Three groups… three outcomes… which one do you belong to?

arrogance-weaknessThe most popular image I have on Instagram says: Arrogance is weakness disguised as strength. Now, why this is worth writing about? Because it is the tip of the iceberg of something really important. We have spoken about the selfish … Continue reading

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Three groups… three outcomes… which one do you belong to?

A short meditation to step out of your mind and the noise in your head

rejuvenating-meditationHere’s an awareness exercise (meditation) that I particularly like for rejuvenating yourself with silence: Sit up straight. Close your eyes. Take a few deep breaths to settle down. (if you know how to center yourself, you can do it first) … Continue reading

Excerpt from:  

A short meditation to step out of your mind and the noise in your head

You are run by a machine. The machine is put together of genes, and each gene wants its own survival.

survival of the one that can changeThe title could be said differently as well: You are a survival machine. You are put together for the survival of your genes. (Richard Dawkins: the selfish gene theory). You have hundreds, maybe thousands of genes. Each gene is a … Continue reading


You are run by a machine. The machine is put together of genes, and each gene wants its own survival. is experiencing Growing pains

20093More and more people want to work with me… so I have decided to start doing live evaluation calls to see if you are a good match to what I am teaching: raising your vibration. I am doing this because 99.99% of the people who visit my site are not teachable. Continue reading

Original source – is experiencing Growing pains

The Dyslexia strategy… Or why some of the most successful people are dyslexic

Dyslexia-IcebergIf you have been dreaming of changing, but no matter what you do, you haven’t changed, you may want to use my Dyslexia strategy and become someone who can change. Continue reading

Continued here – 

The Dyslexia strategy… Or why some of the most successful people are dyslexic

How to grow in spite of the ego

mind-parasitesWhy do I demand that if you want to be my student, you buy and do, religiously, attentively, seriously, the 67 steps by Tai Lopez? It’s Tuesday, so it was my doing my errands day. At the grocery store, at … Continue reading

Read article here:

How to grow in spite of the ego

Innovation vs fixing… how can you have any circumstance and still be happy?

cartoon_personal_innovationInnovate yourself out of the problem If you are here, reading this blog, you have a complaint about life… something you’d like to fix. Even if you are pretending that you are “just” curious… all humans living on Planet Earth … Continue reading


Innovation vs fixing… how can you have any circumstance and still be happy?

Religion, atheists, agnostics… let’s look at these differently, through capacities, IQ, and vibration

I am not fond of campaigners. I am not fond of activists. A few months ago I was lead to Robert Ingersoll, and I read his many books… I was interested, because I never thought, never learned, never experienced religion, … Continue reading

Link to article:

Religion, atheists, agnostics… let’s look at these differently, through capacities, IQ, and vibration

Doing things, being busy, trying, vs. accomplishment and fulfillment

busy but not fulfilledRemember, when something isn’t working, there is something you don’t know. If your life feels empty in spite of all what’s in it, then you need to look at it and examine it. There is something, a piece of knowledge, … Continue reading


Doing things, being busy, trying, vs. accomplishment and fulfillment

The rich gets richer, the poor gets poorer… but how? but why?

haves and havenotsThe rich gets richer, the poor gets poorer… but how? but why? This is true in every area of life, not just money, not just love. This sentence, from the New Testament, is true… “I tell you that to everyone … Continue reading

See more here: 

The rich gets richer, the poor gets poorer… but how? but why?