The difference between you being worth a damn and your product being worth a damn

Hand sketching Value Price puzzle concept with black marker on transparent wipe board.The biggest problem in selling and pricing your product is thinking that people pay for YOUR value. They pay for their perceived value of what they receive. This article clearly teaches how to bridge that gap. Continue reading

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The difference between you being worth a damn and your product being worth a damn

Innovation vs fixing… how can you have any circumstance and still be happy?

cartoon_personal_innovationInnovate yourself out of the problem If you are here, reading this blog, you have a complaint about life… something you’d like to fix. Even if you are pretending that you are “just” curious… all humans living on Planet Earth … Continue reading


Innovation vs fixing… how can you have any circumstance and still be happy?

Looking at the quote “No problem can be solved on the same level of consciousness which created it…” through spiritual capacities

no-problem-can-be-solved-from-the-same-level-of-consciousnessThe quote, “No problem can be solved on the same level of consciousness which created it…” is thrown about, without a true understanding what the saying entails. When Einstein was a professor of Physics, he gave a test to his … Continue reading

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Looking at the quote “No problem can be solved on the same level of consciousness which created it…” through spiritual capacities

Activism, reforms, revolution…

Did you know that every revolution has been, historically, just a re-shuffling of who is going to have power over who? When I first read Osho’s book, Rebellion, Revolution and Religiousness, I actively worked on understanding. In Hungary we learned … Continue reading


Activism, reforms, revolution…

Did you have a long holiday? Spent a lot of time with family?

returning-to-the-dark-sideSome capacities, especially the ones that are your main soul correction capacities, are hard to keep on. What does Source have to say about that? There are different reasons. Reason #1: You need more capacities turned on before you can … Continue reading

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Did you have a long holiday? Spent a lot of time with family?

Who are you? What is your real self? Where is your real self?

10483584_341258836063662_850740459_nEveryone, even the most shallow people, wonder who they are. Really. By the time you are out of high school you have a constructed identity, but it is neither you, nor it makes you happy. But it may make it … Continue reading

Continued here:  

Who are you? What is your real self? Where is your real self?

Spiritual practice: Recognizing yourself in another, considering the other a mirror

mirror-effectThis is probably the most politically incorrect post I have ever written… I could not find a picture to illustrate it on the whole world wide web. Why is it politically incorrect? Because the current Dark Side suggestion is that … Continue reading

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Spiritual practice: Recognizing yourself in another, considering the other a mirror

No problem can be solved on the same level of consciousness that created it

No problem can be solved on the same level of consciousness that created it. This sentence could be the cornerstone from which you finally raise your vibration, and become the person you were meant to be. This article is crucial: … Continue reading

Original article: 

No problem can be solved on the same level of consciousness that created it

Money… grow it… Part 2… Inventory

i-just-want-to-lose-weight-while-staying-in-bed-watching-tv-and-eating-cold-stone-ice-cream-is-that-really-too-much-to-ask-d770bMost people start pretty much anything with the idea of what they want. That is the starting point, that is also, most of the time, the context. But it is a default context, not empowering. _1 If you are the … Continue reading

Originally posted here: 

Money… grow it… Part 2… Inventory

If you have a problem keeping your word… Part 2

I am finding out that you’ve been thinking in terms of to-do lists to get things done. I find to-do lists daunting. The biggest problem with to-do lists is that it kills the spirit in things. The second biggest problem … Continue reading

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If you have a problem keeping your word… Part 2