Yet another lie that renders you ineffective and stunt your growth…

stunt-your-growthYet another lie that renders you ineffective and stunt _1 your growth… Our minds are filled with truisms, memes, quotes, that are actually lies. The lies are carefully designed. Designed by Dark, Evil People… who benefit from you being sheep. … Continue reading

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Yet another lie that renders you ineffective and stunt your growth…

Does “not that bad” have you by the balls?

More than half of my site’s visitor come to download the codes by Grabovoi, for free. Grabovoi’s numbers are the type of miracles that people hope for, angels, spirits, gods… I have contemplated that maybe I should remove those articles, … Continue reading

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Does “not that bad” have you by the balls?

What causes success?

When you have a success, when you have even had a successful life, people ask you what you attribute it to. What was responsible for your success. They ask you so they can learn from you. But… it is hard … Continue reading

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What causes success?

Another review, this time of Gary Douglas and Access Consciousness…

A few years ago when I first “reviewed” Access Consciousness I didn’t check for attachments… and unfortunately my high evaluation exposed a lot of people to the nasty attachments Access Consciousness puts on people. I apologize. If you are one … Continue reading

Originally posted here:

Another review, this time of Gary Douglas and Access Consciousness…

Money Course Part 6: The biggest hindrance for your well-being, including your financial well-being

well-beingWhat is the biggest hindrance for your well-being, including your financial well-being? And under well-being I include health, emotional health, relationship health, your whole existence. I bet you can’t even imagine being well. I remember when I tried, years ago, … Continue reading

Read article here: 

Money Course Part 6: The biggest hindrance for your well-being, including your financial well-being

Money… grow it… Part 2… Inventory

i-just-want-to-lose-weight-while-staying-in-bed-watching-tv-and-eating-cold-stone-ice-cream-is-that-really-too-much-to-ask-d770bMost people start pretty much anything with the idea of what they want. That is the starting point, that is also, most of the time, the context. But it is a default context, not empowering. _1 If you are the … Continue reading

Originally posted here: 

Money… grow it… Part 2… Inventory

Announcing: More Money Course…

according to my calculations you need more moneyMake more money and keep more of it It is time. I have been promising it for years… And I guess, I am ready. This course will happen as a series of blog posts… Get ready. If you haven’t signed … Continue reading

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Announcing: More Money Course…

Updated: Are you at cause or are you at effect?

Can context be cause? Note: I wrote this article three years ago, but it is as timely as ever… It moved me then, and it moves me today… Enjoy! This question doesn’t sound like it could make much sense, does … Continue reading

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Updated: Are you at cause or are you at effect?

Are you a healer? How would you know?

healer-training-2The best scam people run on the internet is teaching people in classes to become a healer. Some even give certificates to teach these classes. Before I realized what I can do, I was most interested in coaching… and the … Continue reading

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Are you a healer? How would you know?

How I achieved 50% result in changing people’s behavior

Self-improvement, self-development is a lot like the illegal drug trade. It’s not regulated. A few “cartels” dominate the market. What they sell is mostly addictive, pleasure promising, but on the long term destroys the user’s life. Then there are the … Continue reading

Originally posted here:  

How I achieved 50% result in changing people’s behavior