Wanting makes you vulnerable

perpetration/withholdMake a list of areas where wanting, your wanting dominates the situation. Where you are in the situation purely or mostly because you want something. What can you want? What do you want? How to find it? Look for where … Continue reading

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Raise Your Vibration: Connect To Source teaches you how to connect to Source (God?) so you can live your life’s purpose, get answers, more

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Wanting makes you vulnerable

Emotions are like fire storms, cause incoherence, and are the most manipulated aspects of a human

Many people want to know more about the subject. Are you one of them? If so, you might find the following article helpful in your search for information. We hope you find some useful pointers.

anger-2The best way to examine whether emotions give you a reliable internal guidance system is looking at the flip side of emotions. In emotional terms, for example, love’s opposite is hate, disgust, being appalled, repelled. But if you look at … Continue reading

Read More https://yourvibration.com/9970/emotions-guidance/
Raise Your Vibration: Connect To Source teaches you how to connect to Source (God?) so you can live your life’s purpose, get answers, more

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Emotions are like fire storms, cause incoherence, and are the most manipulated aspects of a human
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Coherence to incoherence… the path to becoming zombie

These are tough times. And many of us are feeling it in our wallets. But .. No matter how tough times are, we can’t forget the basics. And the subject definitely is one of the basics. And, without the basics taken care of, how can you get started?
Below is one of the best articles we have ever read on the subject. It lays everything out nicely, it’s easy to read, and, understand, it touches on all of the key issues, and, best of all, when you have finished reading it, you will definitely know which is a very good direction to take given your circumstances.

new-eyesWarning: if you like your glass half filled, if you are a positive thinker, if you are optimistic, if you think hope is good, then please don’t read this article: it will attack your world at its core. A society … Continue reading

Read More https://yourvibration.com/9918/coherence-to-incoherence/
Raise Your Vibration: Connect To Source teaches you how to connect to Source (God?) so you can live your life’s purpose, get answers, more

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Coherence to incoherence… the path to becoming zombie
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Money, success, love, hunger, greed desire, want?

Are you finding the information on the subject confusing? Perhaps you are finding much of the information contradictory? If so, you are not alone. That’s the reason why we developed our website. We spent time trying to gather the facts for ourselves, unfortunately, what we found didn’t help us make decisions at all.

Have a look at the article below. It presents the facts in such an easy language that we were able to understand it immediately. If it helps clear the fog for you, please let your friends know about our website, as it might be useful for them also.

I am becoming clearer and clearer that one of the reasons you may not produce the results in your life, with my teachings, because you don’t understand the words, and you just nod, as if you did. At least that … Continue reading

Read More https://yourvibration.com/8464/money-5/
Raise Your Vibration: Connect To Source teaches you how to connect to Source (God?) so you can live your life’s purpose, get answers, more

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Money, success, love, hunger, greed desire, want?
There are lots of issues to be considered about the subject, and those that are heavily into the subject are likely to want to know more. Even if this article serves as no more than an introduction, nothing stops you from putting the information to good use.

Why Do I Keep Attracting the Same Kind of Mate?

Are you finding the information on the subject confusing? Perhaps you are finding much of the information contradictory? If so, you are not alone. That’s the reason why we developed our website. We spent time trying to gather the facts for ourselves, unfortunately, what we found didn’t help us make decisions at all.

Have a look at the article below. It presents the facts in such an easy language that we were able to understand it immediately. If it helps clear the fog for you, please let your friends know about our website, as it might be useful for them also.

Denika Laurie asked:

Many times throughout our life, we find that we end up repeating certain patterns, certain patterns that may not serve us in an ideally favorable way. We meet people in different scenarios and different life experiences hoping for something new and exciting, but instead, get dealt a bad deck of cards, or so we believe. Why do I always get the men/women that treat me like crap? Why do I always get the men/women that don’t support me and my dreams? Why do I always get the men/women that only want me for my money? All of these are questions that are commonly asked, yet the person asking the question usually fails to look within them to figure out what beliefs they have that are attracting those same people over and over and over again.

You Believe You Must Go Through This

For everything that we do, there is always an underlying reason or a key belief, as we like to call them in Theta Healing. You see, you have these belief programs that are running in your subconscious like the hard drive on your computer. These key beliefs of yours go all the way back to your childhood, to your family genes, and even to your soul. Somewhere within the system of beliefs, you may be feeling like the only way you can be fulfilled is to have problems in a relationship. Maybe this is your way of proving to yourself that you are resilient or tenacious. Perhaps having problems in a relationship make you feel like you have purpose in life. Maybe, just maybe, you’ve been told by family and friends that it is “normal” to experience the things that you have been experiencing in your relationships and there is nothing you can do about it.

These beliefs are affecting your feelings and your actions toward your loved one. In fact, the beliefs are so strong that it affects the way you carry yourself, the way you perceive yourself to the opposite sex, and even how you respond to the opposite sex and it probably goes beyond all of that.

The truth is that you don’t HAVE TO continue going through what you are experiencing unless you choose too.

You Are Still Holding Onto Resentments, Regrets, or Grudges

The majority of the time that we spend trying to recreate or reinvent ourselves is wasted simply because we refuse to let go of resentments or regrets. We usually create the resentments as a need to protect ourselves from getting hurt by that same person or the same type of circumstance. Grudges and resentments go hand in hand and if you remove one, you can easily remove the other. Regrets are things that hold us in a pool of low self esteem and you know, there isn’t too much that you can get done without good esteem. Esteem affects your personal power, so the more you dwell on regrets, the more you relinquish your personal power.

The Women/Men in Your Family Have the Same Type Of Problems

Have you ever had anyone in your family that you looked up to or considered a role model? Sure you did. Even if you didn’t, the people in your family affected you in ways that you probably still have yet to comprehend. You can be repeating the life patterns of your family members. In fact, there could be a part of you that believes that if certain family members weren’t happy in their love life, then you won’t be or don’t deserve to be. It can be any number of things as beliefs, feelings, fears, and behaviors are passed down genetically.

You Don’t Deserve To Have A Good Relationship

Have you ever caught yourself saying “this is too good to be true” or “good things don’t happen to me”? How about this one: you are experiencing a wonderful time with your loved one and because you haven’t found anything wrong YET, you are just waiting for the unthinkable to happen. I could go on with many examples, but I think you get the idea. The point is that for some reason, on a subconscious level, you don’t believe you deserve to live a good life. You might even find you’re sabotaging the relationship because you are afraid of getting hurt or that something was going to go wrong sooner or later. You just don’t know how to accept good things and good people whole heartedly. This has a lot to do with self acceptance, self trust, and self love. With all of the examples that I mentioned above, Theta Healing can remove all of these things and more, in an instant and then replace it with something more positive, empowering, and life changing.

If our outer world is a reflection of our inner world, then what parts of ourselves have we yet to face? Most of you have found a way to cope with the things that have hurt you. You either ignore it and hope it goes away and pretend it never happened or you complain about it so much that everyone around you knows about it. In doing these two things, you are shutting down yourself and not allowing yourself to live life freely. If you choose to continue living your life not facing your weaknesses or traumas, then life itself will be your constant reminder that you need to deal with this in order to move on. The key word here is being able to “move on” and moving on is not ignoring a situation or jumping into another relationship right away to make the pain go away. If you cannot take time to be alone to recuperate from a bad relationship then you have yet to learn what love is and even worse, you have yet to understand your personal power which was developed even more so from that last relationship.

In the end, you have to consider the quality of life that you want to live. Feeling good and being happy is an internal process that takes time to develop, but once you reach that state, the happiness and peace will always be there no matter what happens in your relationship. Clear up the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual clutter in your life and then you will attract/find someone who has done the same, and this is what will allow you to experience a new kind of life, a new kind of love. Besides, after you clear up your clutter, your standards are going to change and how you feel about what you want will change too. This will create a different aura around you that will bring you the new life experiences that you desire and deserve.

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This is your website. We cover the issues about the subject that matter to you. Please bookmark our site and let your friends know about us.

Theta Healing – What Impact Do Your Thoughts, Feelings & Beliefs Have on Your Weight Loss?

Welcome to our site. Here, you will find everything you need to know about the subject, without the hype.

You are joining thousands of other readers who visit our site on a regular basis. That is because we work hard to give you the information you need without all the fluff. This is the place to come for quality.

The article below is the latest addition to our site and it is a real education to read. We hope to sparks some ideas for you.

Helen Meader asked:

What is Theta Healing and what does it have to do with Weight Loss?

Firstly, do you want to lose weight?

Secondly, do you know how to lose weight?

So, why isn’t it working permanently?

We all know a lot about weight loss. We are bombarded daily with magazines, newspaper stories, television shows including weight loss programs. Seriously then, you must know what to do!! Everyone must know what to do, we have been taught, told, cajoled and instructed on weight loss, weight management and healthy living since we started eating… so what is the problem? Why are you still ‘struggling’ with your weight, why is the population getting larger and larger despite all this education and knowledge? Why are our children experiencing obesity as never before?

Maybe, just maybe the ‘solution’, the ‘education’, the ‘knowledge’ is not the full picture. If the solution is there and the problem continues to grow then simple logic tells us that there is something missing, something flawed in the general community view of what the solution is. In many instances you will see people lose weight for a time only to find that some time later it is all back again. This is when you hear the comment “How on earth did that happen again!”

Do you know what I am talking about? Can you identify with this issue? Have you personally been there? I know I have!

So, what is missing? In my own situation and that of many others I have talked to, a large part of this is our ‘head space’ about our weight and our potential to lose weight. Do you sabotage your own success? This is where Theta Healing comes in. Theta Healing is a process that allows you to connect to that part of yourself that creates your life and your reality – changing your thinking, your beliefs and your feeling experience can have a profound affect on your weight loss success.

What is this ‘head space’ thing, head space in my definition is the stuff that rolls around between your ears, the chatter that goes on in your head. For example whilst on the latest round of dieting, the comments you make to yourself or to others, like:

“I don’t think I will ever really lose this weight” “Who am I kidding I will never be the weight I desire” “My partner likes me to be overweight”

Take a moment to think about what thoughts are rolling around in your head when you are ‘trying’ to lose weight. These thoughts are sabotaging your opportunity for success with your weight loss. These thoughts are potentially hijacking you to stay stuck where you are – even if that is an unhappy place. A Theta Healing Practitioner can support the process of belief changing to achieve your weight loss goals.

What can you do about this yourself. On paper this is a simple process but in reality can be much more complex primarily because these thoughts, beliefs and feelings have been a part of us for so long that at some level you may be quite attached to them. Your beliefs and your way of thinking when practiced over a long period of time become a part of your identity, a part of who you are and so shifting and changing them can seem quite challenging.

Keep it simple and repeat this process over and over to uncover aspects of what is going on for you and why you are holding on to your weight. Here are four simple steps:

Step One – Identify your thoughts and beliefs, listen to your mind chatter and write these thoughts down.

Step Two – Consciously choose to clear these thoughts.

Step Three – Fill the void created by removing old beliefs and replace the old thought with a new supportive one. Be sure to consciously choose these new thoughts and beliefs otherwise you may just find that the ‘old’ thoughts, beliefs and feelings come straight back!

Step Four – Monitor and repeat. Repeat the process over and over and watch the changes that take place with your weight and in your life.

This process allows you to define a new you, approach it with joy, wonder and love for who you are becoming.

If you want to fast track the process find yourself a Theta Healing Practitioner who specializes in Weight Loss to support your journey.

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The Art Of Healing for Free

Welcome to our website, which is devoted to the subject. Thousands of people search the internet looking for information about this every month. We have pulled all the best information together and put it under one roof.

We have separated the key issues and put them on their own pages to make them easier to access. You will find the posts highly informative, and while here, have a look at the comments as well. There are lots of great suggestions from our readers, in fact, share your own suggestions, we would love to hear them.

Before you do though, check out the article below: it is intelligently written and the author makes some insightful points.

Elizabeth J Dabrowski asked:

P.S. In memory of one little boy…

Healing is the most amazing concept I’ve ever come across. It’s the biggest gift we may have, and also the biggest gift we can share with others.
And I’m so passionate about it that I get quite emotional when discussing the subject.

I met a few real good healers in my life and I’m happy to admit that I was astounded by their results. I read many books on this subject, only to become even more fascinated.

But what absolutely throws my understanding away and gets me over emotional, is the fact that they charge for the gift. And they charge A LOT!

I was going to a healer myself and he was excellent. After leaving many thousands of dollars with him in the space of few months, when my financial situation suddenly changed, I told him that I would have to stop as I couldn’t afford his services any more.

Probably deep inside I was expecting him to continue our healing sessions for free, especially because the results were obvious and I already paid him so much, but he simply told me to borrow more money if I wanted to keep coming to him.

Once I was invited to a healing session, where a group of people was trying to promote Theta healing method and sell as many memberships as possible. They were claiming it was curing cancer and other serious illnesses.

Great, but only if you could afford the ridiculous amount of money they wanted to charge! Even not being personally interested, I remember leaving the session earlier because I couldn’t stand the fact how much they dared to charge.

One of the books I read on healing really caused very mixed emotions in me. The author was describing her journey to become a healer; she prayed to heal like Jesus, and finally she was able to start healing others. She admitted that in the beginnings she had issues with charging, but with time she understood(?!) why it was okay to take money for it. I couldn’t wait to find out why, but somehow she didn’t explain the fact at all. So I still wonder, even more, because from what we know Jesus didn’t charge at all, and then I went on her website only to find out that on average few distant sessions with her cost about $6,500.

So is healing only for the well off people? Is that the idea? I honestly will never believe it!

I know people who are very ill, some of them dying. I know about one little boy who has leukemia and it’s such a shame and pity that his parents wouldn’t be able to afford the healer I was going to. But really, the biggest shame and pity is that he charges so much, that a lot of people he could help, will never see him.

What is the price for a human life then? How come there’s a price for human life?

I don’t intend to even touch on the subject of conventional medicine and health system here, because I have a very little respect for it and charging absurd amounts of money for healing upsets me much more.

About a year ago, a friend of mine told me about Bruno Groening and his Circle of Friends. If you want to re establish your belief in humanity, go to the website; it’s all for free, and he also healed for no charge. Still, he wasn’t poor, but he was unconcerned with money. Isn’t it great? And I don’t think Jesus was a poor man neither.

I would presume that people with the gift of healing have much better understanding of the Universe because they heal using cosmic/divine energy. Why then do they have the perception of scarcity, not trusting that The Universe will deliver their financial rewards and that the only way to secure their financial existence is by charging ‘an arm and a leg’ for a gift they themselves didn’t pay for? Have they lost the plot completely?

Click here to get a FREE report on energy healing

There are lots of issues to be considered about the subject, and those that are heavily into the subject are likely to want to know more. Even if this article serves as no more than an introduction, nothing stops you from putting the information to good use.

Chinese New Year Predictions, Year Of The Rat 2008 – What To Expect And How To Thrive

Thanks for visiting our the subject website. You will find the latest information, discussions about the pros and cons of each aspect, and also, a large community of readers who regularly share their ideas and opinions on the latest developments. It is as important now as it ever was to examine the issue carefully. After all, without the facts, how can we know we are making the right choice?

We recently came across the article below and we have posted it on our site because it addresses some of the unanswered questions and raises some new ones at the same time. If you like what you see here, be sure to come back and, let your friends know.

Beth Borray asked:

The Year of the Rat begins February 7th, 2008. It is symbolized by a Mountain floating atop the Ocean, an image which suggests a lack of solidity and security. However there are opportunities disguised as problems in every situation and with proper foresight and positioning they can be golden for you.


* There will be a greater potential for earthquakes, mudslides, avalanches, hi-rise building disasters, torrential rainstorms, floods, tsunamis and blizzards.

* More of these incidents may occur in the Southern and Western parts of the world, countries and cities.

* Water contamination issues as well as innovative water purification methods may be in the news.

* If you live in an area with a potential for any of the above take precautions right now to stay safe.

* Acquire a good water purifier to keep your personal water supply healthy.

* Get involved with lawmakers and grassroots groups to keep your local waterways clean and vital.


* There will be monumental efforts to gain global stability while strong pockets of undercurrents attempt to “cause the mountain to fall.”

* We could see the beginnings of a cooling down period in international conflicts.

* There are indicators that more females will come to political power this year.


* Let peace begin with you. Make a personal commitment to creating a harmonious atmosphere in your environment and in your heart. It will have a ripple effect on everyone in your personal life and the whole of humanity.

* Utilize the power of Feng Shui to harmonize the energies in your home and work space. Place a focus symbol of peace and prosperity on your desk such as a photo of the ocean or a waterfall flowing towards you.

* Dedicate 15-30 minutes daily to integrate a spiritual practice or program of personal development.


* In Chinese astrology the Rat is known as a “Flower of Romance” and so increased romance and sociability will be in the air for many. More public love triangles and sex scandals may abound.

* Depending on your individual horoscope the focus on romance may bring unexpected challenges
and break ups for some and/or may trigger unexpected new love for you this year.


*Connecting with others is beneficial this year whether it is for romantic purposes, business networking or any other kind of social involvement.

*Join a dating site, a social networking site, or connect with a special interest group, or spiritual congregation. New friendships will be beneficial and certain kinds of friendships lead to romance.

* If you are in a challenged relationship right now this is a good year to seek counseling to heal your heart and remember the core of love you once shared.


* There is a “depth” and a “hidden” quality to what is buried inside a mountain and what is found under the sea and this may correspond to discovering a deeper understanding of health and how what is buried within our subconscious minds is powerfully affecting it.

* New healing discoveries of plants grown atop mountains or under water may surface.

* In Chinese Medicine “earth disorders” relate to the spleen, pancreas and stomach so obesity, diabetes and digestive system challenges may be more prevalent. The emotion of sadness is related to earth as well so depression and problems with anti-depressants may be more widespread.

* “Water disorders” relate to the urinary/bladder and reproductive systems, and adrenals. The main water emotion is fear.

* The Chinese astrological sign of the Horse (fire element) directly opposes the Rat and this clash may produce increased “fire disorders” such as high blood pressure, heart/circulation/brain conditions, vision problems, fevers, and inflammations. The emotional imbalance for fire is over-excitement.

* More healing, beauty and rejuvenation breakthroughs may be triggered this year through the use of elixirs made of products of the earth, and refined laser and microcurrent or light wave treatments.

* Spirituality is ruled by the fire element and that may spark greater interest in healing from the deeper level of the heart and soul.


* If you have any earth, water or fire related organ weakness think about prevention and focus upon strengthening and vitalizing before anything serious occurs.

* Try some “energy therapy” methods to quickly eliminate sadness, fear, and anxiety to avoid resorting to medication, for example the Emotional Freedom Technique.

* Investigate spiritual healing modalities such as Reiki, Theta Healing, Chi Kung, or Prayer.

* Enjoy the healing benefits of organic teas and elixirs. Consider a water or juice fast one day a month.

* Have fun creating your own health and beauty potions with products of the earth such as clays, herbs, and essential oils.


* The stock market: More unstable in 2008 and generally investors will feel like playing it more cool and cautious.

* The commodities market: Grains and soybeans should do well.

* Investments related to the earth element are somewhat favorable but earth is unstable this year so profits taken may not be strong: Property, mining, hotels, insurance, health care, food business, and products of the earth such as herbs, oil, metals or gems. Diamonds may be found in unusual places on the earth where they’ve never been found before.

* Indicators are that interest rates will rise.

* There will be tougher competition in water related industries: Shipping, cruising, fishing and beverage industries. Bottled waters should outperform other kinds of drinks this year
* Innovative solar energy and environmentally sensitive products, hi-tech industries and internet businesses will continue to be profitable.


* Be more practical (earth) about your money and investments by creating a plan: a sort of “sacred budget” that will curb unconscious spending and intentionally funnel your income into achieving your current year dreams and visions for the future.

* Call upon the power of reflection and wisdom (water) your own or somebody else’s to make the most beneficial choices for your business and personal financial success. My predictions are for educational and research purposes only. Always seek the advice of your personal financial and health professional.

Read articles on how to use self-healing to get unstuck

It’s great to read that someone at least knows the ‘ins’ and ‘outs’, isn’t it? Amongst our readers, this article really turned the tide on the debate that was taking place.

Many readers have given us feedback to say they are going to tackle their the subject in a very different way as a result. Will you?

The Healing Codes – Understanding How Cellular Memories Are Stored

The article below about the subject has received a lot of interest, more than any other on our site. We believe it’s because it pulls no punches. Yet, while it’s an important issue, it’s not all doom and gloom, there is another point of view that some find quite unorthodox, but workable.

This article has proven to be very useful to our readers and they come back regularly to keep abreast of the latest developments. While the subject remains an important subject, it’s always an added bonus when you can be enlightened, and even amused by being shown the other side of the issue. Some things are not always what they seem. Read on for more insight.

Jerry Graham asked:

The True Source of Stress

If conventional wisdom tells us stress is relieved by “fixing” areas in life — relationships, finances, job – why does the stress return after the problem is repaired? It’s because problems in these areas are the symptoms, not the source, of your stress. The true source of stress is found in destructive memories, and that’s where healing must begin, if you hope to permanently eliminate the effects of stress in your life.

Here’s how the cycle starts. Memories of everything that happens to us are stored throughout each day as images within the cells of our brains. Our “emotional heart” then responds to what we’ve learned from those memories, bringing about action that may be based on faulty images.

Why Do We Store Faulty Images?

But how does that faulty programming happen? Why doesn’t the emotional heart of a person stop and question faulty memories when they’re retrieved by a specific situation? Why aren’t lies strained out automatically? The answer to that question has to do with the initial programming of those lies into our minds.

Keep in mind that there are four types of brain waves — delta, theta, alpha, and beta. Each represents a different brain state, and prior to age six, we live consistently in the delta-theta brain wave state. Why is that important? Because when we’re living in delta-theta brain wave state, our minds aren’t able to filter what we take in.

That’s a critical fact to understand if we hope to able to heal our cellular memories and relieve our stress. Here’s why-small children take in information from experiences that could be interpreted differently if they were able to filter the input.

It Must Be True!

Instead, if it’s said or done to them, it must be true. That false programming remains in the child’s cellular memories throughout adulthood unless properly addressed. If someone regularly told them they were evil because they enjoyed eating, for example, that implication of being evil while eating remains.

Imagine the state of anxiety in which that person might live as an adult, because eating triggers stress unconsciously. And all because their young minds were unable to filter out the other person’s false labeling of a normal appetite.

Is There No Hope?

To illustrate the physical result of this type of faulty programming, let’s look at the structure of our cells. The mitochondria are the power plants of the cells. If they operate properly, the cells function properly, defending themselves against disease and other stressors.

According to Dr. Bruce Lipton at Stanford, the genes for disease are present in us all. If the cells close down due to stress messages from the hypothalamus, the needed energy can’t flow in. This extreme stress at the cellular level is what allows disease genes to be unmasked.

What’s the answer? The faulty programming, the pictures of the emotional heart to which we react with stress throughout the day, must be reversed. Healing tools are also available to begin this process. Dr. Alex Loyd, founder of The Healing Codes, reports tremendous success in relieving the stress levels of his clients through removing faulty memories.

If you’re beginning to suspect that false programming within your memories is causing you to be anxious, unhealthy, and ineffective, begin today looking for ways to find peace. Using what we now understand about the connection between memory and stress can open the door to a whole new level of health and vitality.

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Obviously, there is a lot more to know about the subject. This brief article is just a start, and the next step is to do some more research. In any case, the tips in the article set the stage for a more detailed treatment of the subject.

What is True Compassion?

Thanks for stopping by our website. Are you fed up of getting mediocre information, when you have put so much effort into getting the best? We are one of the leading sources of information on the subject so you are definitely at the right place.

Have a read of the article below… we are sure you will find it dots all the ‘i’s’, and crosses all the ‘t’s’. On our site we strive to provide the most up-to-date information. Remember that you read it here first, and please tell your friends.

Catherine Poole asked:

What defines true compassion? A Bible verse reads, “But a certain Samaritan, as he journeyed, came where he was; and when he saw him, he had compassion on him. And went to him, and bound up his wounds…and took care of him.” Luke 10:33-35.

A dictionary may define compassion as: “the deep awareness of the suffering of another coupled with the wish to relieve it.” While searching examples of true compassion from my life experiences, I suddenly realized it has nothing to do with the action. Instead it is about the person, the vessel; humans understanding the position and perspective of another. Through patience and withholding judgment, one should see beyond the present circumstances of another in order to offer hope.

I experienced a session last year with a dear friend, Jacqui Delario, who works with Theta Healing. For me, that session represents the best example of compassion used as a healing modality. There was a moment in the session where I felt compassion, a sense that someone knew and understood what I needed in order to receive healing and move forward. There was an immediate sense of calm, followed by weeks of unexpected personal results and opportunities as a result of my limiting beliefs being replaced with affirmations.

Compassion is the absence of judgment. Compassion is complete acceptance of another’s humanness. We believe being compassionate is to alleviate another’s suffering through sympathy, empathy, or helping them to understand their situation from a different perspective. But it is really about just being there for that person, without conditions.

Somewhere down the line compassion has gotten mixed up with being “wound-mates” (quip coined by Carolyn Myss). That is the reason people should always be careful when considering a support group. You want to make sure the group fits like a good bra: it lifts and separates, rather than creating a petri dish for wounds and past hurts. I don’t even like the word “support” because it sets the tone for not being able to stand on your own–ever. We always should be creating positive beliefs versus negative ones. We all have the capacity for compassion, and we need to extend our willingness to understand another without creating a need for dependency; it is kindness without conditions.
Compassion is not pity. Compassion is not assistance. Compassion is experienced. Compassion is experienced by someone through someone that is balanced and happy. Compassion means you have the ability to understand another’s pain, but not own that pain. Compassion is loving neutrality. You are with them, You are within. That moment is compassion. Compassion is without words–it is flow. When you are feeling compassionate, there is a moment where you are truly outside of yourself (or ego), and you make a sincere effort to understand the other person’s situation. Compassion is the flow of the Divine Source through you to another–again, without conditions.

Compassion is not the action or the reaction. Compassion is the moment you connect with your source in order to help another connect with his or her source.

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