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The article below is the latest addition to our site and it is a real education to read. We hope to sparks some ideas for you.

Joshua Fuson asked:
The Healing Codes® is a new book and system developed by Alex Loyd and Ben Johnson. They make a big, bold claim from the start – that you can use their healing codes to solve just about any problem (not just health-related, but relationally, financially, etc).
I’m a natural skeptic at heart, so I immediately dismissed these claims as completely bogus. Nonetheless, I decided to read the book, and write about my experiences here.
The Healing Codes® – The Full Story
Both authors begin by explaining how they had hardships in their lives, and how after trying everything they could think to solve them, were finally relieved when they implemented the divinely inspired healing codes (they assert that the codes were a received by divine inspiration). I quote: “God downloaded into my mind and heart what we now call The Healing Codes®.”
They go through and assert that all problems are related to one root cause; and that is stress. They emphasize the destructive power of stress, and how these stressors imprint themselves onto our cells, which (allegedly) cause all the health problems we experience.
They then move on an elaborate on the data they use to back up their claims – addressing many illnesses like cancer, ALS, depression, insomnia, and other chronic, debilitating disease.
Finally, they describe what the codes are – simple hand positions that are to be used in conjunction with a relaxed state of mind and mental focus. There are four basic positions, and other specialized codes for specific issues offered in other media.
The Real Deal?
I’m not a doctor, and I’m not a psychic energy expert, nor a quantum physicist. While the authors make a good case for their position in their book, attributing all challenges in ones life to a singular origination seems to be an oversimplification.
What’s more, I have no idea how simple hand positions coupled with states of mind would do anything to heal anyone of even a tummy ache, much less chronic, debilitating disease.
I also don’t know how to define gravity (physicists have been arguing about it for years) or electricity (same thing – experts can’t agree on what it actually is). What is most interesting about the book is the number of people that write in and talk about how they were suffering from _________ (fill in the blank with something horrible) and now they are either completely well or on the road to recovery.
While I don’t know if the codes are legit or not, I do know that there are several inexplicable things in our society that do work, and that modern medicine has become silent on many ailments and healings that are “inexplicable” by their definition. The bottom line is results, and whether it’s special codes, magic rocks, or a synthesized pill, I personally believe that the means to acquire such results pale in importance to the desired results themselves.
To sum, I may not agree with the logic behind the explanation of the results, but I would encourage you to read the book and draw your own conclusions.
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