Does this ever happen to you?

Profiteer-Agency-Worker-Bait-And-SwitchYou are making all the right moves, you feel on the top of the world, smart, dashing… and then reality comes crashing down… the game you were playing bottoms out: you lose the person you were charming says something like: … Continue reading

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Does this ever happen to you?

More on stupid/smart

23979570Every success proves nothing. It can be luck, it can be accident, it can be smarts… you can’t be sure. I am an architect by trade… and all my life as an architect I was wondering if I was talented. … Continue reading

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More on stupid/smart

Intellect, iq, smarts, intelligence… and the ability to raise your vibration…

forrest-gump-stupid-is-as-stupid-does-2We need to have a conversation about intellect, iq, smarts, intelligence… and the ability to raise your vibration… There IS a connection. You have what you have… as much or as little as you do. Just like in everything, how … Continue reading

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Intellect, iq, smarts, intelligence… and the ability to raise your vibration…

You are out of step with yourself. You are split. You are schizophrenic.

inner-splitOn today’s Talk-to-me call I had an insight: I saw something I had never seen: You are out of step with yourself. The you that interfaces with the world is either ahead of or behind the you that you really … Continue reading

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You are out of step with yourself. You are split. You are schizophrenic.

Vibration is like fitness: if what you are doing is not painful, it will not raise your vibration

Everybody is looking for the easy, take a pill type of solution to life’s issues: fitness, relationships, money, raising your vibration. One of my students has been coming back to the same article, over and over again, several times a … Continue reading

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Vibration is like fitness: if what you are doing is not painful, it will not raise your vibration

Vibrational reviews Abdy Electriciteh, Val Tignini, and Mohammad Eshtehar

AbdyVibrational reviews Abdy Electriciteh, Val Tignini, and Mohammad Eshtehar Most of the reviews were written at students’ and clients’ request. Here is one: “How interesting that my vibration is so low. I have been working with Abdy Electriciteh , Val … Continue reading

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Vibrational reviews Abdy Electriciteh, Val Tignini, and Mohammad Eshtehar

Historical novels, reading about famous people: is that a good idea?

Genghis KhanI know a lot of people who love to read historical novels, biographies, etc. When I look at them I get that they live their lives vicariously through those novels, not in reality. All these people have boring, ordinary lives. … Continue reading

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Historical novels, reading about famous people: is that a good idea?

Yet another lie that renders you ineffective and stunt your growth…

stunt-your-growthYet another lie that renders you ineffective and stunt _1 your growth… Our minds are filled with truisms, memes, quotes, that are actually lies. The lies are carefully designed. Designed by Dark, Evil People… who benefit from you being sheep. … Continue reading

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Yet another lie that renders you ineffective and stunt your growth…

How to take an active role in raising your vibration: the process

do something today that your future self will thank you forLet me repeat the process that will begin your active role in raising your vibration, that will begin your process of becoming a Human Being. If you are offended that I say that you are not a human being, please … Continue reading

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How to take an active role in raising your vibration: the process

what does spirituality have to do with the quality of your life? The Money Story

moneyblocksSix days before the rent was due I had no hopes that I’d have the money for rent… In a conversation with Sarah, the woman who drives me to do my grocery shopping, and accepted the fact that the rent … Continue reading

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what does spirituality have to do with the quality of your life? The Money Story