Doing your soul correction, shifting your state of being, toughening up

3-ways-to-change-your-stateWhat is the easiest method to shift someone’s state of being? We already know. Children, when they cry because they hurt themselves, can be brought out of crying by directing their attention to something more interesting, more engaging. We use … Continue reading

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Doing your soul correction, shifting your state of being, toughening up

More on fitness and vibration… using my own example

You may need to do a lot of preparation work before you can start doing the work in earnest As I said, raising your vibration is like fitness. Vibration is like fitness: no matter your ethnicity, no matter your starting … Continue reading

Read original article – 

More on fitness and vibration… using my own example

Doctor Who… how the doctor lost sight that he is the doctor only once.

doctor11Why I love all the Doctors I love Doctor Who… My favorite thing about the doctor is that he never forgets, never loses sight of the big picture… almost never. In one of the episodes he does… and it is … Continue reading

See original article here – 

Doctor Who… how the doctor lost sight that he is the doctor only once.

The pioneers are usually the ones with the arrows in their back…

you-can-always-tell-who-the-pioneers-are-because-they-have-arrows-in-their-back-and-are-lying-face-downEven the first follower can be in big trouble… We think it’s courage that a pioneer needs, but I dare to differ. It is more like “I can take arrows front and back for something that is important to me”. … Continue reading

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The pioneers are usually the ones with the arrows in their back…

Are questions a good way to make you think? More questions…

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Here are even more questions you can ask of yourself… This is the third article in this series, and No feedback, so far, so I assume you just read the questions and answered the way you answer everything, without looking… … Continue reading

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Raise Your Vibration: Connect To Source teaches you how to connect to Source (God?) so you can live your life’s purpose, get answers, more

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Are questions a good way to make you think? More questions…
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Most things are only visible in hindsight.

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The article below is the latest addition to our site and it is a real education to read. We hope to sparks some ideas for you.

Most things are only visible in hindsight. Good or bad, it is immaterial. —My chiropractor has been unavailable Tuesday mornings for almost a month. By now I hurt. I spent two hours last night

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Most things are only visible in hindsight.
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Soul Correction, Doing The ‘Work,’ And Other Mystical Stuff Answers The Questions: How Do You Get Hurt? How Do You Hurt Others?

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Soul Correction, Doing The ‘Work,’ And Other Mystical Stuff Answers The Questions: How Do You Get Hurt? How Do You Hurt Others?
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Why Do I Keep Attracting the Same Kind of Mate?

Are you finding the information on the subject confusing? Perhaps you are finding much of the information contradictory? If so, you are not alone. That’s the reason why we developed our website. We spent time trying to gather the facts for ourselves, unfortunately, what we found didn’t help us make decisions at all.

Have a look at the article below. It presents the facts in such an easy language that we were able to understand it immediately. If it helps clear the fog for you, please let your friends know about our website, as it might be useful for them also.

Denika Laurie asked:

Many times throughout our life, we find that we end up repeating certain patterns, certain patterns that may not serve us in an ideally favorable way. We meet people in different scenarios and different life experiences hoping for something new and exciting, but instead, get dealt a bad deck of cards, or so we believe. Why do I always get the men/women that treat me like crap? Why do I always get the men/women that don’t support me and my dreams? Why do I always get the men/women that only want me for my money? All of these are questions that are commonly asked, yet the person asking the question usually fails to look within them to figure out what beliefs they have that are attracting those same people over and over and over again.

You Believe You Must Go Through This

For everything that we do, there is always an underlying reason or a key belief, as we like to call them in Theta Healing. You see, you have these belief programs that are running in your subconscious like the hard drive on your computer. These key beliefs of yours go all the way back to your childhood, to your family genes, and even to your soul. Somewhere within the system of beliefs, you may be feeling like the only way you can be fulfilled is to have problems in a relationship. Maybe this is your way of proving to yourself that you are resilient or tenacious. Perhaps having problems in a relationship make you feel like you have purpose in life. Maybe, just maybe, you’ve been told by family and friends that it is “normal” to experience the things that you have been experiencing in your relationships and there is nothing you can do about it.

These beliefs are affecting your feelings and your actions toward your loved one. In fact, the beliefs are so strong that it affects the way you carry yourself, the way you perceive yourself to the opposite sex, and even how you respond to the opposite sex and it probably goes beyond all of that.

The truth is that you don’t HAVE TO continue going through what you are experiencing unless you choose too.

You Are Still Holding Onto Resentments, Regrets, or Grudges

The majority of the time that we spend trying to recreate or reinvent ourselves is wasted simply because we refuse to let go of resentments or regrets. We usually create the resentments as a need to protect ourselves from getting hurt by that same person or the same type of circumstance. Grudges and resentments go hand in hand and if you remove one, you can easily remove the other. Regrets are things that hold us in a pool of low self esteem and you know, there isn’t too much that you can get done without good esteem. Esteem affects your personal power, so the more you dwell on regrets, the more you relinquish your personal power.

The Women/Men in Your Family Have the Same Type Of Problems

Have you ever had anyone in your family that you looked up to or considered a role model? Sure you did. Even if you didn’t, the people in your family affected you in ways that you probably still have yet to comprehend. You can be repeating the life patterns of your family members. In fact, there could be a part of you that believes that if certain family members weren’t happy in their love life, then you won’t be or don’t deserve to be. It can be any number of things as beliefs, feelings, fears, and behaviors are passed down genetically.

You Don’t Deserve To Have A Good Relationship

Have you ever caught yourself saying “this is too good to be true” or “good things don’t happen to me”? How about this one: you are experiencing a wonderful time with your loved one and because you haven’t found anything wrong YET, you are just waiting for the unthinkable to happen. I could go on with many examples, but I think you get the idea. The point is that for some reason, on a subconscious level, you don’t believe you deserve to live a good life. You might even find you’re sabotaging the relationship because you are afraid of getting hurt or that something was going to go wrong sooner or later. You just don’t know how to accept good things and good people whole heartedly. This has a lot to do with self acceptance, self trust, and self love. With all of the examples that I mentioned above, Theta Healing can remove all of these things and more, in an instant and then replace it with something more positive, empowering, and life changing.

If our outer world is a reflection of our inner world, then what parts of ourselves have we yet to face? Most of you have found a way to cope with the things that have hurt you. You either ignore it and hope it goes away and pretend it never happened or you complain about it so much that everyone around you knows about it. In doing these two things, you are shutting down yourself and not allowing yourself to live life freely. If you choose to continue living your life not facing your weaknesses or traumas, then life itself will be your constant reminder that you need to deal with this in order to move on. The key word here is being able to “move on” and moving on is not ignoring a situation or jumping into another relationship right away to make the pain go away. If you cannot take time to be alone to recuperate from a bad relationship then you have yet to learn what love is and even worse, you have yet to understand your personal power which was developed even more so from that last relationship.

In the end, you have to consider the quality of life that you want to live. Feeling good and being happy is an internal process that takes time to develop, but once you reach that state, the happiness and peace will always be there no matter what happens in your relationship. Clear up the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual clutter in your life and then you will attract/find someone who has done the same, and this is what will allow you to experience a new kind of life, a new kind of love. Besides, after you clear up your clutter, your standards are going to change and how you feel about what you want will change too. This will create a different aura around you that will bring you the new life experiences that you desire and deserve.

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Visualization For Self Healing

Have you ever wondered how the subject works? Doesn’t it baffle your mind a bit? Doesn’t it spark your curious mind, and make you think incessantly about it? Are you interested in learning facts, trivia and other interesting information about it? You have come to the right place because every so often we update this site with various information about the subject. Click on the links and start reading!

Susan Norrad asked:

Visualization and guided imagery are two of the most
powerful healing powers of your mind. All you need
to do is use your imagination for some astonishing

Please note, it is never advisable to rely only on
this method for curing your ailments. Continue with
your doctor’s treatments until he/she tells you that
they are no longer needed. Visualization can greatly
speed up your recovery and shorten your recovery

With visualization you heal yourself by creating strong
pictures in your mind of what you want the outcome
to be. Then you believe or pretend that those pictures
are the absolute truth.

This process can be used for anything, such as increasing
your income or receiving desired material possessions, but
for this article I will use healing as an example. You can
adjust your visualizations for other things using these

Take at least 20 minutes a day (two to three times a day
for any serious illnesses) and sit or lay down. Close your
eyes and get yourself into a relaxed state by taking three
deep breaths. Feel that all thoughts and tensions are being
released from your body. Visualize clear, pure energy
entering the top of your head and slowly moving down
through your whole body.

With each inhale, feel and see the pure healing energy
get brighter. With each exhale see all sickness and
disease being expelled from your body as air or smoke
and disappearing off into the universe. Continue for
several more minutes or as long as you want. If you
have a certain area of your body that is diseased, you
can put your focus there and see the illness turning to
smoke and disappearing.

Another type of visualization that works well with
healing is to imagine something taking the disease away.
For example, if it’s cancer that you want to get rid off,
imagine birds flying into your body at the site of the
cancer and pecking away at it until it is completely gone.
Or laser beams shooting into your body and burning the
cancer up. Another good visualization is to imagine a
waterfalls above your head. The water is entering your
head and washing all the disease away out through your
toes. Use your imagination and come up with ideas
that feel right for you.

Now you will use your imagination to see the end result.
Picture yourself as completely healed. Feel how strong
you are. See yourself doing all the things you love to do
as you are now once again in perfect health. Hear the
sounds around you, smell the air and fragrances, taste
the delicious foods that you are enjoying. Use all your
senses to perceive a healthy you enjoying your life to
the fullest.

You can also use this method to manifest better
relationships, better jobs, money, anything at all. The
key is to visualize in great detail what your want until
you feel in your mind that you already possess it. Do
this everyday and do not concern yourself at all about
how or when your goal will come. Just be certain that
the energy of the universe will begin moving to bring it
to you.

This has been proven by modern physics and is called
the “observer effect”. Your attention and intention to
something causes it to come into your life.

There were those through the ages that already knew
of this wonderful power long before modern physics.
For example:

Charles F. Hannel – “The Master Key System”
“The secret of all power, all achievement and all
possession depends upon our method of thinking.
All power is from within, and is absolutely under your
control; it comes through exact knowledge and by the
voluntary exercises of exact principles.”

Jesus Christ

“Therefore I say unto you, What things soever you desire,
when you pray, believe that you receive them, and you
shall have them.”


“If we can conceive it, and we can believe it, then we
can achieve it.”

Deepak Chopra
“Within every desire is the mechanics of its fulfillment.”

James Allen

“The aphorism, “As a man thinketh in his heart so is he,”
not only embraces the whole of a man’s being, but is so
comprehensive as to reach out to every condition and
circumstance of his life.”

I have heard some amazing stories of people who helped
to heal themselves using these methods. Even their doctors
were astonished. It has been well documented that those
who use visualization, prayer and positive attitudes recover
much more quickly than those who don’t. So it sure doesn’t
hurt to give these methods a try. It could save your life.

To your success.

Copyright 2005

Read articles on how to use self-healing to get unstuck

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