The Healing Codes – Understanding How Cellular Memories Are Stored

The article below about the subject has received a lot of interest, more than any other on our site. We believe it’s because it pulls no punches. Yet, while it’s an important issue, it’s not all doom and gloom, there is another point of view that some find quite unorthodox, but workable.

This article has proven to be very useful to our readers and they come back regularly to keep abreast of the latest developments. While the subject remains an important subject, it’s always an added bonus when you can be enlightened, and even amused by being shown the other side of the issue. Some things are not always what they seem. Read on for more insight.

Jerry Graham asked:

The True Source of Stress

If conventional wisdom tells us stress is relieved by “fixing” areas in life — relationships, finances, job – why does the stress return after the problem is repaired? It’s because problems in these areas are the symptoms, not the source, of your stress. The true source of stress is found in destructive memories, and that’s where healing must begin, if you hope to permanently eliminate the effects of stress in your life.

Here’s how the cycle starts. Memories of everything that happens to us are stored throughout each day as images within the cells of our brains. Our “emotional heart” then responds to what we’ve learned from those memories, bringing about action that may be based on faulty images.

Why Do We Store Faulty Images?

But how does that faulty programming happen? Why doesn’t the emotional heart of a person stop and question faulty memories when they’re retrieved by a specific situation? Why aren’t lies strained out automatically? The answer to that question has to do with the initial programming of those lies into our minds.

Keep in mind that there are four types of brain waves — delta, theta, alpha, and beta. Each represents a different brain state, and prior to age six, we live consistently in the delta-theta brain wave state. Why is that important? Because when we’re living in delta-theta brain wave state, our minds aren’t able to filter what we take in.

That’s a critical fact to understand if we hope to able to heal our cellular memories and relieve our stress. Here’s why-small children take in information from experiences that could be interpreted differently if they were able to filter the input.

It Must Be True!

Instead, if it’s said or done to them, it must be true. That false programming remains in the child’s cellular memories throughout adulthood unless properly addressed. If someone regularly told them they were evil because they enjoyed eating, for example, that implication of being evil while eating remains.

Imagine the state of anxiety in which that person might live as an adult, because eating triggers stress unconsciously. And all because their young minds were unable to filter out the other person’s false labeling of a normal appetite.

Is There No Hope?

To illustrate the physical result of this type of faulty programming, let’s look at the structure of our cells. The mitochondria are the power plants of the cells. If they operate properly, the cells function properly, defending themselves against disease and other stressors.

According to Dr. Bruce Lipton at Stanford, the genes for disease are present in us all. If the cells close down due to stress messages from the hypothalamus, the needed energy can’t flow in. This extreme stress at the cellular level is what allows disease genes to be unmasked.

What’s the answer? The faulty programming, the pictures of the emotional heart to which we react with stress throughout the day, must be reversed. Healing tools are also available to begin this process. Dr. Alex Loyd, founder of The Healing Codes, reports tremendous success in relieving the stress levels of his clients through removing faulty memories.

If you’re beginning to suspect that false programming within your memories is causing you to be anxious, unhealthy, and ineffective, begin today looking for ways to find peace. Using what we now understand about the connection between memory and stress can open the door to a whole new level of health and vitality.

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Obviously, there is a lot more to know about the subject. This brief article is just a start, and the next step is to do some more research. In any case, the tips in the article set the stage for a more detailed treatment of the subject.

The Healing Codes – Four Steps For Redefining Painful Memories

Have you ever wondered how the subject works? Doesn’t it baffle your mind a bit? Doesn’t it spark your curious mind, and make you think incessantly about it? Are you interested in learning facts, trivia and other interesting information about it? You have come to the right place because every so often we update this site with various information about the subject. Click on the links and start reading!

Jerry Graham asked:

Unexpected Memories

We know from decades of research that memories are stored in the mind as images. Those memory-based images are often recalled by unexpected triggers in our day-to-day activities. The secret to living a happy, balanced life sometimes lies in healing those traumatic memories by redefining the painful images those events produced.

A Simple Four-Step Process to Healing

To illustrate an effective healing process, Dr. Alex Loyd, founder of The Healing Codes, has developed four steps for redefining those painful memories.
First, consider the area in your life giving you the most difficulty. Typically, this might be finances, relationships, or career. Once you have that area in mind, define the emotions you’re feeling. Next, recall a memory from an earlier time in your life that evokes similar emotions. For example, if finances are your trouble spot in life and thinking about money causes you to feel angry and frustrated, think of another time in your life when you were feeling the same way. Your mental “image maker” that creates and stores memories as images is the platform for this process. The third step is to insert yourself mentally into that earlier memory, but as a third party observer rather than as a participant. One important note: Dr. Loyd always suggests you “take” a trusted person with you in your mind to the scene of the past trauma, if it feels at all unsafe to go there. Observe the physical reactions the scene causes in you, both as a third party and as a participant in the scene. You’ll probably find that the physical reactions you have when you take a step back from the scene are very different than the ones you felt as it was happening. The final step is to ask the earlier version of yourself caught up in the painful memory what is needed for them to be healed. During this stage, you will find that a false perception is at the root of your emotional pain. That might be the perception that you are evil or wrong for doing something normal, because an angry person told you so. This is the time to speak truth into that memory from your third party self so that the lie that’s trapped in that memory can be released. The guiding concept is “speak the truth in love.” This process may seem too simple to be effective in healing emotional pain, but it is in fact an incredibly powerful first step in being released from the faulty memories that cause you stress in ways that you may not even recognize now.

Key to Health & Happiness

Relieving that stress is the key to future health and happiness. This healing is available to anyone willing to work through the false perceptions stored within their mind’s mental images. Make the commitment to getting the help you need to begin this healing in yourself.

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My Experiences And Review Of The Healing Codes

Are you looking for information about the subject? Here in this blog, we will tackle the different aspects, fundamentals and other points of interest about the subject. Many readers and enthusiasts find that this blog is a great place to start if you are new to the subject.

We provide detailed resources like photos, articles, videos and links that may be of good use for those who want to make a more detailed study about it.

Ben Sutter asked:

As part of my rehab process, I like to incorporate some quality massages. After a recent massage, as my wife went in for her session, I was so drained from the release of toxins that I asked to crash on the couch as I wasn’t sure that I could make it to the car.

Another part of my healing process has been the Healing Codes. They correct old faulty cellular memories that are blocking the body’s ability to heal itself. I attended a workshop where I learned the best techniques to utilize the codes. I witnessed transformations that I wouldn’t have believed without being in the same room. I attended another workshop as a helper, and the workshop format had been improved to include more custom codes and ongoing help.

As I rested on the couch, I realized that toxins that had been released as cellular memories are corrected, from doing the healing codes, had probably concentrated in my joints, and the massage had released them to continue their journey out of my body.

The purging of these toxins is an integral part of the healing process that is activated after doing the Healing Codes. When I was at the workshop, the energy of the group allowed many people to receive rapid healing without any healing reaction from the toxins exiting their bodies.

My healing wasn’t that rapid or immediate, but fresh zits over my damaged eye gave evidence that toxins were coming out, and indeed the pressure in my eye is higher now as health returns. Unresponsive nerves from my paralysis have improved. My stuttering is greatly reduced from old false cellular memories being cleansed. The simplicity and universal benefits of the Healing Codes are huge reasons that I wanted to experience them for myself.

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Obviously, there is a lot more to know about the subject. This brief article is just a start, and the next step is to do some more research. In any case, the tips in the article set the stage for a more detailed treatment of the subject.

The Healing Codes – Stress and Failure Come From a Physical Source

The article below about the subject has received a lot of interest, more than any other on our site. We believe it’s because it pulls no punches. Yet, while it’s an important issue, it’s not all doom and gloom, there is another point of view that some find quite unorthodox, but workable.

This article has proven to be very useful to our readers and they come back regularly to keep abreast of the latest developments. While the subject remains an important subject, it’s always an added bonus when you can be enlightened, and even amused by being shown the other side of the issue. Some things are not always what they seem. Read on for more insight.

Jerry Graham asked:

Symptoms are a diversion

What will it take to break the cycle of failure in your life? Many of us spend years, and substantial amounts of money, attempting to cure one of the five major areas in which problems occur.

Whether we focus on our beliefs, behaviors, physical ailments, emotional problems or negative thoughts, though, we’re really just dealing with symptoms, rather than identifying the root cause. Sometimes that struggle to change symptomatic behavior becomes a substitute for finding, and dealing with, the real reason we continue to fail.

Stress is the real culprit

It should encourage you to know that research now shows us there is an actual physical cause for this cycle of struggle and defeat. We now know, thanks to scientific research, that the bottom line cause for failure in our lives is stress. The Centers for Disease Control in Atlanta, in fact, reported that even disease, ninety percent of it, is brought about by stress.

Dr. Bruce Lipton, a groundbreaking cell biologist, goes farther and proposes that ninety-five percent of disease is caused by stress, and that the other five percent that is ‘genetic’ is the result of an ancestor experiencing enough stress to unmask a disease at the cellular level and introduce it into the family’s genetics.

Stop and think about that for a minute. What if we could literally break the cycle of genetically inherited disease by addressing the response to stress in the current generation? Think of the impact that would have on our future.

Stress – How it works

Let’s explore, then, how stress actually brings about disease and failure in our lives. It’s important to know that stress actually does five things-it makes us physically ill, drains our energy, gives us to a negative outlook, reduces our problem solving ability and, because of these other results, predicts our failure.

What is the most common response to this impact? We try to “will” our way back into health. Imagine being asked to constantly push a heavy object up an incline. That’s what it’s like when we confront the effects of stress with our own will. We chase the latest self-help book, we pray, we take more and more medication to relieve our symptoms. Failure, however, is inevitable until we find the root cause of all that stress!

I know what to do, but I don’t know why I don’t do it

Dr. Alex Loyd, founder of The Healing Codes, learned in his private counseling practice that ninety-nine-percent of the time, his patients could answer accurately when asked what they should do differently. They couldn’t however, answer the question, “Why, then, aren’t you doing what you need to be doing?” They either didn’t know why, or they didn’t believe they were capable of doing what needed to be done.

Here’s the lesson: it is almost impossible to heal deeply held deficiencies by our own willpower. So, how is it possible to be released from the cycle of sickness and failure?

What was meant to save us is now killing us

For the answer, we have to look to our own brains. When we experience stress, the hypothalamus signals the pituitary to redirect blood flow from our internal organs toward the large muscle groups. This is the original “fight or flight” response that kept our ancestors alive. In modern life, however, this response is triggered when we experience a perceived threat. Think of how your body responds to a verbal confrontation. Muscles tense, breathing gets shallow, body is ready for action.

That physical reaction is caused by the cortisol that’s being sent through the body by the pituitary. What’s more important is what happens to the cells that are being deprived of blood and oxygen. They are moving toward critical cellular stress. We are actually experiencing a momentary malfunction of the immune system. The cellular stress brought about by this reaction “unmasks” the possibility of disease in individual cells. We literally introduce disease into our bodies by reacting to stress over and over throughout the day.

Because we know, then, that the actual physical cause of relational, physical and emotional problems is stress, we can also know how to heal ourselves. We must begin by identifying the root cause of our stress and learn how to lessen its impact on our lives.

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The Healing Codes – Unconscious Intention Trumps Conscious Intentions

Jerry Graham asked:

If you’re like many of us, at some point you’ve visited a bookstore hoping to find the answer to a problem in your life. Self-help books and recordings abound and, predictably, they define the source of our problems several different ways.

Let’s narrow down our focus to the five main causes for our problems that most self-help writers cite. Those are: physiology, behaviors, thinking patterns, emotions, and conscious beliefs. What you’ll find offered by most writers as a root cause to life’s difficulties falls into those five categories.

A second opinion

Another school of thought says that while it’s true you may be able to change yourself to some extent by addressing deficiencies in those areas, those inadequacies are actually symptoms of a much deeper problem.

What that means is that lasting change cannot be accomplished in life until you recognize the true source of your problems, rather than simply identifying the symptoms. Unless we’re able to go directly to the root of problem areas in our lives, we continue to deal with symptoms which tend to return.

Think of it as a tree with a deep taproot. If the tree becomes diseased, you can choose to cut it off at the ground (get rid of the obvious symptom), but new shoots will probably appear from what’s unseen under the ground. You can, however, dig out the taproot as well as cutting down the tree and completely remove the disease.

Lasting change – the true goal

Here’s another way to think of it: we’ve heard a great deal recently about “conscious intention” and its power to bring about change. Unfortunately, conscious intention or “willpower” doesn’t always bring about lasting change. If it did, we’d all be skinny, happy, and rich!

The reason conscious intentions alone don’t bring permanent change is that they seek to overcome symptoms, not cure the root source. When that fails to make us happy, we usually move on to any number of negative behaviors that move us further away from peace and satisfaction.

When all else fails…blame!

One of the things we tend to do when our conscious intentions don’t overcome damaging behavior is to turn the spotlight on someone else’s behavior. Blaming someone else for our life’s failures is much easier than looking for the root causes of them. Becoming judgmental, however, actually just adds another layer of pain in our relationships instead of solving our problems. Whether we blame a politician, a spouse, or even God for our pain, it’s still a negative behavior that moves us farther away from solutions.

Intentions – Conscious or Unconscious?

Doesn’t it make sense to instead find and deal with the root causes? To begin to do that, we must first identify the things that are blocking us from life and health. Those stumbling blocks are our “unconscious intentions.” If those unconscious intentions don’t match the efforts of our willpower, we’re doomed to failure!

As Dr. Alex Loyd, founder of The Healing Codes reports, scientific research has already proven that basing your future happiness on conscious intention almost never brings the results you desire. The key to lasting happiness in life is in aligning what we really want (our unconscious intentions) with what we say we want (our conscious intentions). Only then can all our energy be focused on improving our lives.

Once we’re willing to stop blaming others and stop focusing on the symptoms, rather than the source, of our problems, we’ve taken the first step to finding health, peace, and happiness in our lives.What do you think of this website? Let us know your thoughts and comments by leaving a reply on our entries or by sending us an email. We would love to hear from you.

If you feel we missed an important update, let us know and we’ll be happy to create a post!

What is the Healing Codes LT3?

This the subject blog is a prime online resource for everything you need to know about it. There are tutorials that will guide you on the step by step process, and there are articles that provide enriched information for your use. It is amazing how many people have actually learned much from this site. Feel free to browse the site… there is a lot of information waiting!I have to start with a confession: I don’t know, I haven’t done it.

I have done research, and this is what I think it is, based on my previous experience:

Certain healing energies are stronger when they are applied with a group. Certain issues don’t come up directly but they can be teased out when someone else is dealing with them. Once it is in the open, it can be dealt with.

Certain intensity is needed for set patterns to disappear, and a 3-day program with almost continuous energy blast is an excellent vehicle for that.

With that said: I think that the lt3 stands for a group session where the healing codes is used to blast issues, and because of the intensity, most issues will melt away, or become weaker.

The healing codes works mainly on the master gland where many changes originate from. the energy is non-specific itself, but with the correct wording it can be specific and do 100% healing.

If I didn’t have a more precise energetic tool, and if I had health issues, I would probably do the LT3, just like I did a previous group session course.

Why? because it is much cheaper than individual healings, and it gets to issues I would not be able to get to myself, or even a skilled practitioner would probably miss.

I have a client who is a master of deception: except he can’t fool me… but as it seems, he has fooled everybody before me.

So, now he is healing. He is excited. Yet, he starts every session attempting to fool me again… makes sense? no… lol

How often is the lt3 given? a few times a year.

By the way: I found no real information, so the likelihood that the course is a weekly group session on the phone for 7-10 weeks is very high… if I were dr Alex, that’s what I would do.

How do you sign up? First off, you need to be on the mailing list. Then you will get an invitation when a new course opens up. No other way is possible. How do you do that? Easiest: go to my site and sign up to the mailing list. I’ll also send you a pdf report that I wrote about energy healing and the healing codes.Did you find the article useful? The subject is not as straightforward as some people think, so you might want to do some reading on the subject. As you learn more about the subject, your understanding of the subject will increase, and so will your confidence.

Thanks for reading the article. And please, do come back again.

The Healing Codes – Learning to Live As a Spiritual Being

Welcome to our site. Here, you will find everything you need to know about the subject, without the hype.

You are joining thousands of other readers who visit our site on a regular basis. That is because we work hard to give you the information you need without all the fluff. This is the place to come for quality.

The article below is the latest addition to our site and it is a real education to read. We hope to sparks some ideas for you.The Healing Codes in no exception: It is a no-brainer to me: but if you ever want to teach anything, heal anyone, get answers to questions: you will always need to start with yourself, your feelings, your Your Own Body

The below article has seeds of truth in it, but all in all is very very very imprecise. It is

If you’re wondering whether or not you possess a spiritual nature, the best place to start your research is within your own space. Each of us is made up of a physical body and a conscious mind, sometimes also called the “soul.” With a little more research, however, it’s possible to prove a third component of your makeup. That part is the spiritual heart, and there’s a very real link between mind, body, and spirit.

The spiritual heart is where our life experiences, as well as the subconscious and unconscious minds are contained. This part of us is closely tied to the soul, or our conscious mind, will and, emotions.

The Linking Component

Linked together, mind, body, and spirit, interact constantly throughout the day, so closely that they’re difficult to separate. What is the link that connects these three components of our nature? It’s the image maker, the mechanism by which we record life’s events.

It’s already been proven by science that unconscious and subconscious memories are recorded as images. We also know that the conscious mind can decide to think of something (going out to eat) and picture that event instantly (restaurant, food, atmosphere). Because both the unconscious and conscious minds are able to access the image maker, the conscious mind can produce images to which the spiritual heart responds.

The Missing Projection Screen

How does that prove we’re spiritual beings? Science has not found, in all its centuries of research, the “screen” on which images appear in the mind! Perhaps it’s because that screen exists within a spiritual realm. Only by being spiritual beings ourselves can we access this unseen “screen” on which the images of our lives are displayed.

If we are indeed, linked to the spiritual world, this has tremendous implications for how we live our lives. It means we must seek guidance in living both a spiritual and physiological life. Once we accept our spiritual nature as fact, we can’t be content to live life only in the physical realm.

The True, Self-authenticating Manuscript

Within the Bible we find references to all three natures of man – mind, body, and spirit. No other written source contains all of the basic concepts for health and happiness, concepts being proven even now by modern science. This “self-authenticating manuscript” is central to understanding our own spiritual nature, as well as the nature of God.

Once we accept that God’s Word, the Bible, has the answers to our questions, it can also begin to give us a true image of God and his relationship with us. For many of us, healing our faulty concept of God must take place before any other part of our lives can change.

Step-by-Step Process

And so we can trust that we are spiritual beings, with a connected system of mind, body, and spirit. We can learn the answers to those issues that keep us trapped within the self-authenticating manuscript, the Bible, because of our spiritual nature.

Turning to the Bible for the answers you need is the best first step in a journey toward wholeness. Seeking the healing, with God’s help, of your faulty beliefs and memories is the next step. To experience a whole new dimension of living, first acknowledge that you are fundamentally a spiritual being, and then begin to explore what’s possible when mind, body, and spirit are aligned.

Read articles on how to use self-healing to get unstuckYou can never have too much information about such an important issue. Do you agree? Are you feeling better informed about the options you have? When all around you are scratching their heads, it’s a great feeling to have clear vision and know which direction you are heading.

If the above article helped your understanding of the subject please pass on the word about our site. We would like to help everyone gain a better understanding of the options they have available.

The Healing Codes – How to Activate the Success Mechanism

Thanks for stopping by our website. Are you fed up of getting mediocre information, when you have put so much effort into getting the best? We are one of the leading sources of information on the subject so you are definitely at the right place.

Have a read of the article below… we are sure you will find it dots all the ‘i’s’, and crosses all the ‘t’s’. On our site we strive to provide the most up-to-date information. Remember that you read it here first, and please tell your friends.

Jerry Graham asked:

If it were suddenly announced a pill had been developed that would make us successful, the road to the nearest pharmacy would be clogged with traffic! Many of us struggle to find success in our lives, but haven’t found a way to make it ours. What if I told you that the key to lifelong success already exists, and it resides within our own bodies?

The Failure Response

To illustrate how that’s possible, we need to first look at what causes us to fail. Research has proven that the “failure mechanism” is kicked into gear when we face stress in our lives. The chain of events is like this–we face a perceived threat (someone else’s anger, a high pressure work situation, etc.), and our body responds to it in the same way our ancestor’s bodies responded to a physical threat. The hypothalamus in the brain tells our pituitary gland to rally the adrenal system to release cortisol and adrenaline throughout our bodies, making us ready to fight, or run from the fight.

The result of that constant stress reaction literally weakens our immune systems, dulls our intelligence, heightens our awareness of pain, drains our energy, raises our blood pressure, destroys our ability to relate to other people, brings about negative behaviors like deceit, fear and suspicion, and, if that’s not enough, closes off nutrition to our very cells and makes them the perfect environment for disease! Is it any wonder we struggle to be healthy, happy, and successful?

A Better Alternative

What if, instead of our bodies being in a constant state of anxious high alert from all that cortisol pumping through us, we could find a way to use the hypothalamus/pituitary/adrenal gland cycle to bring about success? That’s possible, because our bodies already contain the hormone oxytocin, which allows us to respond favorably to stressful situations. All we need is a way to release oxytocin, rather than cortisol, into our bodies in response to daily stress.

Before you learn to trigger the Success Response, start by answering a question. What do you truly want out of life? Dr. Alex Loyd, founder of The Healing Codes, learned in interviews with hundreds of people that what most people want is health, success, or relationships with other people.

Success Response Benefits

The fact is that our physiological response to stress has a major impact in each of those areas. If, as we learned, our body’s “Failure Response” negatively impacts those things, it stands to reason that a physical “Success Response” should have an immediate positive impact, as well. Here’s what Dr. Loyd reports people experience who learn to trigger oxytocin rather than adrenaline when stressed.

Enhanced relationships Feelings of love, joy and peace Increased immune function Reduced stress Lowered blood pressure Counteracts addiction/withdrawal cycle Stimulates human growth hormone to reverse aging Increases trust & wise judgment Modulates appetite and digestion Promotes healing Stimulates relaxation and non-stress energy to allow energy/sleep balance. Stimulates higher neurological activity such as problem solving Opens our cells to nutrition and health

If you knew how to bring about these benefits, instead of constantly experiencing failure, wouldn’t you choose to live in success? Dr. Loyd tells us that it’s possible for every one of us.

You Already Know How

Here’s how–you’re probably already activating the Success Response temporarily through pleasurable experiences such as sex and eating. That’s why we love to do those things! We get a momentary glimpse of what it is to feel great.

But there’s a healthy way to make that feeling a regular part of our lives. To turn on the Success Response, we must simply learn how to recall a pleasant relationship experience that is not overshadowed by negative relationship experiences. Activating that memory of a positive, loving relationship stimulates the release of oxytocin to our bodies.

If loving relationship memories are stifled by negative ones, those negative memories must first be healed. Dr. Loyd teaches Healing Code participants to heal the negative and infuse instead “true love memories” to bring about that positive, healthy Success Response. When our hearts are cleared of the negative garbage and we begin to activate happy, loving memories, we can live permanently in success and health.

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There are lots of issues to be considered about the subject, and those that are heavily into the subject are likely to want to know more. Even if this article serves as no more than an introduction, nothing stops you from putting the information to good use.