How come some people get results and other don’t, when they do a program?

reticular-activating-system-functionThe easy and obvious answer would be that some do the work of the program, others don’t. But what if neither do the work? And yet, some have results, and other don’t. What is the explanation? Are the “some” smarter? … Continue reading

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Raise Your Vibration: Connect To Source teaches you how to connect to Source (God?) so you can live your life’s purpose, get answers, more

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How come some people get results and other don’t, when they do a program?
Now, wasn’t that an easy read? We hope that you found the article as useful as we did. It’s hard to understand why some information is written in a way that just makes it impossible to decipher. the subject is so important to so many people that getting the right information, the first time, makes all the difference in making a timely decision. And who has time to wait these days?

How to go from lazy, procrastinating never do well to someone who gets things done? This also applies to raising your vibration…

These are tough times. And many of us are feeling it in our wallets. But .. No matter how tough times are, we can’t forget the basics. And the subject definitely is one of the basics. And, without the basics taken care of, how can you get started?
Below is one of the best articles we have ever read on the subject. It lays everything out nicely, it’s easy to read, and, understand, it touches on all of the key issues, and, best of all, when you have finished reading it, you will definitely know which is a very good direction to take given your circumstances.

inertiaOne of the typical mistakes I see comes from the “culture” of instant, quick, magic buttons, magic bullets. The idea that if you can imagine it you can do it. It’s not true, or it is not that simple. We … Continue reading

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Raise Your Vibration: Connect To Source teaches you how to connect to Source (God?) so you can live your life’s purpose, get answers, more

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How to go from lazy, procrastinating never do well to someone who gets things done? This also applies to raising your vibration…
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Emotions are like fire storms, cause incoherence, and are the most manipulated aspects of a human

Many people want to know more about the subject. Are you one of them? If so, you might find the following article helpful in your search for information. We hope you find some useful pointers.

anger-2The best way to examine whether emotions give you a reliable internal guidance system is looking at the flip side of emotions. In emotional terms, for example, love’s opposite is hate, disgust, being appalled, repelled. But if you look at … Continue reading

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Raise Your Vibration: Connect To Source teaches you how to connect to Source (God?) so you can live your life’s purpose, get answers, more

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Emotions are like fire storms, cause incoherence, and are the most manipulated aspects of a human
If you want to know more about the subject, you may click on the resources to lead you to more information. You may also use the search box to further lead you to other articles. If you want to contribute to this website, we would love to hear your suggestions! It would be great to have you share your thoughts about the subject. Feel free to send an email to us.

Coherence to incoherence… the path to becoming zombie

These are tough times. And many of us are feeling it in our wallets. But .. No matter how tough times are, we can’t forget the basics. And the subject definitely is one of the basics. And, without the basics taken care of, how can you get started?
Below is one of the best articles we have ever read on the subject. It lays everything out nicely, it’s easy to read, and, understand, it touches on all of the key issues, and, best of all, when you have finished reading it, you will definitely know which is a very good direction to take given your circumstances.

new-eyesWarning: if you like your glass half filled, if you are a positive thinker, if you are optimistic, if you think hope is good, then please don’t read this article: it will attack your world at its core. A society … Continue reading

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Raise Your Vibration: Connect To Source teaches you how to connect to Source (God?) so you can live your life’s purpose, get answers, more

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Coherence to incoherence… the path to becoming zombie
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Mastery: how to go from unconscious incompetence to unconscious competence?

Welcome to our site. Here, you will find everything you need to know about the subject, without the hype.

You are joining thousands of other readers who visit our site on a regular basis. That is because we work hard to give you the information you need without all the fluff. This is the place to come for quality.

The article below is the latest addition to our site and it is a real education to read. We hope to sparks some ideas for you.

I fear not the man who has practiced 10,000 kicks once, but I fear the man who has practiced one kick 10,000 timesThe one rule of the Playground Program: All speaking needs to answer the questions: what happened, what is real? One of the first things people learn in the Landmark Forum is the idea that most of what you think happened … Continue reading

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Raise Your Vibration: Connect To Source teaches you how to connect to Source (God?) so you can live your life’s purpose, get answers, more

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Mastery: how to go from unconscious incompetence to unconscious competence?
If you want to suggest related things about the subject that can be featured in this blog, you may contact us and we will happily look into it. Feel free to let us know, as we would like to make our site the top resource website for our readers who are interested in the subject. We would love to know your thoughts as well as other feedback to make our blog better. Please feel free to leave a comment or a message. We would love to hear from you.

A coach’s job is to make you do things you don’t want to do

The article below about the subject has received a lot of interest, more than any other on our site. We believe it’s because it pulls no punches. Yet, while it’s an important issue, it’s not all doom and gloom, there is another point of view that some find quite unorthodox, but workable.

This article has proven to be very useful to our readers and they come back regularly to keep abreast of the latest developments. While the subject remains an important subject, it’s always an added bonus when you can be enlightened, and even amused by being shown the other side of the issue. Some things are not always what they seem. Read on for more insight.

581691_605182536172454_788679922_nA discussion with hidden argumentative undertones is going on in the comments of some posts. It’s about coaching. Most people want gentle guidance. They want the results, but they want it all to be easy, nice, a walk in the … Continue reading

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Raise Your Vibration: Connect To Source teaches you how to connect to Source (God?) so you can live your life’s purpose, get answers, more

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A coach’s job is to make you do things you don’t want to do

Another example of "unless." One Word That Should Never Follow "I Love You"

We will take a look at the subject in the following article. It is a good place to start if you are new to the subject. There is a lot more information available for those that want to make a more detailed study.

allowingIt’s been very difficult for me to bring examples to the phenomenon “or-ness”, in spite of the fact that it is all over. I was trying to define it, but it’s eluded me. Here is an article I didn’t write. … Continue reading

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Raise Your Vibration: Connect To Source teaches you how to connect to Source (God?) so you can live your life’s purpose, get answers, more

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Another example of “unless.” One Word That Should Never Follow “I Love You”
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If you feel we missed an important update, let us know and we’ll be happy to create a post!

Conversations, intimacy, human connection: are you emotionally unavailable? Emotionally slutty?

Have you just acquired the subject but are unsure how to get the best use out of it? Do you want one but don’t know if it would be the right thing for you?

Have a look at the article below. We are sure it will point you in the right direction. Based on our feedback so far, it has helped hundreds of our readers. While you are here, have a look at some of the other articles as they, too, are filled with advice and tips on how to avoid the common mistakes.

emotionally-unavailable“Yesterday I was clever and tried to change the world. Today I am wise and try to change myself.” ~ Rumi I offer private healing sessions to supplement my income. It is mainly a massage, a conversation, and sharing some … Continue reading

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Raise Your Vibration: Connect To Source teaches you how to connect to Source (God?) so you can live your life’s purpose, get answers, more

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Conversations, intimacy, human connection: are you emotionally unavailable? Emotionally slutty?
Obviously, there is a lot more to know about the subject. This brief article is just a start, and the next step is to do some more research. In any case, the tips in the article set the stage for a more detailed treatment of the subject.

Updated: I Can’t Be Happy Unless… The Misery Of A Self-Appointed Messiah

The blog was created to be a hub of all the enthusiasts and even the experts to provide useful information for the beginners. This blog has grown to be a comprehensive portal for people who have an interest in the subject.

A lot of readers have voted this blog to be a very good place to start when learning about it. We have sections that tackle the subject in general and we also have an extensive library of specialized information.

Here is another example from 2011 for unless (or-ness)… the distinction I’d like to teach you, so far quite unsuccessfully. Why? Because it is really simple, but really hard… and I am not quite able to express myself clearly yet… … Continue reading

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Raise Your Vibration: Connect To Source teaches you how to connect to Source (God?) so you can live your life’s purpose, get answers, more

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Updated: I Can’t Be Happy Unless… The Misery Of A Self-Appointed Messiah
You can never have too much information about such an important issue. Do you agree? Are you feeling better informed about the options you have? When all around you are scratching their heads, it’s a great feeling to have clear vision and know which direction you are heading.

If the above article helped your understanding of the subject please pass on the word about our site. We would like to help everyone gain a better understanding of the options they have available.

Can you be sick and be well at the same time?

If you would like to know more about the subject – then you will want to read this article. It includes plenty of information about this subject that is sure to help you better understand the ins and outs that seem to confuse most people. It really does not have to be difficult to understand.

The information that follows is one way to look at this information, and after reading the article you are free to form your own opinion. Whether or not you agree with the subject matter is up to you, and you are certainly free to make up your own mind about the material presented here.

beggingSome days the DS energies are stronger than others. Today is one of those days. The energies can effect the emotions (just like the ones in the Heaven on Earth! just the opposite way: make them stronger instead of weakening … Continue reading

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Raise Your Vibration: Connect To Source teaches you how to connect to Source (God?) so you can live your life’s purpose, get answers, more

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Can you be sick and be well at the same time?
The next time you know you are getting the short end of the stick, come back and pay us a visit. We would love to hear your comments about the article so please take a moment and drop us a line.

Quality is our passion and the reason we developed our website. We want to spread the word about the subject so that nobody has to put up with mediocre and second best again.