Updated: Soul Correction: Finish What You Start

suck-you-drySoul Correction: Finish What You Start Update 7/10/2016: The archetype is the flatterer scam artist. If you are their victim: They will hook you with their compliments, flattery, while suck you dry, take you for your last dime, without ever … Continue reading


Updated: Soul Correction: Finish What You Start

Only people who are willing to go to hell and back can have real compassion and be happy.

rememberingIt’s been a weird couple of days. Every time I stop doing something my mind goes to evil acts I have seen in movies or read about in books. It started with the Marco Polo series on Netflix. I realized … Continue reading

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Only people who are willing to go to hell and back can have real compassion and be happy.

When your life is looked at through a different filter, you see something you have never seen

portraits-holding-devices-removed-eric-pickersgill-22Photographer Removes Phones From Photos To Highlight Our Terrible Addiction earth porm How addicted are you to your cell phone? The real answer may surprise you. “Removed” is an awesome photo project by American photographer Eric Pickergill that highlights our … Continue reading

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When your life is looked at through a different filter, you see something you have never seen

One path to Self you may want to take

One of the capacities you want to cultivate is the capacity of being in awe. Awestruck, awe-inspired. Why? Because unless you can be moved on the inside, you are dead and I can’t help you… nobody can. Unless you can … Continue reading

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One path to Self you may want to take

5 Characteristics Of Grit — How Many Do You Have?

14b6951Reprinted from Forbes… Recently some close friends visited, both of whom have worked in education with adolescents for over 40 years. We were talking about students in general and when I asked what has changed with regards to the character … Continue reading

Originally posted here:  

5 Characteristics Of Grit — How Many Do You Have?

You live in a world of your own design… You don’t like the design?

re-united-states-bill-clintonYou live in a world of your own design But how do you build a world of your own design? Everyone hopes that this sentence “you live in a world of your own design” means that you can change your … Continue reading

Taken from:  

You live in a world of your own design… You don’t like the design?

Jane Roberts, Seth, other channelers… Vibrational Review

All channelers are fakes, frauds, impostors. There are no entities that can be channeled. Reality is a lot simpler than that. You CAN tune into the Zero Point Field, I have been, but it is much less colorful, much less … Continue reading

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Jane Roberts, Seth, other channelers… Vibrational Review

The only spiritual practice that raises your vibration, and can take you all the way

UNFRAGMENTEDIf you live a fragmented life… your life is full of wanting to, having to, needing to and should. The common thread that can unify your life, the different areas, is who you are. But if you don’t know who … Continue reading

Read the article: 

The only spiritual practice that raises your vibration, and can take you all the way

Wanting to win is a survival game. Low vibration, low consciousness

mouse-running-on-wheelIf you play to win, you’ll always play a small game. Play to win in anything. Win friends, and influence people. Win an argument Win a competition Win at cards Win a reward, a salary, a compliment to look smart, … Continue reading

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Wanting to win is a survival game. Low vibration, low consciousness

The chemicals in your food: are they a big threat?

“They” trained you to pay attention to one thing… chemicals in your food, in your water, in your environment. But that is a diversionary technique, designed to dupe you… like in the 3-card monte. And your health is now reliably under 10%… and you are dumb, sick, and only scraping by in life. Continue reading

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The chemicals in your food: are they a big threat?