spiritual nature, the best place to start your research is within your own space. Each of us is made up of a physical body and a conscious mind, sometimes also called the “soul.” With a little more research, however, it’s possible to prove a third component of your makeup. That part is the spiritual heart, and there’s a very real link between mind, body, and spirit.

The spiritual heart is where our life experiences, as well as the subconscious and unconscious minds are contained. This part of us is closely tied to the soul, or our conscious mind, will and, emotions.

The Linking Component

Linked together, mind, body, and spirit, interact constantly throughout the day, so closely that they’re difficult to separate. What is the link that connects these three components of our nature? It’s the image maker, the mechanism by which we record life’s events.

It’s already been proven by science that unconscious and subconscious memories are recorded as images. We also know that the conscious mind can decide to think of something (going out to eat) and picture that event instantly (restaurant, food, atmosphere). Because both the unconscious and conscious minds are able to access the image maker, the conscious mind can produce images to which the spiritual heart responds.

The Missing Projection Screen

How does that prove we’re spiritual beings? Science has not found, in all its centuries of research, the “screen” on which images appear in the mind! Perhaps it’s because that screen exists within a spiritual realm. Only by being spiritual beings ourselves can we access this unseen “screen” on which the images of our lives are displayed.

If we are indeed, linked to the spiritual world, this has tremendous implications for how we live our lives. It means we must seek guidance in living both a spiritual and physiological life. Once we accept our spiritual nature as fact, we can’t be content to live life only in the physical realm.

The True, Self-authenticating Manuscript

Within the Bible we find references to all three natures of man – mind, body, and spirit. No other written source contains all of the basic concepts for health and happiness, concepts being proven even now by modern science. This “self-authenticating manuscript” is central to understanding our own spiritual nature, as well as the nature of God.

Once we accept that God’s Word, the Bible, has the answers to our questions, it can also begin to give us a true image of God and his relationship with us. For many of us, healing our faulty concept of God must take place before any other part of our lives can change.

Step-by-Step Process

And so we can trust that we are spiritual beings, with a connected system of mind, body, and spirit. We can learn the answers to those issues that keep us trapped within the self-authenticating manuscript, the Bible, because of our spiritual nature.

Turning to the Bible for the answers you need is the best first step in a journey toward wholeness. Seeking the healing, with God’s help, of your faulty beliefs and memories is the next step. To experience a whole new dimension of living, first acknowledge that you are fundamentally a spiritual being, and then begin to explore what’s possible when mind, body, and spirit are aligned.

Read articles on how to use self-healing to get unstuckYou can never have too much information about such an important issue. Do you agree? Are you feeling better informed about the options you have? When all around you are scratching their heads, it’s a great feeling to have clear vision and know which direction you are heading.

If the above article helped your understanding of the subject please pass on the word about our site. We would like to help everyone gain a better understanding of the options they have available.

I have a friend in another country who needs help?

Welcome to our website, which is devoted to the subject. Thousands of people search the internet looking for information about this every month. We have pulled all the best information together and put it under one roof.

We have separated the key issues and put them on their own pages to make them easier to access. You will find the posts highly informative, and while here, have a look at the comments as well. There are lots of great suggestions from our readers, in fact, share your own suggestions, we would love to hear them.

Before you do though, check out the article below: it is intelligently written and the author makes some insightful points.

Cancer patients are screaming.
Repeatedly, repeatedly with all the mercy and pity (Hi5) convey to
through the (Our Group) which is between your hands striking images of
heart-rending , tears shed for its vision , the souls shakes for its

And it is only the suffering of the disease by far the deadliest
disease in
our present era

Seldom incurable from suffered by are barely heard with one infected by
healed feels by a state of fear panic if the physician tells the
patient The
patient becomes unconscious by the road side with his heart between his
shudder at flash from fear

Coherent is cancer. A disease, which does not, distinguishes, between
and sex but frustrate any person at any time.

How many, times we have heard about parents and young people in the
future-old war waged by cancer brutal their body wither, and promises
youth dried and its collapse

In fact this disease is very scary and shocking but is very detrimental
averted difficult treatment especially in the developing countries that
the potential to be able to deal with a bad cold.

In addition to this serious disease that requires a huge potential is
build specialized hospitals that have integrated the medical equipment
human competencies which are dedicated to the service of this category
And in this regard we do not want to mention the hideousness of this
and danger

Who want this he can refer to centers, department and specialized
such carcinomas cases living models are indescribable able act

Our objective in writing this article carrying>SOS brothers infected
the disease after they intensified anguish and narrowed them land and
exacerbate them speeches.

We are referring to the good peoples, and individuals, of charity,
charitable organizations and associations working in these fields

And from here, from this rostrum a distinguished media, we invite the
of goodness, and tell them to try & try in sympathy with their brothers
contribute to the suffering of others and not stingy by supplying them
the different types of aid and color assistance boost their morale,
strengthen demoralize and cultivates hope

They need your generosity, tendered to touch, the cathartic floor,
smile, sincere call and empathy mom in their battle against cancer.


Open handed generous to detect and defuse anxieties and gloom lifting
averted what lucrative

Three members of a family have been diagnosed of Leukemia (cancer of
blood). And if you like to donate to help these young females to obtain
right medication please proceed forward to donate at least with one
per each person to this account number

Swift code
Ac.No 01-001-1000797-201
Sadek Kassim Mohamed Al Jailani
Shamil Bank of Yemen & Bahrain

Yemen Republic

And God bless you

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