The core influence exercise

heart-1This post is a summary of the presentation of Frank Kern about Core Influence. This is really powerful EXERCISE for everyone. It will definitely change the way of you relate to yourself and your life. What is your Core Influence? … Continue reading

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The core influence exercise

A good method to find yourself and know yourself… your core


I often catch myself stingy… if that is really what the beingness is Some 30 years ago I started a magazine. I didn’t want to put my own picture in the magazine, so I put a woman’s picture there who … Continue reading


A good method to find yourself and know yourself… your core

For every complex problem there is an answer that is clear, simple, and wrong.

yes-noWhat I didn’t say in the last article about conscious awareness and discipline, is probably as important as what I did say. Lots of people argue that your subconscious or your ego are more important than what you are aware … Continue reading

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For every complex problem there is an answer that is clear, simple, and wrong.

Rewiring the brain: The chains of habit are too weak to be felt until they are too strong to be broken.

mortal-immortalMost of you live life as if you lived forever. You are patient when it comes to doing what you set out to do, have long term goals and aspirations for your life, that you do nothing about. You are … Continue reading

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Rewiring the brain: The chains of habit are too weak to be felt until they are too strong to be broken.

When the guru is wrong…

crazy-bald-guruGurus are wrong too. When a guru is willing to admit to having been wrong, a whole world of learning flows from that act of courage, that act of grace. I have made a mistake and I had my learning. Painful… But an opportunity to grow. Continue reading

Original article:  

When the guru is wrong…

Updated: Soul Correction: Finish What You Start

suck-you-drySoul Correction: Finish What You Start Update 7/10/2016: The archetype is the flatterer scam artist. If you are their victim: They will hook you with their compliments, flattery, while suck you dry, take you for your last dime, without ever … Continue reading


Updated: Soul Correction: Finish What You Start

Only people who are willing to go to hell and back can have real compassion and be happy.

rememberingIt’s been a weird couple of days. Every time I stop doing something my mind goes to evil acts I have seen in movies or read about in books. It started with the Marco Polo series on Netflix. I realized … Continue reading

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Only people who are willing to go to hell and back can have real compassion and be happy.

When your life is looked at through a different filter, you see something you have never seen

portraits-holding-devices-removed-eric-pickersgill-22Photographer Removes Phones From Photos To Highlight Our Terrible Addiction earth porm How addicted are you to your cell phone? The real answer may surprise you. “Removed” is an awesome photo project by American photographer Eric Pickergill that highlights our … Continue reading

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When your life is looked at through a different filter, you see something you have never seen

One path to Self you may want to take

One of the capacities you want to cultivate is the capacity of being in awe. Awestruck, awe-inspired. Why? Because unless you can be moved on the inside, you are dead and I can’t help you… nobody can. Unless you can … Continue reading

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One path to Self you may want to take

5 Characteristics Of Grit — How Many Do You Have?

14b6951Reprinted from Forbes… Recently some close friends visited, both of whom have worked in education with adolescents for over 40 years. We were talking about students in general and when I asked what has changed with regards to the character … Continue reading

Originally posted here:  

5 Characteristics Of Grit — How Many Do You Have?