Theta Healing – Belief and Feeling Work to Improve Health, Empower the Mind, Closer to the Divine

Are you finding the information on the subject confusing? Perhaps you are finding much of the information contradictory? If so, you are not alone. That’s the reason why we developed our website. We spent time trying to gather the facts for ourselves, unfortunately, what we found didn’t help us make decisions at all.

Have a look at the article below. It presents the facts in such an easy language that we were able to understand it immediately. If it helps clear the fog for you, please let your friends know about our website, as it might be useful for them also.

Parasram Maharaj asked:

Theta Healing practitioners do readings, pray for healings, pray for manifestations, clear radiation, send a call out for the clients’ most compatible soul mate, and many more. However, the most important application of theta healing is the removal of negative beliefs from the subconscious mind and the “download” or re-programming of the subconscious mind with new beliefs and feelings. With respect to feelings, what can take a person a lifetime to learn can be downloaded in seconds with theta healing.

Theta Healing, and other sources, teaching that this world is an illusion and the real world is the spirit realm. This world is one big complex hologram projection from our subconscious mind. How do we all have the same programming? We all share the same DNA, 99% of it and programming about this life, planet, laws of gravity, sun, moon, stars, and so on, are all the same in this 99% DNA. However, by changing these beliefs we can witness and experience instant healings, attract our most compatible soul mate (we attract our mates with positive and negative subconscious beliefs), financial abundance and whatever we desire for the greater good.

The subconscious mind have beliefs from this present life (conception to present, especially from the first seven years of our life), genes from seven past generations, past lives and at the soul level from exceptionally deep emotional events from any of lives, past or present. As implied, most of these beliefs are subconscious and totally oblivious to us.

Theta Healing use a process call digging to find and replace the bottom belief. It is not necessary to replace every single negative belief. However, many, if not all, beliefs are stacked, just like a stack of cans; removing the bottom can collapses all above it, in exactly the same manner removing the bottom belief collapses all above it. To arrive at this bottom belief the theta practitioner ask questions like who, why, what, when and how, all the while listening to the creator, the client and reading the client’s body language. A successful outcome takes one or more sessions because everyone is unique and every circumstance is unique.

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Why Do I Keep Attracting the Same Kind of Mate?

Are you finding the information on the subject confusing? Perhaps you are finding much of the information contradictory? If so, you are not alone. That’s the reason why we developed our website. We spent time trying to gather the facts for ourselves, unfortunately, what we found didn’t help us make decisions at all.

Have a look at the article below. It presents the facts in such an easy language that we were able to understand it immediately. If it helps clear the fog for you, please let your friends know about our website, as it might be useful for them also.

Denika Laurie asked:

Many times throughout our life, we find that we end up repeating certain patterns, certain patterns that may not serve us in an ideally favorable way. We meet people in different scenarios and different life experiences hoping for something new and exciting, but instead, get dealt a bad deck of cards, or so we believe. Why do I always get the men/women that treat me like crap? Why do I always get the men/women that don’t support me and my dreams? Why do I always get the men/women that only want me for my money? All of these are questions that are commonly asked, yet the person asking the question usually fails to look within them to figure out what beliefs they have that are attracting those same people over and over and over again.

You Believe You Must Go Through This

For everything that we do, there is always an underlying reason or a key belief, as we like to call them in Theta Healing. You see, you have these belief programs that are running in your subconscious like the hard drive on your computer. These key beliefs of yours go all the way back to your childhood, to your family genes, and even to your soul. Somewhere within the system of beliefs, you may be feeling like the only way you can be fulfilled is to have problems in a relationship. Maybe this is your way of proving to yourself that you are resilient or tenacious. Perhaps having problems in a relationship make you feel like you have purpose in life. Maybe, just maybe, you’ve been told by family and friends that it is “normal” to experience the things that you have been experiencing in your relationships and there is nothing you can do about it.

These beliefs are affecting your feelings and your actions toward your loved one. In fact, the beliefs are so strong that it affects the way you carry yourself, the way you perceive yourself to the opposite sex, and even how you respond to the opposite sex and it probably goes beyond all of that.

The truth is that you don’t HAVE TO continue going through what you are experiencing unless you choose too.

You Are Still Holding Onto Resentments, Regrets, or Grudges

The majority of the time that we spend trying to recreate or reinvent ourselves is wasted simply because we refuse to let go of resentments or regrets. We usually create the resentments as a need to protect ourselves from getting hurt by that same person or the same type of circumstance. Grudges and resentments go hand in hand and if you remove one, you can easily remove the other. Regrets are things that hold us in a pool of low self esteem and you know, there isn’t too much that you can get done without good esteem. Esteem affects your personal power, so the more you dwell on regrets, the more you relinquish your personal power.

The Women/Men in Your Family Have the Same Type Of Problems

Have you ever had anyone in your family that you looked up to or considered a role model? Sure you did. Even if you didn’t, the people in your family affected you in ways that you probably still have yet to comprehend. You can be repeating the life patterns of your family members. In fact, there could be a part of you that believes that if certain family members weren’t happy in their love life, then you won’t be or don’t deserve to be. It can be any number of things as beliefs, feelings, fears, and behaviors are passed down genetically.

You Don’t Deserve To Have A Good Relationship

Have you ever caught yourself saying “this is too good to be true” or “good things don’t happen to me”? How about this one: you are experiencing a wonderful time with your loved one and because you haven’t found anything wrong YET, you are just waiting for the unthinkable to happen. I could go on with many examples, but I think you get the idea. The point is that for some reason, on a subconscious level, you don’t believe you deserve to live a good life. You might even find you’re sabotaging the relationship because you are afraid of getting hurt or that something was going to go wrong sooner or later. You just don’t know how to accept good things and good people whole heartedly. This has a lot to do with self acceptance, self trust, and self love. With all of the examples that I mentioned above, Theta Healing can remove all of these things and more, in an instant and then replace it with something more positive, empowering, and life changing.

If our outer world is a reflection of our inner world, then what parts of ourselves have we yet to face? Most of you have found a way to cope with the things that have hurt you. You either ignore it and hope it goes away and pretend it never happened or you complain about it so much that everyone around you knows about it. In doing these two things, you are shutting down yourself and not allowing yourself to live life freely. If you choose to continue living your life not facing your weaknesses or traumas, then life itself will be your constant reminder that you need to deal with this in order to move on. The key word here is being able to “move on” and moving on is not ignoring a situation or jumping into another relationship right away to make the pain go away. If you cannot take time to be alone to recuperate from a bad relationship then you have yet to learn what love is and even worse, you have yet to understand your personal power which was developed even more so from that last relationship.

In the end, you have to consider the quality of life that you want to live. Feeling good and being happy is an internal process that takes time to develop, but once you reach that state, the happiness and peace will always be there no matter what happens in your relationship. Clear up the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual clutter in your life and then you will attract/find someone who has done the same, and this is what will allow you to experience a new kind of life, a new kind of love. Besides, after you clear up your clutter, your standards are going to change and how you feel about what you want will change too. This will create a different aura around you that will bring you the new life experiences that you desire and deserve.

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8 Key Benefits of Theta Brainwaves

Are you looking for information about the subject? Here in this blog, we will tackle the different aspects, fundamentals and other points of interest about the subject. Many readers and enthusiasts find that this blog is a great place to start if you are new to the subject.

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George R. Swisher asked:

Among all five brainwave frequencies, Theta is the second slowest, ranging in frequency from 4Hz to 7Hz. It is only faster than Delta, the slowest brainwave frequency. Theta Brainwaves have been associated with sleep and dreaming. Theta is usually the predominant brainwave in your brain when you experience intense relaxation, high levels of creativity, random thoughts and super learning. Also, when you are in a state of deep sleep, Theta is the prevalent pattern.

Before going any further, it is safe to say something about brainwaves which might as well apply to life in general. Everything is good in moderation. When you have too few or too much of anything, you might likely get into trouble. For example, if you don’t drink water, you risk dehydration, but if you drink too much of it, you risk getting hyponatremia. Same goes for brainwaves. Lack of Theta brainwaves can cause neurosis, while too many of them can cause ADHD.

These are a few of the benefits associated with moderate, healthy Theta Brain wave activity:

Intense Relaxation. When you are awake, there hardly is any Theta brainwave activity. However, Theta brainwaves are known for their intense relaxation benefits, which are mostly experienced by seasoned meditators and children.

Emotional Connection. Theta brainwaves are also associated with deep, intense emotions. When you learn how to consciously access your Theta state of mind, you are able to understand your emotions better.

High Intuition This is one benefit of Theta brain waves that comes as a result of its proximity to the Delta range. When Theta is your dominant brainwave pattern, your intuition heightens.

Language Learning. Ever wondered why children have such a gift when it comes to picking up new languages? Researchers believe children’s increased Theta brain wave activity has something to do with it.

Better Immune System. Theta brain waves are associated with zero stress and zest. When you are stressed and anxious, your body releases chemicals that weaken your immune system. When you are in Theta, quite the opposite happens, your brain releases neurotransmitters that help to strengthen your immune system.

Better Long-term Memory. The memory center in your brain is the hippocampus, which has a dominant Theta pattern. When it is normal, your ability to recall events, data and distant memories increases.

Subconscious Programming. When Theta is the dominant brainwave pattern, your brain is unusually open to new ideas and suggestions. In Theta is where you could modify your deepest unconscious beliefs and your emotional blockages, using affirmations and neuro linguistic programming.

Deep Healing. Theta brainwaves have long been considered the ideal brainwave rhythm to renew, restore and heal the body and the mind. This is so because it balances out the brain’s sodium-potassium ion ratio that Beta brainwaves throw out of sync.

If you think you could benefit from increasing your Theta brainwave activity, you should consider doing some meditation or trying hypnosis and self-hypnosis programs. There are also brainwave entrainment tools, such as BrainEv, which are more comprehensive and not only do they help you increase your Theta brainwave activity, but all types of brainwaves. With BrainEv, you can boost your memory, speed you learning and increase your energy.

Read articles on how to use self-healing to get unstuck

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One thing is for sure, information on this subject is available all over the Internet and this article is one of many articles available on the subject. We love writing on this subject and have presented our point of view. Feel free to look around and explore our site for more the subject information.

Dr Sangeeta Sahi Interview

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Damien Senn asked:

Dr Sangeeta Sahi is an inspiration. Not only is she a qualified medical doctor she also holds an Masters of Business Administration (MBA) (a rare feat by anyones imagination!)

She is currently breaking ground in the field of Quantum Medicine and has been the catalyst for helping many people to heal their bodies of debilitating sickness, stress and addictive behaviourial patterns.

The Interview.

DS: What inspired you to qualify as Medical Doctor?

SS: There was no conscious inspiration. It was a natural unfolding, I suppose. I’m the fourth generation of doctors in my family, so Medicine is just there, in the blood as it were, in the DNA. When I was a child I played with plastic syringes, when most girls were playing with their dolls. I also loved eating the homeopathic sugar pills, in which homeopathic remedies were carried, they were my sweeties. Silly childhood memories, but those experiences shaped my future, or maybe my future was already playing itself out in my childhood? Who knows, but I’m certain, especially with the Quantum Medicine work I’m doing now that it came from a deep desire to heal and cure people of their dis-eases.

Throughout my life, I’ve had a profound fascination with the human body, not just as a formidable machine but also what REALLY makes it work, and that has fuelled my fascination with consciousness, because that is the ONLY thing that makes it work.

I remember being an intern and noticing that many patients came back to me, just to sit and talk and they would leave feeling so much better. Active listening, which is another name for caring and coming from that space of non judgemental love really heals, but as a doctor you don’t get the time to be able to develop or exercise those very natural skills often.

DS: I’m impressed that you also have an Masters of Business Administration (MBA). What influenced you to undertake business studies as well?

SS: The MBA was very interesting. The subject is quite unique, in fact, only one of its kind, taught in Paris – International Luxury Brand Management. Most people couldn’t see the connection between that and my medical work, but actually it’s quite simple. The whole luxury industry is based on sensuality – that which affects the senses consequently affects how we feel about ourselves, our bodies and our health.

When I joined the MBA I was interested in setting up an ayurvedic cosmetic and skin care brand specialising in laser energised creams and colour cosmetics. A good friend of mine, a medical doctor from Johns Hopkins in the States, had designed a laser which could reverse time using dynamic holography and time reverse wave technology. He was at the time using this to energise nutritional supplements such as amino acids, vitamins, minerals, which when ingested would reverse the dis-ease patterns of high blood pressure, diabetes and other chronic disorders from the DNA. I felt I could use the same technology with ayurvedic cosmetics and skin care and really effect cellular level age reversal, not just anti-aging. Through this work I came across DNA activation and Theta Healing.

DS: Tell me a little more about Theta Healing and your upcoming London workshop.

SS: The technology is now available to show that in between our two physical strands of DNA are a number of electromagnetic strands. These strands lie dormant in most of us, but when activated they activate the cells to generate a whole new range of electrical impulses which stimulate the release of different chemicals to the brain. This facilitates an increased level of awareness at the sensory level and an awakening of powerful healing abilities at the physical level.

The Theta Healing workshop is designed to train people to bring their conscious minds into a theta state, which is when the brain waves are travelling at 4-7 Hz per cycle per second. In this state it is easy to connect to the Universal Energy Source, that space of Unconditional Love, of GRACE and to effect any changes, healings, manifestations that we choose to experience in any moment of our existence CONSCIOUSLY.

Everyone has a right to experience an instantaneous healing. If that is not experienced, it means that there are belief systems which are held in the subconscious mind which are preventing it. In the theta state of consciousness we are able to identify those beliefs and delete them and activate new ones which are more empowering for our present lives. These beliefs affect our DNA, which manifests in the body as physical dis-ease or imbalances.

During the workshop the Youth and Vitality chromosome in the pineal gland is activated, which reverses the aging process and toxins and radiation are pulled from the cells of the body as well as learning about different planes of existence.

Using this technology we have the ability to change our DNA and our genetics, not only for ourselves but also for future generations. It’s accelerating evolution.

DS: What sort of people attend your workshops and what benefits do they receive from your teachings?

SS: All sorts of people attend the workshops. I’ve taught these workshops in America, India and England to people interested in personal evolution and in being more powerful healers. People who have profoundly benefitted from my past workshops include;

– Healers who want to understand the science aspect of the healing work,
– Scientists who want to learn how to have a more potent connection with the Unconditional Love Source.
– those interested in healing themselves or loved ones of chronic, sometimes terminal dis-ease patterns.

The benefits include releasing of addictive behaviour patterns of smoking, alcoholism, drugs, over eating which may take years of psychotherapy are released. This is achieved using the Universal Energy Source of GRACE which is infinite and unlimited. There is nothing that cannot be experienced using this Source.

There are huge shifts which occur during the workshops, for everyone. Learning to balance our brain chemicals and ultimately our lives is achieved. Being in that experience of Self Mastery and learning how to apply it in our daily lives is the essence of the technology.

DS: You’ve spent many years studying Quantum Medicine. What do you think are the most exciting new developments in the field?

SS:The most exciting new developments in Quantum Field Medicine are the rapidly growing numbers of medical health care professionals joining the field. Many doctors have attended my workshops and the numbers are consistently growing, which makes me very optimistic about the future of Medicine.

Apart from the ever expanding area of vibrational equipment and machines, people are beginning to realise the magic and that the ultimate power lies within themselves, within their very core and that we are our own walking talking xray machines, MRIs and our own source of medication and our own source of evolution and ultimately our own source of SUPER HUMAN abilities.

Medical Colleges in the United States have introduced Holistic MDs, integrating conventional internal medical programs with complementary therapies and mind-body medicine. Harvard Medical School has introduced a module teaching the healing powers of Prayer!

I’m certain that eventually the Theta Healing work will be taught in medical schools all over the world.

DS: Your work has taken you all over the world, where has been your favourite place?

SS: I’ve had the blessing, the honour, the privilege of not just travelling to different parts of the world but also in living in those places. Each place holds a different range of vibrational frequencies and you know honestly, I feel at home everywhere, because I feel an inherent connection when I’m there. I have a special place in my heart for the island of Kauai and also for Lebanon and Istanbul and funnily enough, more recently San Diego. Perhaps I passed some wonderful experiences there during different phases of my evolution, who knows, but being there felt comfortable and effortless.

DS: Who is the most inspirational person that you’ve worked with?

SS: I’ve met some amazing spiritual masters from the East, shamans from the native American traditions and Australian traditions, Kahunas from Hawaii and magnificent Medical Doctors and Complementary therapists, who I consider to be contemporary, modern day Shamans and Spiritual Masters. All of them have been inspirational and Vianna Stibal who taught me the ancient Theta Healing work in its present form has had a significant influence in my life.
The most inspirational, though, have been my clients and students, without them I would never have grown and I wouldn’t be teaching at all.

DS: You’ve already accomplished so much in your life. What are your plans for the future?

SS: I’ve experienced many things in my life and many aspects of Myself, but the most important thing I’ve learnt is that evolution is interminable and the only thing to experience is a re creation and transformation of one’s self over and over and to experience that multidimensionality.

My next project is a screenplay for a multidimensional movie based on the life of Jelaladdin Rumi. I’m in the process of creating that with my creative partner, Gemini Adams. We’ve just set up a film company called Universal Unification Creations, specifically for consciousness expanding film projects. I was greatly inspired by the Wackowski Brothers who made the Matrix movies. I know we’ll be able to express those very same abilities not too far in the future.

DS: Do you think anyone can live an inspired life?

SS: I believe we all live inspired lives all the time, we are just not aware of it, that’s all. Without the existence of Consciousness and Grace, which is where inspiration comes from, we wouldn’t exist at all. So it’s just a question of the depth of the awareness, which can be awakened at any moment.

How conscious are we of the inspirational moments? How ready and committed are we to take action from the inspirations we receive? How far down the proverbial rabbit hole are we willing to go? What is it that we consciously choose to create in our moments in this realm? And how much are we willing to share our visions and inspirations and enrol others to join us and play with us?

Those are the only questions. The time has come for us to play some more unifying games now, some empowering games, some obviously win-win games, so that we can ALL have fun.

Read articles on how to use self-healing to get unstuck

Obviously, there is a lot more to know about the subject. This brief article is just a start, and the next step is to do some more research. In any case, the tips in the article set the stage for a more detailed treatment of the subject.

Surrender and Betrayal – The Healing Process

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The article below is the latest addition to our site and it is a real education to read. We hope to sparks some ideas for you.

CC Treadway asked:

A few years ago, I was just about to finish an advanced training of one of my favorite techniques, Theta Healing. The Theta Healing technique is based on simple principles. You shift your consciousness into a theta brain wave, state and with your intention travel to the non-dualistic plane of the Creator Level, the 7th plane, and command a healing. Then Creator does the healing and the practitioner witnesses it. According to Vianna Stibal, the founder of Theta Healing, changes are much more likely to occur when in a theta brain wave. If a healing doesn’t work, you start digging for undermining core beliefs, releasing and replacing them.

The group of 10 or so practitioners at this training was particularly good. We were very cohesive and got along well. At the end of the weekend, a woman with cancer came in for a group healing. She had been working with our teacher, Eric Brummet for a little while to clear belief patterns. But now she was in her last days. Her cancer was so widespread you could see it eating away at her tiny body. She had one lung removed and one barely functioning. The right side of her body had all but collapsed, her breathing was labored and she could barely speak. She had already bought her cremation plot. My heart went out to her, and I could feel that despite her condition, she was totally open. When asked if she were ready to receive the healing, she answered with gratitude, “Yes, I am so appreciative of you doing this for me. It means so much. Thank you.”

The group’s intention was solid. Our only job was to hold a state of love in a theta frequency on the 7th plane, and Eric would command that a healing be done on her. We could all feel the intensity of this healing, something special was happening. In the center of the circle, our client completely surrendered. As he commanded the healing, all of us witnessed a clear picture of the cancer energy leaving her. We could feel it in our own cells. After Creator was done healing, which was maybe after a few minutes, she opened her tear filled eyes. Thanking us, she stood up easily for the first time in months. Overwhelmed with emotion she was almost at a loss for words. She told us that she thought the cancer left and that she felt much better. Gratitude overcame her as she continued to thank us profusely. She was breathing, talking and standing with ease. Our hearts were bursting. A few weeks later, it was confirmed by her doctor that she was cancer free.

We did a few group healings like that, but none had those same results. Why did she get the instant healing and not the others?

We have all heard this word so much it’s a clich

Tapping Creativity Through Theta Brain Waves

Are you finding the information on the subject confusing? Perhaps you are finding much of the information contradictory? If so, you are not alone. That’s the reason why we developed our website. We spent time trying to gather the facts for ourselves, unfortunately, what we found didn’t help us make decisions at all.

Have a look at the article below. It presents the facts in such an easy language that we were able to understand it immediately. If it helps clear the fog for you, please let your friends know about our website, as it might be useful for them also.

John P Tyler asked:

Theta brain waves are known for being fuzzy and being an unfocused mental state. Theta is the state of the mind which is dreamlike that oftentimes, you do not remember specific details. However, theta brainwave patterns are also associated with highly creative people such as musicians and artists. It actually helps people develop their creativity.

Creative thinking does not only involve painting, drawing, singing and dancing. Having creativity is used in the interview process as well. Most of the people prepare for a job interview the same old fashioned way. When you want to get hired for a job, you have to stand out from the crowd, this is where creativity enters. You answer the questions of the interviewer originally and uniquely showing off your creative spunk so you will be remembered and hired eventually.

How can you bring out those creative juices from your mind? The dominant pattern of your brainwaves will determine the level of your creativity. Access your inner creativity by learning on how to access first your theta brainwave state.

Accessing the theta brainwave state is hard for a lot of people. It involves deep concentration and focus. Most of the people cannot focus because they have children to think of, they have bills, loans and mortgages to worry about. If you are one of those people, then you need to tap your brainwaves through some great exercises.

To get that theta experience, increase your theta brain waves pattern through the process of brainwave entertainment. It is an exercise where you have to listen to a specific sound frequency in each ear. Sound frequencies influences brainwave patterns so you can alter you default mental state to a more creative one.

Having the theta experience is like going into a daydreaming mode. This is where your creative juices will be best developed. You might be surprised that a lot of top recording artists use theta brain waves when writing new songs or creating a new beat for their album.

Not a lot of people are informed about theta waves and how it could increase a person’s creativity. Now that you do know, make it your advantage to get the job you want, to draw a masterpiece and to live your life more creatively than others.

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Meditation Music – The Fast Free Fall Into Theta and Deep Meditation

The blog was created to be a hub of all the enthusiasts and even the experts to provide useful information for the beginners. This blog has grown to be a comprehensive portal for people who have an interest in the subject.

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Dennis Andrew asked:

For the longest time I couldn’t meditate because I thought it meant emptying the mind of thoughts. But meditation is to shift brainwaves’ state. The emptying of thoughts just happens when meditation is done correctly. When we hear of all the benefits of meditation, like healing, eliminating pain, deep learning, accessing the field of consciousness and so on, it is actually effects of being in a different brainwave frequency or state. It’s just like expecting to get wet if you walk out in the rain, or expecting a sunburn if it’s sunny. Meditation is a means of shifting into different brain waves.

Brain waves are like gears of a car and meditation is like the transmission (the part that holds the gears). Not knowing about brain waves and trying to meditate is like trying to drive a manual car without understanding the gears. You may be able to get it to go by guessing along the way, but it’s definitely not going to be your idea of a comfortable ride. The experience is a night and day difference between someone who understands them and someone who doesn’t. The same goes for meditation.

There are several brain waves that we operate in but the four most commonly known are BETA, ALPHA, THETA, and DELTA in that particular order. To liken it to a car again, that is first, second, third, and fourth gear. Shifting from one to the next can happen within meditation. This “shifting” is known as BRAIN ENTRAINMENT. There are many techniques that can be used to manually shift through these state, but this particular article is about using meditation music with binaural beats. Meditation music with binaural beats is one of the most effective, one of the fastest ways that you can safely shift brain waves.

Binaural beats is a term that refers to two different beats, one for each ear. The brain makes up the difference. So if you have a frequency of 850hz playing in your left ear, and 870hz playing in your right ear, the brain will make up the 20hz difference. Slowly, the frequencies are brought closer together to achieve the desired brainwave state. All music with binaural beats MUST be listened to with stereo headphones. Speakers will not do the job because the frequencies will not be isolated to each ear. The frequencies are usually in the background of some soothing music. They do not have to be picked up by your conscious level of hearing – your brain will pick up on them.

Another tip is to keep your eyes closed throughout the entire meditation process. Lights and colors have different frequencies which typically make it much more difficult to slow down the brain.

Not all meditation music has binaural beats in it. These will work much more slowly, with the exception of isochronic tones, but if the music relaxes you, they can be used. The most effective way to change brainwave frequencies/states with music is to first match your present state, as much as is possible. This will be the BETA state in most cases. I have meditation music free to download on the page listed in my bio. The free meditation music track is designed to bring you from 20hz to 8hz in less than 6 minutes. This will prepare you for Theta. And Theta is the game changer.

Here is a brief overview of the brain wave states.

Beta (12hz-40hz) is our everyday waking state of mind. It is what we operate in most of the day and it is not conducive to deep learning or relaxation. Just imagine driving all day in first gear. Your engine would be screaming but you’d hardly be moving. That’s what we do with our bodies.

The next state is the Alpha (8hz-12hz) brainwave frequencies. This state is very good for focus and deep imprinting onto the mind. The alpha state is associated with deep relaxation and is the beginning of access to the subconscious mind. Information can be inserted 100 times faster and more effectively in the alpha state than in the beta state. It is the state you are in when you sit down to read a book, and all of your relaxed, undivided attention is on that book.

Theta (4hz-8hz) is an incredible state to be in and is ideal for meditation. This is the state where REM(rapid eye movement) or dreaming sleep happens. In the theta and delta states, your Reticular Activating System is inactive. In both Theta and Delta states, infomation can get inserted 1,000 times faster than in the beta state. Potential behavioral changes happen in theta. Influence on the subconscious mind is unrestricted. Changes in genetic patterns can be influenced in the theta state, as well as physical healing. High access to field of consciousness(quantum field) is able to be attained.

The Delta (0.1hz-4hz) is a very deep state, and is usually only reached when in a deep dreamless sleep. It embodies everything in the theta state and more. Extremely high access to the quantum field is in the delta brain waves. HGH(human growth hormone) is released at lower delta frequencies. Pain is eliminated. An extreme sense of oneness is reached.

* Dennis Andrew *


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Exploring Theta Waves – The Exciting Implications of Theta Brain Waves for Learning and Memory

Many people want to know more about the subject. Are you one of them? If so, you might find the following article helpful in your search for information. We hope you find some useful pointers.

Richard M. Frost asked:

Theta waves have been associated with access to the subconscious mind, emotional and physical healing, enhanced creativity, and intuition. The use of meditation techniques to entrain Theta brain waves has become a cottage industry in the form of the “Theta Healing” program. But in this article we shall focus on an aspect of Theta waves that is clearly supported by decades of scientific research – the connection between Theta brain waves, learning, and memory. We will end by recommending further resources for those who wish to apply the power of Theta waves to their own lives.

What Science Tells Us About Theta Waves

In the scientific literature, a distinction is made between the Theta waves recorded in the hippocampus of animal brains and those emanating from the cerebral cortex of human brains. For reasons of bioethics, studies of human brain waves are generally confined to the relatively superficial observations made possible by EEG electrodes attached to the scalp. But experimentation on animals – whether we like it or not – has penetrated much deeper within the brain, including such harsh measures as removing portions of the brain “just to see what happens.”

It is fairly clear that both regions of the brain demonstrate Theta activity in the region of 4 – 7 Hertz, but researchers have been a little reluctant to connect them and have hedged their bets by speculating that the two processes may be independent of one another. Though our knowledge remains incomplete, hippocampal Theta waves are associated with REM sleep and cortical Theta rhythms are similarly associated with the borderline between sleep and waking. (This is why this particular frequency is often targeted by those wishing to have lucid dreams.)

Theta Brain Waves, Learning, and Memory

Theta frequencies are displayed during the performance of short-term memory tasks and seem to be involved in the processing of sensory information and preparation for appropriate body movements in response to that information. Theta brain waves apparently help separate the creation of new memories on a cellular level (long-term potentiation) from the recollection of existing memories cued by sensory stimuli – a precondition for effective learning. This is most clearly demonstrated in spatial learning and navigation.

The Exciting Promise of Theta Waves

The biofeedback research of Thomas Budzynski led him to conclude that Theta waves allow us to absorb new information in an uncritical manner by disarming the ever-vigilant filter of the analytical left hemisphere. This greatly facilitates “re-programming” of belief systems such as concepts of self-worth, and “unlearning” of destructive mental habits. A tremendous amount of new information can be absorbed quickly in the Theta state – and also recalled with great clarity.

When the brain is in this uncritical twilight zone, we have an ideal opportunity to rid ourselves of the negative attitudes that have been holding us back in all phases of our lives. Positive affirmations and creative visualizations will be vastly more effective when our brain’s dominant frequency is the Theta wave.

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Brain Entrainment in Alpha, Beta, Theta and Delta Mind Brain Wave Frequency Brainwaves

Have you just acquired the subject but are unsure how to get the best use out of it? Do you want one but don’t know if it would be the right thing for you?

Have a look at the article below. We are sure it will point you in the right direction. Based on our feedback so far, it has helped hundreds of our readers. While you are here, have a look at some of the other articles as they, too, are filled with advice and tips on how to avoid the common mistakes.

Leon Edward asked:

When the brain is working, electrical activity is happening and this electrical activity actually comes up with what is known as brain wave frequencies. Brain wave patterns are measured in cycles per second, or hertz. Brainwaves come in a variety of different categories. These categories of brainwaves range from least activity to the most activity and they include delta, theta, alpha, beta and now gamma waves are considered in meditation by some. Here is a closer look at these brain wave frequencies and how they affect the body.

Delta Brain Waves

The Delta brain wave frequencies are those that have the lowest amount of activity. Usually they show that you are >in a very deep sleep when exhibiting a high amplitude of only 1 – 4 hertz.. These waves are the slowest and have the highest amplitude. Usually these waves occur when you are deeply sleeping, although these are the dominant waves that infants experience in their first year of life. Within this range, some frequencies are being shown to actually help trigger growth and healing by the body. Although these brainwaves often indicate stage 3 or 4 of sleep, they can occur when you are hyper relaxed or meditating deeply.

Theta Brain Waves

Next you have the Theta brain wave frequencies generally at 6-10 cycles per second, which is not quite as slow as the Delta waves. Usually these brainwaves indicate that you are daydreaming, feeling sleepy, or that you are in the first stages of sleep. Unless adults are meditating, usually they are not in this realm while awake. However, children often show this state under the age of 13. When the body gets into this state, the heart rate and breathing are reduced.

Alpha Brain Waves

The Alpha brainwaves are those that are not quite as fast as the Beta waves, but they are still aster than the Theta and Delta waves. Alpha waves are in the frequency range of 8-12 Hz. Usually these brainwaves show that your mind is relaxed although still aware. When you relax and close your eyes these brainwaves are increased. These brainwaves work to move you towards imagination, thinking that is intuitive, and deep relaxation. They can help you to meditate, relax, and recovery from stress or emotional distress.

Beta Brain Waves

Beta brain wave frequencies occur when the mind is focused and alert. Beta wave oscillate at the frequency range of brain activity from twelve to thirty cycles per second. This is the fast activity of the brain that dominates the brain when you are awake. Usually the frontal lobes of the brain is where these brainwaves are detected and they are seen on both sides of the brain as well. These types of brainwaves are seen when you are teaching, solving problems, assessing situations, having conversations, or doing other processing activities.

Gamma Brain Waves

Brain wave research and many neuro-scientist thoughts do not agree as of yet or have a consensus opinion on gamma brainwaves and there exact measurement. A correlation between these gamma rays which can vary between 40 to 10 hertz and transcendental mental states is claimed by Tibetan Monks for example. Even though this meditative effect is not clear, its role of intense focus while being weak and transient in normal brain activity is agreed on. The details of the mechanisms are beyond the scope of this article.

Meditation Brain Waves

Deep Meditation will exhibit brainwaves through different states with the most common being alpha. However there is increased activity in Gamma with extreme benefits showing in the left prefrontal cortex of the brain. What some refer as a persons Third Eye is – awakened-through meditation in the Theta state. This deep state of relaxation can sometimes be experienced by people undergoing a repetitive yet simple activity as painting or even cutting the lawn. Deep sleep again will allow everyone to experience delta brainwave frequency but there are professionals in the neurosciences who can access your level of unconscious through this state if induced by a brain wave generator in therapy.

Now that you understand a bit more about the various types of brain waves frequency that occur within the brain, you also need to realize that your brain doesn’t just show only one range at once. You brain has all of these frequencies going at one time, but usually one is dominating at the time. Depending on the engagement of your mind, the brainwaves that dominate can vary. Delta brainwaves dominate during deep sleep, while it is the Beta brainwaves that are dominating when your brain is highly engaged.

Read articles on how to use self-healing to get unstuck

There are lots of issues to be considered about the subject, and those that are heavily into the subject are likely to want to know more. Even if this article serves as no more than an introduction, nothing stops you from putting the information to good use.

WWW.GOODNEWS.WS music therapy: Theta Healing (1 of 3)

Are you finding the information on the subject confusing? Perhaps you are finding much of the information contradictory? If so, you are not alone. That’s the reason why we developed our website. We spent time trying to gather the facts for ourselves, unfortunately, what we found didn’t help us make decisions at all.

Have a look at the article below. It presents the facts in such an easy language that we were able to understand it immediately. If it helps clear the fog for you, please let your friends know about our website, as it might be useful for them also.

SUPERGOODNEWS asked: music therapy: Theta Healing (1 of 3) Create Health Wealth and Happiness Now Theta Healing is an exciting, innovative, spiritual based technique that allows you to identify limited belief systems, dissolve deeply held blocks and instantly reprogram the unconscious mind. Theta Healing has had amazing results in changing many people lives from healing serious illnesses to manifesting abundance in all areas of their lives. It teaches people to connect to the divine by accessing the theta state, deep emotional blocks are met and resolved, resulting in immediate, life changing transformations. We learn that it is your subconscious beliefs that create your reality, despite your efforts to consciously think positively and affirm positive thoughts regarding your relationships, health, wealth or career. Theta healing allows you to easily identify these subconscious beliefs that are creating your reality, instantly change them, teach positive feelings, and ultimately realize a new and empowered way of living. We all desire a life of happiness and fullfillment in the many aspects of our existence. It is now proven and validated by the cutting edge of quantum physics that it is our deepest beliefs, attitudes and expectations that shape our life experiences. For instance you may want more success in your life or manifest great health. However, if you have subconscious beliefs and feelings that do not support your ultimate desires such as I am a failure or, I am not

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