As important as a yes… is a no. Actually, you’ll be left with the authentic yes

on-saying-noI own a business… This blog is part of it. I am on hundreds of marketers’ mailing list, and I get hundreds of emails about new software, new tricks and strategies to increase traffic, visibility, and ultimately revenue. I buy … Continue reading

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As important as a yes… is a no. Actually, you’ll be left with the authentic yes

The path to anything you want leads through 90% blockage elimination and 10% addition

removing-blockages-to-flowIf you are able to catch the point, have the power of distilling essence… aka called distinguishing, you have seen in all my work, and all of Tai Lopez’s 69 steps, that every single session, every single article, every single … Continue reading

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The path to anything you want leads through 90% blockage elimination and 10% addition

The most generous thing you can ever do…

the strait... the best analogy I could find for distinctionI wrote in the last article that guiding anyone, including yourself with the positive statement is the fastest way to misery… Positive statements, including affirmations, don’t define anything. The expression “strait and narrow” is brilliant, because it tells it how … Continue reading

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The most generous thing you can ever do…

Do you respect money? If not, you pay the price…

Why is respect hard and rare? Because respect includes the capacity and the willingness to look again, but this time look from a different vantage point, preferable from the point of view of the other person. Of the big picture, … Continue reading


Do you respect money? If not, you pay the price…

Do I judge the people I write about? Gurus, healers, teachers and such?

Thanks for visiting our the subject website. You will find the latest information, discussions about the pros and cons of each aspect, and also, a large community of readers who regularly share their ideas and opinions on the latest developments. It is as important now as it ever was to examine the issue carefully. After all, without the facts, how can we know we are making the right choice?

We recently came across the article below and we have posted it on our site because it addresses some of the unanswered questions and raises some new ones at the same time. If you like what you see here, be sure to come back and, let your friends know.

Making something wrong vs distinguishing what is so Judging, the word, the activity, implies that there is a right and there is a wrong. There isn’t… so when you are judging, you are already involved in what we call “the … Continue reading

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Raise Your Vibration: Connect To Source teaches you how to connect to Source (God?) so you can live your life’s purpose, get answers, more


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Do I judge the people I write about? Gurus, healers, teachers and such?
You can never have too much information about such an important issue. Do you agree? Are you feeling better informed about the options you have? When all around you are scratching their heads, it’s a great feeling to have clear vision and know which direction you are heading.

If the above article helped your understanding of the subject please pass on the word about our site. We would like to help everyone gain a better understanding of the options they have available.

The most significant accomplishment of the 20th Century: muscle testing

Welcome to our website, which is devoted to the subject. Thousands of people search the internet looking for information about this every month. We have pulled all the best information together and put it under one roof.

We have separated the key issues and put them on their own pages to make them easier to access. You will find the posts highly informative, and while here, have a look at the comments as well. There are lots of great suggestions from our readers, in fact, share your own suggestions, we would love to hear them.

Before you do though, check out the article below: it is intelligently written and the author makes some insightful points.

I think the biggest and most significant accomplishment of the the 20th Century was distinguishing that you can muscle testing. The original idea of that, which they called muscle testing, was that the body knows what’s true and what’s … Continue reading →Read More To Source: Raise Your Vibration teaches you how to connect to Source (God?) so you can live your life’s purpose, get answers, more Be the first to comment…

Originally posted here:
The most significant accomplishment of the 20th Century: muscle testing
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