What you are doing now is not working. You deserve better…

What kind of deserving is in that title? Systemic? Extrinsic? Intrinsic? Systemic would be: you are on my site, you are reading this, therefore you must be a good person… also deserving? Extrinsic would be: you have provided me with … Continue reading

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What you are doing now is not working. You deserve better…

As important as a yes… is a no. Actually, you’ll be left with the authentic yes

on-saying-noI own a business… This blog is part of it. I am on hundreds of marketers’ mailing list, and I get hundreds of emails about new software, new tricks and strategies to increase traffic, visibility, and ultimately revenue. I buy … Continue reading

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As important as a yes… is a no. Actually, you’ll be left with the authentic yes

I was looking at trust, the intangible capacity to trust… and its role in becoming a winner

no trust - no winningThis article shows the connection between success, winning in life and the capacity to trust and generosity, the ability to be with win-win. The Selfish Gene prevents learning, prevents success, because the selfish gene is only interested in reproduction success. But luckily (?) both those genes, the gene for trust and the gene for generosity can be turned on. But… from that point on you need to keep them alive… Continue reading


I was looking at trust, the intangible capacity to trust… and its role in becoming a winner

Never really say no?

Saying no feels rude. Any type of no. Setting your boundaries, hanging up the phone, saying you are busy… Even when no one knows you have a hard time saying no. How do I know? I just observed myself. The … Continue reading

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Never really say no?

Is a five year old running your life? Running it to the ground?

5-year-oldThe knee jerk reaction is, universally, to want to fix what doesn’t work, what doesn’t please us. “It’s wrong and it needs to be fixed.” you say… This fixing thing has brought you more misery with every attempt to fix … Continue reading

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Is a five year old running your life? Running it to the ground?

The path to anything you want leads through 90% blockage elimination and 10% addition

removing-blockages-to-flowIf you are able to catch the point, have the power of distilling essence… aka called distinguishing, you have seen in all my work, and all of Tai Lopez’s 69 steps, that every single session, every single article, every single … Continue reading

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The path to anything you want leads through 90% blockage elimination and 10% addition

One big thinking mistake you’ve kept from early childhood, that is holding you back in life

magic-trick-pulling-rabbit-out-of-top-hatWhen you were a little kid, the whole world looked quite magical. Food appeared out of nothing, people did big things, cakes, birthday gifts, all kinds of big things came out of nothing. The child thinks that this is the … Continue reading


One big thinking mistake you’ve kept from early childhood, that is holding you back in life

Three groups… three outcomes… which one do you belong to?

arrogance-weaknessThe most popular image I have on Instagram says: Arrogance is weakness disguised as strength. Now, why this is worth writing about? Because it is the tip of the iceberg of something really important. We have spoken about the selfish … Continue reading

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Three groups… three outcomes… which one do you belong to?

How to become worth a damn?

how to become worth a damnCan someone who listens to an audio, watches a video, reads a book, or even comes to one of my workshops, change? Long sentence, eh? The answer to this question is this: it depends. NO input can cause change by … Continue reading

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How to become worth a damn?

What is your machine that is using your life by driving to do the same things over and over again?

you-can-become-the-master-of-your-life-through-awarenessWhen your life is repetitive and you can’t get from A to B, what you don’t know is that there is a machine that is running your actions to repeat what you experienced when you were a child. This article is to explain it… Continue reading

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What is your machine that is using your life by driving to do the same things over and over again?