Narrow cone of vision and your health

Imagine having to find your way through a maze without seeing past the tiny circle a flashlight can illuminate? “Luckily” you only have to look at your life. Your health, your money, your love life. You ARE living your life, … Continue reading

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Narrow cone of vision and your health

What you are doing now is not working. You deserve better…

What kind of deserving is in that title? Systemic? Extrinsic? Intrinsic? Systemic would be: you are on my site, you are reading this, therefore you must be a good person… also deserving? Extrinsic would be: you have provided me with … Continue reading

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What you are doing now is not working. You deserve better…

Another way lack of humility screws with you

don't get attached to anything oshoThe Detached/Unattached capacity workshop evolved into a major tranformational process course… which I didn’t know it was going to do. Lots of insights, but here is one I want to share: In your life, beginning with your life in the … Continue reading


Another way lack of humility screws with you

The risk of living a life without a purpose…

It’s not automatic Do you think that a person who is good at something gets the results automatically? I am finding, especially with the unaccomplished segment of my students, that they think that a capacity will do the work for … Continue reading


The risk of living a life without a purpose…

What’s the difference between a spiritual assignment and a spiritual practice?

Your life is full of assignments, things you have to do to survive, things you have to do to fit in, things you have to do to make a living, etc. etc. etc. What you don’t have is conscious practices. … Continue reading

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What’s the difference between a spiritual assignment and a spiritual practice?

They say: you are either growing or you are dying… but how do you go from dying into growing again?

we-may-fear-that-coming-to-terms-withYou can plan for survival, or you can plan for growth The most important difference, from your point of view is this: When you plan for survival, every setback threatens you with death, or poverty, or lack, or illness. When … Continue reading

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They say: you are either growing or you are dying… but how do you go from dying into growing again?

The role of structures in happiness, in achievement, in a life worth living

Dynamic-Tension-8705I am about as religious as a teacup… and that is actually one of the freedoms that allow me to experiment, to allow myself to be guided through torturous paths, to use my life to discover law-like phenomena, to read … Continue reading

Link to original – 

The role of structures in happiness, in achievement, in a life worth living

Money: how to make more of it, how to keep more of it… a series. Part 1.

Money is tight around hereMoney is tight, and has been for the past six weeks. Why? I don’t know. As my habit, if I don’t know something… I start experimenting, examining different avenues that promise to get one to a desired outcome… in this … Continue reading

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Money: how to make more of it, how to keep more of it… a series. Part 1.

How far from your island are you willing to swim?

I had a conversation about 30 years ago with a fellow Hungarian. We were both Landmark “graduates” and assisted our asses off.

“Assisting” is a cheap way to feel superior without having to earn your stripes.

He was an artist, a painter, who was in the US because his wife fell ill with cancer, and needed special treatment. In spite of all, she died, and he was stuck here. Didn’t want to return to Venezuela, didn’t want to go back to Hungary, but his existence in the US was touch and go.

He didn’t feel like producing the “art” that had been earning him a living: kitch sold in furniture stores, mass produced by an artist. Slave labor, mind numbing, and killing the artist within.

It was late in the evening, and we chatted, intimately, like friends that we weren’t.

The simile, or analogy, or metaphor, whatever you want to call it, came up:

If you were stranded on an island, how far would you swim to see if there are any ways to escape and return to civilization?
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Soul Correction Actions: Part 2: Fear – the flip side: living dangerously

The blog was created to be a hub of all the enthusiasts and even the experts to provide useful information for the beginners. This blog has grown to be a comprehensive portal for people who have an interest in the subject.

A lot of readers have voted this blog to be a very good place to start when learning about it. We have sections that tackle the subject in general and we also have an extensive library of specialized information.

galileo-scientist-entrepreneur-memeFear is natural. And we “respond” to fear according to our habitual ways, which is largely imprinted in our soul correction. Just like there is procrastination and there is precrastination, both are fear based, there is also the phenomenon of … Continue reading

See the original post – 

Soul Correction Actions: Part 2: Fear – the flip side: living dangerously
It’s great to read that someone at least knows the ‘ins’ and ‘outs’, isn’t it? Amongst our readers, this article really turned the tide on the debate that was taking place.

Many readers have given us feedback to say they are going to tackle their the subject in a very different way as a result. Will you?