What you see will give you your mood, your emotions, and your actions… what do you see?

the-problem-with-some-peopleWhen I find an issue that a student is struggling or not dealing well with, I often write an article. The issue here, I guess, is universal. It has two parts: you can’t see the big picture, the forest, for … Continue reading

Continued here – 

What you see will give you your mood, your emotions, and your actions… what do you see?

When you lose sight of the big picture of your life… A follow up to the cycles article

mahatma-gandhi-about-humanity-3This is follow-up to the Cycles of life article, aka the depression article. The biggest picture is so big, that your whole life fits in there, with every aspect of it. For example health: the reason to be healthy so … Continue reading

Taken from: 

When you lose sight of the big picture of your life… A follow up to the cycles article

What causes success?

When you have a success, when you have even had a successful life, people ask you what you attribute it to. What was responsible for your success. They ask you so they can learn from you. But… it is hard … Continue reading

Link – 

What causes success?

Intelligence is like money: it can buy you a lot or it can buy you junk

  Get Rid of Frustration Once and for All? I just pulled the energetic attachments from two guys, and I had an insight while I was doing it. Both guys are frustrated: given how smart they are, their results should … Continue reading

View the original here:  

Intelligence is like money: it can buy you a lot or it can buy you junk

Do you respect money? If not, you pay the price…

Why is respect hard and rare? Because respect includes the capacity and the willingness to look again, but this time look from a different vantage point, preferable from the point of view of the other person. Of the big picture, … Continue reading


Do you respect money? If not, you pay the price…

How do you know if a program or method works or not?

A better question: How do you know if a program or method will work for you or not? That is a crucial question. A program may work, but you won’t like it you will be afraid to do what you … Continue reading

Read original article:  

How do you know if a program or method works or not?

How to beat the “I don’t know what to do…” and “I don’t know how…”

I have ten unfinished articles on my desktop. It doesn’t feel I have enough to say in any of them to make them a real article.

This one is starting out the same way, to become an unfinished article. I don’t know what to say. I don’t know how to make it a good article.

The base of this article an insight I had just now, five minutes ago.

The situation was: I have been screwing up everything I touched today. Watch my language, by the way.

So, I told myself: “Don’t be a jumping jack. Look before you leap.”

I closed my eyes, and I heard the little voice say: “I don’t know what to look at!” Whiny tone, imagine a 3 year old saying it.
Continue reading “How to beat the “I don’t know what to do…” and “I don’t know how…””


Which is the most important when it comes to succeeding in the world?

  1. Your vibration,
  2. your intelligence,
  3. your skills,
  4. your context,
  5. your vision,
  6. metal toughness
  7. your habits?
  8. your attitude

Continue reading “THE BATTLE FOR YOUR LIFE”

If you keep forgetting what you are up to… or if you keep procrastinating

The fear of losing sight of what you want…

You know what you want. And you want to march to it now. But of course the world doesn’t work that way, you need to sleep, eat, go to the bathroom, job, family…

Then opportunities knock. For some, opportunities for fun and companionship. For others, adventure, business, learning.

They say: don’t take your eyes off the ball… That turns out to be another myth that takes away your power to reach your goal, to get what you want.

Nothing can be reached by a straight line, except the refrigerator, the TV and your bed. Oh, and facebook and youtube… Even my site…

So how does this really work?
Continue reading “If you keep forgetting what you are up to… or if you keep procrastinating”

Soul Correction Actions: Part 2: Fear – the flip side: living dangerously

The blog was created to be a hub of all the enthusiasts and even the experts to provide useful information for the beginners. This blog has grown to be a comprehensive portal for people who have an interest in the subject.

A lot of readers have voted this blog to be a very good place to start when learning about it. We have sections that tackle the subject in general and we also have an extensive library of specialized information.

galileo-scientist-entrepreneur-memeFear is natural. And we “respond” to fear according to our habitual ways, which is largely imprinted in our soul correction. Just like there is procrastination and there is precrastination, both are fear based, there is also the phenomenon of … Continue reading

See the original post – 

Soul Correction Actions: Part 2: Fear – the flip side: living dangerously
It’s great to read that someone at least knows the ‘ins’ and ‘outs’, isn’t it? Amongst our readers, this article really turned the tide on the debate that was taking place.

Many readers have given us feedback to say they are going to tackle their the subject in a very different way as a result. Will you?