Delusions, Lies, Pretenses, Obesity — what is the common chemical cause?

Most people think that they are honest people. Some others know that they lie about this and that. What they don’t know is that they live on the top of a huge iceberg of lies, delusions, pretenses, but they can … Continue reading

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Delusions, Lies, Pretenses, Obesity — what is the common chemical cause?

Telling the truth will set you free. The counter intuitive path to happiness


Some people won’t adhere to a diet that would make them healthy. Stupidity? Yes, stupidity on a very deep selfish gene level. It’s not that they don’t understand the price they are paying. It’s that they make choices that the … Continue reading

This article is from –

Telling the truth will set you free. The counter intuitive path to happiness

You are stupid and nothing and no one can help you, unless you get it

Im-sorry-I-hurt-your-feelings-when-I-called-you-stIf this article doesn’t apply to you, then I hope you are intelligent enough to know… Just please know, that 90% of the people it applies to will also think: “This doesn’t apply to me”. lol… not funny. For context, … Continue reading


You are stupid and nothing and no one can help you, unless you get it

Why those giants became giants and not you?

standing-on-the-shoulders-of-giantsYou are Stuck… Stuck without a solution, stuck in a tight spot, stuck in a relationship, stuck with an irrevocable promise, stuck in a job, stuck. This is the landscape of our life. NORMAL. Whether we verbalize it or not, … Continue reading

Continue at source:  

Why those giants became giants and not you?

The two types of “getting things done” systems… and what people really do

everything-doneI have always liked getting things done. Why? Because everything that doesn’t get done is like an energetic attachment, like a ball and chain on your ankle, slows you down, and prevents you from soaring… having a good time, feeling … Continue reading

Link to article: 

The two types of “getting things done” systems… and what people really do

Your why… what gives you juice, what gives you the strength to stay in the game?

what-is-your-whyI just got an insight of what may be the most important factor in your level of vibration. I got an email from a marketer who I have paid for a course, but slowly have lost my trust in… But … Continue reading


Your why… what gives you juice, what gives you the strength to stay in the game?

There is laziness and then there is lazy-ness. Is lazy learned helplessness?

lazy-vs-learned-helplessnessThis laziness thing came up again today. During shopping. Is a fruit bowl worth the extra $3? It was 9.95, and it’s now 12.95… she says, and I have no idea how to answer. She has no idea what the … Continue reading

Read this article – 

There is laziness and then there is lazy-ness. Is lazy learned helplessness?

Do empaths have empathy?

what-is-empathyEmpathy… and empaths. Is the empathy we talk about in the world as a good thing and what empaths have the same? Empathy as psychologists have it, is not the capacity to feel another’s feeling as your own. That is … Continue reading

Continue reading here – 

Do empaths have empathy?

Knowledge is power… but not all knowledge

the-only-thing-worse-than-being-blind-is-havingPeople want to become the person they are in their dreams… They are not that way… obviously. Becoming that person is like being a Michelangelo at the stone quarry looking at a block of marble and seeing if the sculpture … Continue reading


Knowledge is power… but not all knowledge

Live like a White Peacock… do things for the love of doing things…

side-peacockI love reading. My favorite books tear down the proverbial curtain of the Wizard of Oz. And my favorite activities… you could guess, are when I can tear down the curtain… and actually show the naked reality of things… I … Continue reading

See original article:

Live like a White Peacock… do things for the love of doing things…