Are you healthy enough to have meaning to your life? Purpose?

Meaning: Following THAT Star. The alternative is Meaningless.

This is my quest: to follow that star, no matter how hopeless, no matter how far. Humans are strange animals: they need meaning to make their lives to feel more than just … Continue reading

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Are you healthy enough to have meaning to your life? Purpose?

Religion, smart Jews, and being a good person… what do spiritual capacities have to do with it?

This article is politically incorrect, and somewhat philosophical… Not up for it? Spare yourself frustration, and don’t read it. OK… now that only the eleven or so readers that are up for it remain reading, I can be blunt, and … Continue reading

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Religion, smart Jews, and being a good person… what do spiritual capacities have to do with it?

Being judgmental is a result of your health number being low

One of my ex-students got offended when I suggested that she does her homework instead of having excuses. She left and she stopped visiting my site… I felt the ‘F… you’ from her… When I asked yesterday if she was … Continue reading


Being judgmental is a result of your health number being low

Coherence… why it goes away when you are under duress…

…and how to get into the flow… with practice. I found this video on youtube, that many of you should watch. Especially if you get all scared when I ask you to comment, to come to a call, etc. Please… … Continue reading

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Coherence… why it goes away when you are under duress…

You are in trouble… And you don’t know that you don’t know that you are in trouble

One of the most educational experiences is to listen in to Dr Wallach’s radio show. It’s on youtube. But before you rush, let me tell you what to listen for. People ask about a disease. A problem. Although Dr. Wallach’s … Continue reading


You are in trouble… And you don’t know that you don’t know that you are in trouble

How Healthy are you?

healthYesterday I sent out a request to my subscribers asking for a health question that you have answered to yourself and you live that way one or more actual health questions that concern you, with regards to your health or … Continue reading

Read this article – 

How Healthy are you?

Attachments are like snakes you have hanging from you

snakes-like-attachmentsI am trying to organize the information I provide people when they ask for their vibration, or whether they have attachments or not. On a lark I measured if the student in the previous article had attachments. She felt so … Continue reading

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Attachments are like snakes you have hanging from you

When something isn’t working consider that it’s because there is something that you don’t know.

When something isn’t working consider that it’s because there is something that you don’t know. Whether the something that isn’t working is money, love, health, business, school… the answer is always “there is something you don’t know.” The brilliance of … Continue reading


When something isn’t working consider that it’s because there is something that you don’t know.

What determines how you and your life turn out?

what you see and what you do are like the front and the back or the hand: inseparableWhat is the mechanism of the machine that you are, that is used to define your actions, your moods, your attitude? As I said in a few previous articles, your actions, your thoughts, your moods, your attitudes will be correlated … Continue reading

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What determines how you and your life turn out?

The natural law that prevents you from growing

how far are you willing to swim from your deserted island?What is the natural law that prevents you from having human being capacities while preserving the seed of right and wrong. Just like the seed needs to die, before the plant can grow, a new version of humanity depends on … Continue reading

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The natural law that prevents you from growing