The Art Of Healing for Free

Welcome to our website, which is devoted to the subject. Thousands of people search the internet looking for information about this every month. We have pulled all the best information together and put it under one roof.

We have separated the key issues and put them on their own pages to make them easier to access. You will find the posts highly informative, and while here, have a look at the comments as well. There are lots of great suggestions from our readers, in fact, share your own suggestions, we would love to hear them.

Before you do though, check out the article below: it is intelligently written and the author makes some insightful points.

Elizabeth J Dabrowski asked:

P.S. In memory of one little boy…

Healing is the most amazing concept I’ve ever come across. It’s the biggest gift we may have, and also the biggest gift we can share with others.
And I’m so passionate about it that I get quite emotional when discussing the subject.

I met a few real good healers in my life and I’m happy to admit that I was astounded by their results. I read many books on this subject, only to become even more fascinated.

But what absolutely throws my understanding away and gets me over emotional, is the fact that they charge for the gift. And they charge A LOT!

I was going to a healer myself and he was excellent. After leaving many thousands of dollars with him in the space of few months, when my financial situation suddenly changed, I told him that I would have to stop as I couldn’t afford his services any more.

Probably deep inside I was expecting him to continue our healing sessions for free, especially because the results were obvious and I already paid him so much, but he simply told me to borrow more money if I wanted to keep coming to him.

Once I was invited to a healing session, where a group of people was trying to promote Theta healing method and sell as many memberships as possible. They were claiming it was curing cancer and other serious illnesses.

Great, but only if you could afford the ridiculous amount of money they wanted to charge! Even not being personally interested, I remember leaving the session earlier because I couldn’t stand the fact how much they dared to charge.

One of the books I read on healing really caused very mixed emotions in me. The author was describing her journey to become a healer; she prayed to heal like Jesus, and finally she was able to start healing others. She admitted that in the beginnings she had issues with charging, but with time she understood(?!) why it was okay to take money for it. I couldn’t wait to find out why, but somehow she didn’t explain the fact at all. So I still wonder, even more, because from what we know Jesus didn’t charge at all, and then I went on her website only to find out that on average few distant sessions with her cost about $6,500.

So is healing only for the well off people? Is that the idea? I honestly will never believe it!

I know people who are very ill, some of them dying. I know about one little boy who has leukemia and it’s such a shame and pity that his parents wouldn’t be able to afford the healer I was going to. But really, the biggest shame and pity is that he charges so much, that a lot of people he could help, will never see him.

What is the price for a human life then? How come there’s a price for human life?

I don’t intend to even touch on the subject of conventional medicine and health system here, because I have a very little respect for it and charging absurd amounts of money for healing upsets me much more.

About a year ago, a friend of mine told me about Bruno Groening and his Circle of Friends. If you want to re establish your belief in humanity, go to the website; it’s all for free, and he also healed for no charge. Still, he wasn’t poor, but he was unconcerned with money. Isn’t it great? And I don’t think Jesus was a poor man neither.

I would presume that people with the gift of healing have much better understanding of the Universe because they heal using cosmic/divine energy. Why then do they have the perception of scarcity, not trusting that The Universe will deliver their financial rewards and that the only way to secure their financial existence is by charging ‘an arm and a leg’ for a gift they themselves didn’t pay for? Have they lost the plot completely?

Click here to get a FREE report on energy healing

There are lots of issues to be considered about the subject, and those that are heavily into the subject are likely to want to know more. Even if this article serves as no more than an introduction, nothing stops you from putting the information to good use.

Chinese New Year Predictions, Year Of The Rat 2008 – What To Expect And How To Thrive

Thanks for visiting our the subject website. You will find the latest information, discussions about the pros and cons of each aspect, and also, a large community of readers who regularly share their ideas and opinions on the latest developments. It is as important now as it ever was to examine the issue carefully. After all, without the facts, how can we know we are making the right choice?

We recently came across the article below and we have posted it on our site because it addresses some of the unanswered questions and raises some new ones at the same time. If you like what you see here, be sure to come back and, let your friends know.

Beth Borray asked:

The Year of the Rat begins February 7th, 2008. It is symbolized by a Mountain floating atop the Ocean, an image which suggests a lack of solidity and security. However there are opportunities disguised as problems in every situation and with proper foresight and positioning they can be golden for you.


* There will be a greater potential for earthquakes, mudslides, avalanches, hi-rise building disasters, torrential rainstorms, floods, tsunamis and blizzards.

* More of these incidents may occur in the Southern and Western parts of the world, countries and cities.

* Water contamination issues as well as innovative water purification methods may be in the news.

* If you live in an area with a potential for any of the above take precautions right now to stay safe.

* Acquire a good water purifier to keep your personal water supply healthy.

* Get involved with lawmakers and grassroots groups to keep your local waterways clean and vital.


* There will be monumental efforts to gain global stability while strong pockets of undercurrents attempt to “cause the mountain to fall.”

* We could see the beginnings of a cooling down period in international conflicts.

* There are indicators that more females will come to political power this year.


* Let peace begin with you. Make a personal commitment to creating a harmonious atmosphere in your environment and in your heart. It will have a ripple effect on everyone in your personal life and the whole of humanity.

* Utilize the power of Feng Shui to harmonize the energies in your home and work space. Place a focus symbol of peace and prosperity on your desk such as a photo of the ocean or a waterfall flowing towards you.

* Dedicate 15-30 minutes daily to integrate a spiritual practice or program of personal development.


* In Chinese astrology the Rat is known as a “Flower of Romance” and so increased romance and sociability will be in the air for many. More public love triangles and sex scandals may abound.

* Depending on your individual horoscope the focus on romance may bring unexpected challenges
and break ups for some and/or may trigger unexpected new love for you this year.


*Connecting with others is beneficial this year whether it is for romantic purposes, business networking or any other kind of social involvement.

*Join a dating site, a social networking site, or connect with a special interest group, or spiritual congregation. New friendships will be beneficial and certain kinds of friendships lead to romance.

* If you are in a challenged relationship right now this is a good year to seek counseling to heal your heart and remember the core of love you once shared.


* There is a “depth” and a “hidden” quality to what is buried inside a mountain and what is found under the sea and this may correspond to discovering a deeper understanding of health and how what is buried within our subconscious minds is powerfully affecting it.

* New healing discoveries of plants grown atop mountains or under water may surface.

* In Chinese Medicine “earth disorders” relate to the spleen, pancreas and stomach so obesity, diabetes and digestive system challenges may be more prevalent. The emotion of sadness is related to earth as well so depression and problems with anti-depressants may be more widespread.

* “Water disorders” relate to the urinary/bladder and reproductive systems, and adrenals. The main water emotion is fear.

* The Chinese astrological sign of the Horse (fire element) directly opposes the Rat and this clash may produce increased “fire disorders” such as high blood pressure, heart/circulation/brain conditions, vision problems, fevers, and inflammations. The emotional imbalance for fire is over-excitement.

* More healing, beauty and rejuvenation breakthroughs may be triggered this year through the use of elixirs made of products of the earth, and refined laser and microcurrent or light wave treatments.

* Spirituality is ruled by the fire element and that may spark greater interest in healing from the deeper level of the heart and soul.


* If you have any earth, water or fire related organ weakness think about prevention and focus upon strengthening and vitalizing before anything serious occurs.

* Try some “energy therapy” methods to quickly eliminate sadness, fear, and anxiety to avoid resorting to medication, for example the Emotional Freedom Technique.

* Investigate spiritual healing modalities such as Reiki, Theta Healing, Chi Kung, or Prayer.

* Enjoy the healing benefits of organic teas and elixirs. Consider a water or juice fast one day a month.

* Have fun creating your own health and beauty potions with products of the earth such as clays, herbs, and essential oils.


* The stock market: More unstable in 2008 and generally investors will feel like playing it more cool and cautious.

* The commodities market: Grains and soybeans should do well.

* Investments related to the earth element are somewhat favorable but earth is unstable this year so profits taken may not be strong: Property, mining, hotels, insurance, health care, food business, and products of the earth such as herbs, oil, metals or gems. Diamonds may be found in unusual places on the earth where they’ve never been found before.

* Indicators are that interest rates will rise.

* There will be tougher competition in water related industries: Shipping, cruising, fishing and beverage industries. Bottled waters should outperform other kinds of drinks this year
* Innovative solar energy and environmentally sensitive products, hi-tech industries and internet businesses will continue to be profitable.


* Be more practical (earth) about your money and investments by creating a plan: a sort of “sacred budget” that will curb unconscious spending and intentionally funnel your income into achieving your current year dreams and visions for the future.

* Call upon the power of reflection and wisdom (water) your own or somebody else’s to make the most beneficial choices for your business and personal financial success. My predictions are for educational and research purposes only. Always seek the advice of your personal financial and health professional.

Read articles on how to use self-healing to get unstuck

It’s great to read that someone at least knows the ‘ins’ and ‘outs’, isn’t it? Amongst our readers, this article really turned the tide on the debate that was taking place.

Many readers have given us feedback to say they are going to tackle their the subject in a very different way as a result. Will you?

12 dimensions of consciousness – Humanity is currently 4-D, shifting to 5-D?

Are you looking for information about the subject? Here in this blog, we will tackle the different aspects, fundamentals and other points of interest about the subject. Many readers and enthusiasts find that this blog is a great place to start if you are new to the subject.

We provide detailed resources like photos, articles, videos and links that may be of good use for those who want to make a more detailed study about it.

Supposedly, there are 12 dimensions of consciousness. Humanity is currently in the 4th dimension of consciousness, on the verge of shifting into the 5th dimension. Below is a description of the 1st-5th dimensions:

1 – The first dimension of space. Awareness as a point. The mineral kingdom resonates to this level of consciousness. The minerals, water and genetic code in human bodies resonates to this level.

2 – The second dimension of space. Awareness of point and line. The plant kingdom and lower animal kingdom resonates to this level. These beings are only conscious of their species’ identity and their need for feeding, fighting, and procreation. Live solely within the awareness of the moment. Human second dimensional consciousness is centered in the lower brain that directs the autonomic nervous system to regulate and maintain life support functions.

3 – The third dimension of space. Awareness of point, line, width and breadth, height and volume. Human beings and the higher animal kingdom resonates to this level. Awareness of oneself as a separate and unique individual – very little awareness of the interconnectedness of beings and actions. The third dimension is locked in a time/space and cause/effect paradigm through the individual human souls. As humans we have the ability to remember the past and the future while remaining aware of the present. However, while using only our third dimensional consciousness much of our past remains forgotten in our unconscious mind and we usually feel a sense of separation from the whole, a feeling of limitation in achieving our desires, and a need to work hard to accomplish our goals.

4 – Awareness of point, line, width and breadth, height, volume and time. The fourth dimension is also known as the astral plane. The primary consciousness of this dimension is in the astral body, which is also known as the "higher human". The astral body is of a higher vibration than the physical body and is in a form that is known as etheric. The 4th D is the realm of the unconscious mind. Our fourth dimensional astral bodies possess advanced dreaming, imagination, psychic ability, intuition, magic, and creativity. As we expand our mind to be conscious of our unconscious mind, we can experience more and more of these qualities while in our physical form. At this level, there is the beginning awareness of the Universal Law of One or Unity Consciousness: whatever affects one of us affects of all of us. Indigos carry this awareness, which is the key to multi-dimensionality, and it leads them to be warriors for causes that heal the Earth. Realisation and practice that no one is greater than the other and that group consciousness is the path to the future. We must all cooperate for the good of all to create a better Earth.

5 – Awareness of point, line, width and breadth, height, volume, time and spirit. Linear time and space do not bind consciousness here. There is NO illusion of separation or limitation. Instead, there is a constant experience of the One-ness of God/Goddess/All That Is. On the fifth dimension we live in Unconditional Love, Unconditional Forgiveness, and Unconditional Acceptance. We hold no judgment, guilt, or negativity towards the "lower" portions or aspects of ourselves that are striving to remember our "Higher Selves". At this level, we are free to create new ways of thinking/being/doing through the seeds of unity consciousness.

Do you agree with this? I personally feel like I used to be in the 4th dimension, but I had a very traumatic experience a year ago that caused my to become somewhat schizophrenic – now I feel like I’m in stuck in the 3rd dimension and I’d love to know how to get back to the 4th.

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