You live in a world of your own design… You don’t like the design?

re-united-states-bill-clintonYou live in a world of your own design But how do you build a world of your own design? Everyone hopes that this sentence “you live in a world of your own design” means that you can change your … Continue reading

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You live in a world of your own design… You don’t like the design?

Jane Roberts, Seth, other channelers… Vibrational Review

All channelers are fakes, frauds, impostors. There are no entities that can be channeled. Reality is a lot simpler than that. You CAN tune into the Zero Point Field, I have been, but it is much less colorful, much less … Continue reading

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Jane Roberts, Seth, other channelers… Vibrational Review

The only spiritual practice that raises your vibration, and can take you all the way

UNFRAGMENTEDIf you live a fragmented life… your life is full of wanting to, having to, needing to and should. The common thread that can unify your life, the different areas, is who you are. But if you don’t know who … Continue reading

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The only spiritual practice that raises your vibration, and can take you all the way

Wanting to win is a survival game. Low vibration, low consciousness

mouse-running-on-wheelIf you play to win, you’ll always play a small game. Play to win in anything. Win friends, and influence people. Win an argument Win a competition Win at cards Win a reward, a salary, a compliment to look smart, … Continue reading

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Wanting to win is a survival game. Low vibration, low consciousness

The chemicals in your food: are they a big threat?

“They” trained you to pay attention to one thing… chemicals in your food, in your water, in your environment. But that is a diversionary technique, designed to dupe you… like in the 3-card monte. And your health is now reliably under 10%… and you are dumb, sick, and only scraping by in life. Continue reading

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The chemicals in your food: are they a big threat?

Abilities that are not available until your health number is above 50%

Survival-ModeWhen you are not well, you are in survival mode. Everything is an is, and the questions you ask are from that “is”. When you are well, you can start to ask different questions, that widen your cone of vision, … Continue reading

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Abilities that are not available until your health number is above 50%

It takes tweaking to get things right… including your diet

Aldous Huxley on the toxic state of humanity's health, manufactured by industryI find that most people want to be mindless… Get a solution and never look again, never think again. Tai calls this: an experiment run too long. But for most people experiments are non-existent. They want to live their lives … Continue reading

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It takes tweaking to get things right… including your diet

What does the “good food” you eat do to your body?

alzheimers-brain-image_largeThe so called good foods you eat are killing you. Because unless they are a perfect match to what your body is used to, what your body can use safely, these good foods are harmful. Bad news? Hell yeah… but also a life saver. Continue reading

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What does the “good food” you eat do to your body?

Want to be high vibration? Leave the basement of your being… get well.

I woke up this morning. For the second day in a row, I am bursting of energy, more energy than I know what to do with. I have been sorting my laundry. I have been cleaning the stove top, the … Continue reading

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Want to be high vibration? Leave the basement of your being… get well.

Why it is so hard to care, why is it so hard to be good to yourself?

victor_labouCaring One of my students bought the subscriber special deal last night… but after paying, she didn’t go and get it, so I had to do it manually for her. She said when I brought this up: “My daughter was … Continue reading


Why it is so hard to care, why is it so hard to be good to yourself?