Are you addicted to cute, to witty, to “profound”? It’s time to go on a diet…

cute-cat-picture010Faced with hundreds of links and too many choices, humans naturally gravitate to the easiest-to-process content, not the best. One of the secrets of winners is that in order to win, they go on an information diet… It cannot be … Continue reading

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Are you addicted to cute, to witty, to “profound”? It’s time to go on a diet…

The dangers of having empathy…

understandI saw something really important this morning. One of my students is planning to build a business that he can do while working for a big corporation full time. He knows what he wants to do. He knows why he … Continue reading


The dangers of having empathy…

The path to freedom and happiness in a world where neither freedom nor happiness are supported

I have gotten to a point in reading Freud’s book where I am now clear where what he says and what I know to be effective in facilitating happiness in humans. Here is what is going on… psychologically, socially, and … Continue reading

See the original post:

The path to freedom and happiness in a world where neither freedom nor happiness are supported

Merry Christmas

Pink-RC-HelicopterIn this article I will quote the email of the most successful Internet Marketer I know. He makes many millions of dollars for himself a year, helping other entrepreneurs make even more millions for themselves. He has 30 active DNA … Continue reading

Originally posted here:

Merry Christmas

In life you are either a nerd or you are a floater

watch the movie gattacaAre you a nerd? In life you are either a nerd or you are a floater. The two most important characteristics of a nerd is that they know what is most important to them, and that they love it. I … Continue reading

Read this article: 

In life you are either a nerd or you are a floater

Are Chakras Real? Does the Third Eye sit on our forehead? Is your Sight working because I activated it?

Like with all things spiritual, humans in all ages, reversed the statement “god created man to his own image” and created gods to their own image. Ugh… I am not familiar with all religions, and religions is not what I … Continue reading

Read original article: 

Are Chakras Real? Does the Third Eye sit on our forehead? Is your Sight working because I activated it?

Connecting to Source your way… what are you connecting to?

what are you connecting to?I think we humans are alternating between two extremes: being slavish, and being arrogant. Either extreme is detrimental to your growth as a person. I have been in an email exchange with a woman who tries to connect every day, … Continue reading


Connecting to Source your way… what are you connecting to?

The lesson of Doctor Who for those who want to raise their vibration

Doctor-Who-CollageI published an article on Doctor Who a week or so ago: I did not write that article, no matter what you thought when you read it. That article was written before the current Doctor came to the scene. The … Continue reading

Read this article: 

The lesson of Doctor Who for those who want to raise their vibration

If you keep forgetting what you are up to… or if you keep procrastinating

The fear of losing sight of what you want…

You know what you want. And you want to march to it now. But of course the world doesn’t work that way, you need to sleep, eat, go to the bathroom, job, family…

Then opportunities knock. For some, opportunities for fun and companionship. For others, adventure, business, learning.

They say: don’t take your eyes off the ball… That turns out to be another myth that takes away your power to reach your goal, to get what you want.

Nothing can be reached by a straight line, except the refrigerator, the TV and your bed. Oh, and facebook and youtube… Even my site…

So how does this really work?
Continue reading “If you keep forgetting what you are up to… or if you keep procrastinating”

Ayahuasca opens you and your friends up to be annihilated

ayahuascaHumans are the hapless, ignorant, trappers of their brethren. I have written about the client who, without asking me, went and done an Ayahuasca retreat, then continued to drink that stuff after he returned home. Result: I needed to do … Continue reading

See more here:  

Ayahuasca opens you and your friends up to be annihilated