Your health number… thoughts from the starting point tests I’ve done

hippocratesHippocrates said: food will be your medicine. Let’s look at that statement from my experience with myself, and with my clients. Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food. – attributed to Hippocrates Lay people (you) jump into … Continue reading

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Your health number… thoughts from the starting point tests I’ve done

The wider the availability of food, the less healthy people become

drunk-critterEvery plant is toxic. Every animal is toxic. To one degree or other. The difference between plants and other plants, from your point of view, is what plant your body can use without much harm, because your body has evolved … Continue reading

Source article – 

The wider the availability of food, the less healthy people become

How do you decide if you have value or not?

Do-You-Have-Value-Question2How do you decide if you have value or not? This article’s purpose is to widen your understanding of value… so you can start valuing yourself, at last. The current state of this area: deciding on your value is abysmal… … Continue reading

See original – 

How do you decide if you have value or not?

Just because someone’s vibration is low today…

the-future-is-not-set-in-stone-and-even-if-it-was-stone-can-be-broken-quote-1…it doesn’t mean that they are a bad person. Or that vibration, that future is set in stone… Your vibration is an accurate snapshot of where you are on the vibrational scale today. Your guru, your spouse, your boss… or … Continue reading

Original post: 

Just because someone’s vibration is low today…

Get well first. I can’t take people to spiritual growth unless they are well

health-spiritualitySource says: You can’t take people to spiritual growth, people who are not well… This is the signal I have been waiting for. To be able to do Source’s work, I have surrendered to giving you what you want. You … Continue reading


Get well first. I can’t take people to spiritual growth unless they are well

Call me blunt, call me judgmental… I don’t care.

indicatorsI am going to share, in this article, some of the judgmental sounding questions I ask when I try to get a full picture about someone who is asking for help. As you probably don’t know, judgment comes from ego, … Continue reading

Read this article – 

Call me blunt, call me judgmental… I don’t care.

You are in trouble… And you don’t know that you don’t know that you are in trouble

One of the most educational experiences is to listen in to Dr Wallach’s radio show. It’s on youtube. But before you rush, let me tell you what to listen for. People ask about a disease. A problem. Although Dr. Wallach’s … Continue reading


You are in trouble… And you don’t know that you don’t know that you are in trouble

How context can unify a fragmented life and make it a seamless life?

fragmented-lifeIt is time to rewrite the book, Truth versus Falsehood, on muscle testing, measuring for truth, and other practices that most everybody uses to cover up that they don’t know. To cover up that they are amateurs out to get … Continue reading

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How context can unify a fragmented life and make it a seamless life?

What is health?

what-is-healthA German who escaped just before all the Jews were hoarded into concentration camps in Germany, came to the United States. His name was Robert Hartman. His experience with evil uniquely qualified him to set out to deal with the … Continue reading


What is health?

Against self criticism and the 4-day weekend

One of the rarest and most functional capacities is the capacity to allow… without resistance. Resistance uses a lot of energy, mostly the energy that you need to become successful, to do the right thing, to be well, and to … Continue reading

Link to original: 

Against self criticism and the 4-day weekend