What happens to what you give to people, after you gave it to them? We are told that we are what we eat… and it makes no sense… Because really what we are is what we can absorb from what … Continue reading
What happens to what you give to people, after you gave it to them? We are told that we are what we eat… and it makes no sense… Because really what we are is what we can absorb from what … Continue reading
Our ultimate aim is to become fully conscious and capable as unique individual expressions of All That Is. This is very catchy… titillating even. I read this on a blog talking about the reincarnated soul… Barry McGuiness: personal vibration: 170. … Continue reading
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We all have it. Mine is devastation. It pops up when it’s most unexpected. Devastation is between grief and terror… squeezes a tiny drop of tear in my eye, no matter where I am, who I am with, when it … Continue reading
Originally posted here:
Your homepage… The emotion you return to in the most inconvenient moments
Genetic determinism and the ego’s role in it. I could also have made the title: your horoscope and your ego’s role in it, or your soul correction and your ego’s role in it. There is a lot of different ways … Continue reading
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Do you have free will? Free choice? What is the ego’s role in that?
In my last article, I was praising Thought Experiments as a tool to get to the good life. But: in the area of thinking you are like a human who gave up trying to walk after the first failure, and … Continue reading
Originally from:
The 67-step coaching, the good life and your Soul correction
Let’s look at the role of discovery in growth… your growth… if there is no growth, there has been no discovery. All the steps of the 67 steps program are nudges for you to discover something that you haven’t seen. … Continue reading
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If nothing has worked for you… you are still as stuck as ever
In the old Landmark Forum, or in the old 4-day Forum, the old Advanced course… the course leader came in yelling: “for you everything is the same as everything else…” or alternatively: “You don’t know your ass from a hole … Continue reading
Continued –
Without distinctions everything looks the same as everything else…
Sometimes it’s hard to see past the trouble in front of you I heard this sentence in a Netflix film… and wrote it down quickly. Anything that threatens your well-being, anything that threatens your reputation, anything that threatens your self-image … Continue reading
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A few minutes ago I became aware that I have nothing to do. That I am pondering whether I should watch Netflix or continue playing Freecell. Woah… WTF? So I looked. And what I saw surprised me. I saw that … Continue reading
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Tripwires and landmines… only the intelligent and aware thrives
More and more people want to work with me… so I have decided to start doing live evaluation calls to see if you are a good match to what I am teaching: raising your vibration. I am doing this because 99.99% of the people who visit my site are not teachable. Continue reading
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